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Arduino - Set Schedule via Web

The project shows you how to configure flexibly user variables via Web without hard-coding. Setting Schedule via web is an example.

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Arduino - Set Schedule via Web

Things used in this project


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This is Arduino code.
#include "SPI.h"
#include "Phpoc.h"
#include <EEPROM.h>

#ifndef EOF
#define EOF (-1)

#define CMD_WEB_CLR		5
#define CMD_WEB_UPD		6

#define MAX_SCHEDULE	10

#define	DAY				0
#define START_HOUR		1
#define START_MINUTE	2
#define END_HOUR		3
#define END_MINUTE		4

class EepromCSV
        void clear(void);
        int line(void);
        String readLine(int line);
        void writeLine(String lineStr);

EepromCSV EepromCSV;
PhpocServer configServer(80);
PhpocDateTime datetime;

byte scheduleArray[MAX_SCHEDULE][5];
int numSchedule;

/* Varalble to blink a LED*/
const int ledPin = 7;
int ledState = LOW;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;   
const long interval = 500;  

void setup() {
    Phpoc.begin(PF_LOG_SPI | PF_LOG_NET);

    Serial.print("WebSocket server address : ");

	eepromToSchedule(); // load schedule from EEPROM

	pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
    scheduleLoop(); // check whether there is any config command from Web or not.

	if(isOnSchedule()) { // check whether current time is on schedule or not
		/* TO DO */
		unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

		if(currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
			previousMillis = currentMillis;

			if (ledState == LOW) 
				ledState = HIGH;
				ledState = LOW;

			digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);
	else {
		if (ledState == HIGH) {
			ledState = LOW;
			digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);

void eepromToSchedule(void) {
	String schedule;
	int lineCount = EepromCSV.line();

	if(lineCount > MAX_SCHEDULE)
		lineCount = MAX_SCHEDULE;

	for(int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
		schedule = EepromCSV.readLine(i);

		scheduleArray[i][DAY]			= schedule.substring(0, 1).toInt();
		scheduleArray[i][START_HOUR]	= schedule.substring(2, 4).toInt();
		scheduleArray[i][START_MINUTE]	= schedule.substring(5, 7).toInt();
		scheduleArray[i][END_HOUR]		= schedule.substring(8, 10).toInt();
		scheduleArray[i][END_MINUTE]	= schedule.substring(11, 13).toInt();

	numSchedule = lineCount;
void sendToWeb(String data) {
	char wbuf[18];

    data.toCharArray(wbuf, data.length() + 1);
    configServer.write(wbuf, data.length());
void scheduleLoop(void) {
    PhpocClient client = configServer.available();

    if(client) {
        if(client.available() >= 17) {
			char rbuf[17];
			String data, schedule;
			int cmd;

            client.read(rbuf, 17);
            data = String(rbuf);
            cmd = data.substring(0, 1).toInt();

           if(cmd == CMD_ARDUINO_GET) {
				int lineCount = EepromCSV.line();

                sendToWeb(String(CMD_WEB_CLR) + ",0,00:00,00:00\r\n"); /* tell web clear to load new schedule */

                for(int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
                    schedule = EepromCSV.readLine(i); /* read schedule from EEPROM one by one */
                    sendToWeb(String(CMD_WEB_UPD) + "," + schedule + "\r\n"); /* send schedule to Web */
			else if(cmd == CMD_ARDUINO_CLR) {
                EepromCSV.clear(); /* clear to update new schedule */
				eepromToSchedule(); /* reload schedule from EEPROM */
            else if(cmd == CMD_ARDUINO_ADD) {
                schedule = data.substring(2, 15);
                EepromCSV.writeLine(schedule); /* write schedule to EEPROM */
                eepromToSchedule(); /* reload schedule from EEPROM */
bool isOnSchedule(void) {
	int day, hour, minute;

	day		= datetime.dayofWeek();
	hour	= datetime.hour();
	minute	= datetime.minute();

	for(int i = 0; i < numSchedule; i++) {
		if(day == scheduleArray[i][DAY]) {
			int curTime, startTime, endTime;

			curTime		= hour * 60 + minute;
			startTime	= scheduleArray[i][START_HOUR] * 60 + scheduleArray[i][START_MINUTE];
			endTime		= scheduleArray[i][END_HOUR] * 60 + scheduleArray[i][END_MINUTE];

			if(curTime >= startTime && curTime < endTime)
				return true;

	return false;

void EepromCSV::clear(void) { 
	EEPROM.write(0, EOF);
int EepromCSV::line(void) {
	int lineCount   = 0;
	int address     = 0;
	char value;

	while(1) {
		value = EEPROM.read(address++);

		if(value == '\n')
		else if(value == EOF)
			return lineCount;
String EepromCSV::readLine(int line) {
	String retStr   = "";
	char value;
	int lineIndx    = 0;
	int address     = 0;

	while(lineIndx < line) {
		value = EEPROM.read(address++);
		if(value == '\n')
		else if (value == EOF) {
			return "";

	while(1) {
		value = EEPROM.read(address++);

		if(value == '\n' || value == EOF)
			return retStr;
			retStr += value;
void EepromCSV::writeLine(String lineStr) { /* add new line at the end of CSV file*/
	int address, length;

	address	= 0;
	length	= lineStr.length();

	while((char)EEPROM.read(address++) != EOF)

	for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
		EEPROM.write(address++, lineStr.charAt(i));

	EEPROM.write(address++, '\n');
	EEPROM.write(address, EOF);


This is web user interface. This code need to be upload to PHPoC WiFi Shield via PHPoC Debugger
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Arduino - Configure via Web</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=0.7, maximum-scale=0.7">
<meta charset="utf-8">
body { text-align: center; font-size: 100%; font-family: Roboto;}
#header { background-color: #00979d; color: white; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 15px}
h2 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 120%; }
table th { font-weight: bold; font-size: 120%; border-bottom: 8px solid #00979d; }
table td { font-weight: bold; font-size: 120%; height: 40px; }
select, input { font-size: 100%; font-family: Roboto;}
#add { border-top: 10px solid white; font-size:130%; background-color: #00979d; color:white;}
button { font-weight: bold; font-size: 100%; }
var CMD_WEB_CLR		= 5;
var CMD_WEB_UPD		= 6;
var dayLookupTable = ["", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"];
var schedule_list = new Array();
var ws = null;
var buffer = "";

function connect_onclick() {
	if(ws == null) {
		var ws_host_addr = "<?echo _SERVER("HTTP_HOST")?>";
		if((navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") != -1) && (ws_host_addr.charAt(0) == "[")) {
			// network resource identifier to UNC path name conversion
			ws_host_addr = ws_host_addr.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '');
			ws_host_addr = ws_host_addr.replace(/:/g, "-");
			ws_host_addr += ".ipv6-literal.net";
		ws = new WebSocket("ws://" + ws_host_addr + "/arduino_config", "text.phpoc");
		document.getElementById("ws_state").innerHTML = "CONNECTING";
		ws.onopen = ws_onopen;
		ws.onclose = ws_onclose;
		ws.onmessage = ws_onmessage;
function ws_onopen() {
	document.getElementById("ws_state").innerHTML = "<font color='blue'>CONNECTED</font>";
	document.getElementById("bt_connect").innerHTML = "Disconnect";
	setTimeout(function() {
		ws.send(CMD_ARDUINO_GET + ",0,00:00,00:00\r\n");
	}, 100);
function ws_onclose() {
	document.getElementById("ws_state").innerHTML = "<font color='gray'>CLOSED</font>";
	document.getElementById("bt_connect").innerHTML = "Connect";
	ws.onopen = null;
	ws.onclose = null;
	ws.onmessage = null;
	ws = null;
function ws_onmessage(e_msg) {
	e_msg = e_msg || window.event; // MessageEvent
	buffer += e_msg.data;
	buffer = buffer.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
	buffer = buffer.replace(/\r/g, "\n");
	while(buffer.indexOf("\n") == 0)
		buffer = buffer.substr(1);
	while(buffer.indexOf("\n") >= 0) { // because multiple update data may come at the same time
		var data = buffer.substr(0, buffer.indexOf("\n"));
		buffer = buffer.substr(buffer.indexOf("\n") + 1);
		var arr = data.split(",");
		var cmd = parseInt(arr[0]);
		if(cmd == CMD_WEB_CLR) {
			schedule_list = new Array();
			var scheduleTable = document.getElementById("scheduleTable");
			while( scheduleTable.rows.length > 2)
		else if(cmd == CMD_WEB_UPD) {
			var day			= arr[1];
			var startTime	= arr[2];
			var endTime		= arr[3];
			schedule_list.push([day, startTime, endTime]);
			var scheduleTable = document.getElementById("scheduleTable");
			var numRow = scheduleTable.rows.length;
			var newRow = scheduleTable.insertRow(numRow - 1);
			newRow.insertCell().innerHTML = dayLookupTable[parseInt(day)];
			newRow.insertCell().innerHTML = startTime;
			newRow.insertCell().innerHTML = endTime;
			newRow.insertCell().innerHTML = '<span style="font-size:120%; color:red;" onclick="deleteSchedule(this)">&#x2718;</span>';
			newRow.style.color = "#1E90FF";
function deleteSchedule(event) {
	var rowIndex = event.parentElement.parentElement.rowIndex;

	schedule_list.splice(rowIndex - 1, 1);
function addSchedule(event) {
	var scheduleTable = document.getElementById("scheduleTable");
	var rowIndex = event.parentElement.parentElement.rowIndex;
	var row  = scheduleTable.rows[rowIndex];
	var days = row.cells[0].childNodes[0];
	var day = days.options[days.selectedIndex].value;
	var startTime = row.cells[1].childNodes[0].value;
	var endTime = row.cells[2].childNodes[0].value;

	row.cells[0].innerHTML = dayLookupTable[parseInt(day)];
	row.cells[1].innerHTML = startTime;
	row.cells[2].innerHTML = endTime;
	row.cells[3].innerHTML = '<span style="font-size:120%; color:red;" onclick="deleteSchedule(this)">&#x2718;</span>';
	row.style.color = "#1E90FF";

	schedule_list.push([day, startTime, endTime]);
function newSchedule() {
	var scheduleTable = document.getElementById("scheduleTable");
	var numRow = scheduleTable.rows.length;
	var newRow = scheduleTable.insertRow(numRow - 1);
	var cell0 = newRow.insertCell();
	var cell1 = newRow.insertCell();
	var cell2 = newRow.insertCell();
	var cell3 = newRow.insertCell();

	var select = '<select>';
	select += '<option value="1">Monday</option>';
	select += '<option value="2">Tuesday</option>';
	select += '<option value="3">Wednesday</option>';
	select += '<option value="4">Thursday</option>';
	select += '<option value="5">Friday</option>';
	select += '<option value="6">Saturday</option>';
	select += '<option value="7">Sunday</option>';
	select += '</select>';
	cell0.innerHTML = select;
	cell1.innerHTML = '<input type="time" name="usr_time" value="09:00">';
	cell2.innerHTML = '<input type="time" name="usr_time" value="19:00">';
	cell3.innerHTML = '<span style="font-size:120%; color:red;" onclick="addSchedule(this)">&#x2714;</span>';
function sendUpdateToArduino() {
	if(ws != null && ws.readyState == 1) {
		ws.send(CMD_ARDUINO_CLR + ",0,00:00,00:00\r\n");

		for(var i = 0; i < schedule_list.length; i++) {
			var schedule = schedule_list[i].join();
			ws.send(CMD_ARDUINO_ADD + "," + schedule + "\r\n");
<div id="header">
<span style="font-size:150%; font-weight: bold;">Arduino - Configure via Web</span><br>
<span style="font-size:130%; font-weight: normal;">Scheduler</span>
<table id="scheduleTable"  style="width:100%; table-layout:fixed;">
		<th>ADD<span style="font-size:120%; color:red;">&#x2714;</span> / DELETE<span style="font-size:120%; color:red;">&#x2718;</span></th>
		<td id="add" colspan="4" onclick="newSchedule(this)">NEW</td>
<button id="bt_connect" type="button" onclick="connect_onclick();">Connect</button>
WebSocket : <span id="ws_state">null</span>




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