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Convert a Bunch of LED Strips into a Big Video Display

Open-source Pixblasters-Light FPGA controller drives big DIY video LED displays and shows any video by Raspberry Pi and other computers.

IntermediateFull instructions provided24 hours14,283
Convert a Bunch of LED Strips into a Big Video Display

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Pixblasters MS1 Video LED controller board
Pixblasters Array-S distribution board
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
WS2812B LED strips
Delta Electronics AC/DC converter 5V 350W 60A
Wiring Terminal Blocks

Software apps and online services

ISE WebPack 14.7


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Create video LED displays by RGB LED strips

Open-source FPGA LED controller by Pixblasters


3 projects • 13 followers
