Project for my Bachelor Minor -> Embedded Vision Design @ University of Applied Sciences HAN Arnhem en Nijmegen.
The goal of this project to build a small portable lab, with which you can analyze Soil Sample in the field. It will give you results on Particle Size Distribution (PSD), Shape classification and color (in CIE Lab an Redness Index colorspace). The analyse is performed on a Beaglebone Black rev C. with the following image Linux arm 3.8.13-bone68 #1 SMP Sat Nov 22 06:51:58 UTC 2014 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
The soil is analyzed using it optical properties. This is done with an 5MP USB webcam with a maximum magnification of 300x. It has an custom cape with which the user can control the device.
Although it uses openCV most Vision algorithms are custom written (part of my Minor demand). openCV is used for camera aquisition and picture storage mostly.
More info to come.

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