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Pete Warden
Published © Apache-2.0

Face-Following Carousel

A carousel that automatically rotates to face the nearest person. Put a phone, fan, or anything you want to face at you on top!

BeginnerFull instructions provided30 minutes926
Face-Following Carousel

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi Pico
Raspberry Pi Pico
If possible, get the Pico H with pre-soldered headers.
Person Sensor
Useful Sensors Person Sensor
SparkFun Qwiic connector cable with female jumpers
LynxMotion Base Rotate Kit
Hitec HS-422 Servo Motor
Male to Female Jumper Wires

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Phillip Screwdriver


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Carousel Schematics


Person Sensor Carousel


Pete Warden
9 projects • 37 followers


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