Daniel Porrey
Published © GPL3+

AWS IoT Button for LIFX

Use the AWS IoT Button to control a LIFX light bulb. Using the phone application can be cumbersome to turn the lights on or off in a hurry.

BeginnerFull instructions provided9,634

Things used in this project

Hardware components

AWS IoT Button
Amazon Web Services AWS IoT Button
LIFX Color 1000
Any of the LIFX products will work with this project. I use the LIFX Original.

Software apps and online services

Amazon Web Services AWS IoT
AWS Lambda
Amazon Web Services AWS Lambda
AWS DynamoDB
Amazon Web Services AWS DynamoDB
Visual Studio 2015
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
Windows 10
Microsoft Windows 10


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Simple Diagram

This is a simple diagram show the relationship of the button and the LIFX API.


AWS Lambda Function/Code

This is the code to past into the AWS for the Lambda function.
// Copyright  2016 Daniel Porrey
// This file is part of the AWS LIFX Control Solution.
// AWS LIFX Control Solution is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// AWS LIFX Control Solution is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with AWS LIFX Control Solution. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
var https = require('https');

// ***
// *** Configure DynamoDB.
// ***
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var DDB = new AWS.DynamoDB();
AWS.config.update({region: "us-east-1"});

// ***
// *** LIFX API Uri.
// ***
var apiHost = 'api.lifx.com';

// ***
// *** Creates the headers requird for a LIFX API call.
// ***
function createHeaders(token, contentLength)
    console.log('Called createHeaders()');

    // ***
    // *** Create headers...
    // ***
    var headers =
        'Accept':   '*/*',
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
        'content-type': 'application/json',
        'content-length': contentLength
    // ***
    // *** Log the values...
    // ***
    console.log("LIFX Headers: ", headers);
    // ***
    // *** Return the headers...
    // ***
    return headers;

// ***
// *** Gets the value of a configuration item
// *** from the database and returns it via
// *** the callback.
// ***
function getConfigurationItem(id, callback) 
    console.log('Called getConfigurationItem()');

    var q = DDB.getItem(
                TableName: "Lifx",
                    Id: { S: id } }
                function(err, data) 
                    if (err) 
                        // ***
                        // *** Log the result.
                        // ***
                        console.log('getConfigurationItem() Error = ', err);
                        // ***
                        // *** Return an empty string.
                        // ***
                        // ***
                        // *** Log the result.
                        // ***
                        console.log('getConfigurationItem() Data = ', data);

                        // ***
                        // *** The configuration value is
                        // *** in an attribute named 'Value'.
                        // ***

// ***
// *** Checks to see if any light assocaited with a
// *** scene is On. If at least one light is on then
// *** the scene is considered active.
// ***
function isSceneActive(token, sceneUuid, callback)
    console.log('Called isSceneActive()');

    // ***
    // *** Log the scene UUID...
    // ***
    console.log('Scene UUID = ', sceneUuid);

    // ***
    // *** Get the selector to return the list of lights
    // *** associated with the given scene.
    // ***
    getSceneLights(token, sceneUuid, function(selectors)
        // ***
        // *** Log the selector...
        // ***
        console.log('selectors = ', selectors)
        // ***
        // *** This will hold the result of the check
        // *** which will be passed back to the calback function.
        // ***
        var isActive = false;

        // ***
        // *** Get the state of these lights
        // ***
        getState(token, selectors, function(state)
            // ***
            // *** Enumerate the lights. If one or more is on
            // *** then the scene is considered active.
            // ***
            for(var i = 0; i < state.length; i++) 
                var light = state[i];

                // ***
                // *** Check if the power is one for the first light/selection.
                // ***
                if (light.power == 'on')
                    // ***
                    // *** The light is on, callback with true.
                    // ***
                    console.log('The light ' + light.label + ' is currently ON');
                    // ***
                    // *** Set the isActive flag to true.
                    // ***
                    isActive = true;
                    // ***
                    // *** The light is off, callback with false.
                    // ***
                    console.log('The light ' + light.label + ' is currently OFF');
            // ***
            // *** Call the callback function with
            // *** the result;
            // ***

// ***
// *** Get a list of lights that are part of a scene. This
// *** function will pass a selector that selects all of the
// *** lights in the given scene to the callback.
// ***
function getSceneLights(token, sceneUuid, callback)
    console.log('Called getSceneLights()');
    // ***
    // *** This array will contain the resulting
    // *** list of selectors.
    // ***
    var selectorsArray = [];
    // ***
    // *** Log the scene UUID...
    // ***
    console.log('Scene UUID = ', sceneUuid);
    // ***
    // *** Options for the HTTP request
    // ***
    var options = 
        host:       apiHost,
        path:       '/v1/scenes',
        method:     'GET',
        headers:    createHeaders(token, 0)
    // ***
    // *** Log the URL...
    // ***
    console.log('https://' + options.host + options.path);
    // ***
    // *** Create the HTTP request and 
    // *** get the state of the light(s).
    // ***
    var req = https.request(options, function(res) 
        // ***
        // *** Log the status code...
        // ***
        console.log('getSceneLights(): Status Code = ', res.statusCode);

        // ***
        // *** Set the encoding...
        // ***

        // ***
        // *** This variable holds the response JSON string.
        // ***
        var responseString = '';

        // ***
        // *** Add the data to responseString.
        // ***
        res.on('data', function(data)
            responseString += data;
        // ***
        // *** Process the response...
        // ***
        res.on('end', function()
            // ***
            // *** Log the response...
            // ***
            // ***
            // *** Parse the JSON response into an oject.
            // ***
            var responseObject = JSON.parse(responseString);
            // ***
            // *** Enumerate the scenes
            // ***
            for(var i = 0; i < responseObject.length; i++) 
                // ***
                // *** Get the scene object
                // ***
                var scene = responseObject[i];
                // ***
                // *** Log the scene name...
                // ***
                console.log("scene = ", scene.name);

                if (scene.uuid == sceneUuid)
                    console.log("found scene");

                    // ***
                    // *** Enumerate the states in this scene
                    // ***
                    for(var j = 0; j < scene.states.length; j++) 
                        // ***
                        // *** Add the selector to the array
                        // ***
                        // ***
                        // *** Log the selector
                        // ***
                        console.log("state.selector = ", scene.states[j].selector)
            // ***
            // *** Call the callback function a comma delimitted list
            // *** of selectors.
            // ***
    }).on('error', function(e)
        // ***
        // *** Assume the light is off, callback with false.
        // ***
        console.log('getSceneLights() failed: ', e);
        // ***
        // *** Callback with an empty value
        // ***

    // ***
    // *** End the request...
    // ***

// ***
// *** Gets the state of the light(s) specified by 
// *** the given selector.
// ***
function getState(token, selector, callback)
    console.log('Called getState()');
    // ***
    // *** These are the options used 
    // *** for the HTTP request.
    // ***
    var options = 
        host:       apiHost,
        path:       '/v1/lights/' + selector,
        method:     'GET',
        headers:    createHeaders(token, 0)
    // ***
    // *** Log the URL...
    // ***
    console.log('https://' + options.host + options.path);
    // ***
    // *** Create the HTTP request and 
    // *** get the state of the light(s).
    // ***
    var req = https.request(options, function(res) 
        // ***
        // *** Log the status code...
        // ***
        console.log('isPowered(): Status Code = ', res.statusCode);

        // ***
        // *** Set the encoding...
        // ***

        // ***
        // *** This variable holds the response JSON string.
        // ***
        var responseString = '';

        // ***
        // *** Add the data to responseString.
        // ***
        res.on('data', function(data)
            responseString += data;
        // ***
        // *** Process the response...
        // ***
        res.on('end', function()
            // ***
            // *** Log the response...
            // ***
            // ***
            // *** Parse the JSON response into an oject.
            // ***
            var responseObject = JSON.parse(responseString);
    }).on('error', function(e)
        // ***
        // *** Assume the light is off, callback with false.
        // ***
        console.log('isPowered() failed: ', e);

    // ***
    // *** End the request...
    // ***

// ***
// *** Sets the state of the lights specified by
// *** the gieven selector.
// ***
function setState(token, selector, requestData, callback)
    console.log('Called setState()');

    // ***
    // *** Log the requestd data being passed to the API.
    // ***
    console.log('Request Data = ', requestData);
    // ***
    // *** Options for the HTTP request.
    // ***
    var options = 
        host:       apiHost,
        path:       '/v1/lights/' + selector + '/state',
        method:     'PUT',
        headers:    createHeaders(token, Buffer.byteLength(requestData))
    // ***
    // *** Log the URL...
    // ***
    console.log('https://' + options.host + options.path);

    // ***
    // *** Create the HTTP request and 
    // *** make the API call.
    // ***
    var req = https.request(options, function(res) 
        // ***
        // *** Log the status code...
        // ***
        console.log('setState(): Status Code = ', res.statusCode);

        // ***
        // *** Any result in 2xx is OK.
        // ***
        if (res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode <= 299)
            console.log('setState() was successful.');
            console.log('setState() was successful.');

        // ***
        // *** Log the response...
        // ***
        res.on('end', function (responseData) 
    }).on('error', function(e)
        // ***
        // *** A failure occurred.
        // ***
        console.log('setState() failed: ', e);
    // ***
    // *** PUT/POST the data...
    // ***
    // ***
    // *** End the request...
    // ***

// ***
// *** Activate Scene. The calback returns true if
// *** successful and false otherwise.
// ***
function activateScene(token, sceneUuid, duration, callback)
    console.log('Called activateScene()');

    // ***
    // *** Log the scene UUID...
    // ***
    console.log('Scene UUID = ', sceneUuid);
    // ***
    // *** The data is the duration; the length of
    // *** time to transition the theme to on.
    // ***
    var requestData = '{ "duration": ' + duration + ' }';
    // ***
    // *** Log the requestd data being passed to the API.
    // ***
    console.log('Request Data = ', requestData);

    // ***
    // *** Options for the HTTP request
    // ***
    var options = 
        host:       apiHost,
        path:       '/v1/scenes/scene_id:' + sceneUuid + '/activate',
        method:     'PUT',
        headers:    createHeaders(token, Buffer.byteLength(requestData))
    // ***
    // *** Log the URL
    // ***
    console.log('https://' + options.host + options.path);

    // ***
    // *** Create the HTTP request and 
    // *** make the API call
    // ***
    var req = https.request(options, function(res) 
        // ***
        // *** Log the status code
        // ***
        console.log('activateScene(): Status Code = ', res.statusCode);

        // ***
        // *** Any result in 2xx is OK
        // ***
        if (res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode <= 299)
            console.log('activateScene() was successful.');
            console.log('activateScene() failed.');

        // ***
        // *** Log the response...
        // ***
        res.on('end', function (responseData) 
    }).on('error', function(e)
        // ***
        // *** A failure occurred.
        // ***
        console.log('activateScene() failed: ', e);
    // ***
    // *** PUT/POST the data
    // ***
    // ***
    // *** End the request
    // ***

// ***
// *** Deactivate Scene. The calback returns true if
// *** successful and false otherwise.
// ***
function deactivateScene(token, sceneUuid, duration, callback)
    console.log('Called deactivateScene()');

    // ***
    // *** Log the scene UUID...
    // ***
    console.log('Scene UUID = ', sceneUuid);
    // ***
    // *** Get the selector to return the list of lights
    // *** associated with the given scene.
    // ***
    getSceneLights(token, sceneUuid, function(selectors)
        // ***
        // *** Log the selector...
        // ***
        console.log('selectors = ', selectors);
        // ***
        // *** Set the state of the lights to off
        // ***
        setState(token, selectors, '{"power": "off", "duration" : ' + duration + '}', function(result)
            if (result)

// ***
// *** Responds to an event with the given API Token,
// *** the Selector for the light source and the name
// *** of the scene to activate (if powering on). This
// *** function first checks if the power is on. If on,
// *** the power is toggled off otherwise the scene
// *** is activated.
// ***
function onRespondToEvent(token, sceneUuid, duration, callback)
    console.log('Called onRespondToEvent()');

    // ***
    // *** Get the current state of the selectd lights
    // *** true = on (powered)
    // *** false = off
    // ***
    isSceneActive(token, sceneUuid, function(isActive)
        if (isActive)
            console.log('The scene is currently active. Deactivating...');
            deactivateScene(token, sceneUuid, duration, function(result)
                if (result)
            console.log('The scene is currently inactive. Activating...');
            activateScene(token, sceneUuid, duration, function(result)
                if (result)

// ***
// *** This is the exported handler for the button event
// ***
exports.handler = function(event, context)
    console.log('Called handler()');

    // ***
    // *** Log the type of event.
    // ***
    // ***
    // *** The API Token needed to access the LIFX API
    // *** is stored in a configuration value.
    // ***
    getConfigurationItem('LifxApiKey', function(token)
        // ***
        // *** Check the click type of the .
        // ***
        var configurationItemName = '';
        var durationItemName = '';

        // ***
        // *** Two values are needed for each click. The name
        // *** of the LIFX scene to activate/deactivate and the
        // *** transition duration. These values are retrieved
        // *** from the DynamoDB table called Lifx.
        // ***
            case "SINGLE":
                // ***
                // *** Set the configuration item name to SingleClickScene
                // ***
                configurationItemName = 'SingleClickScene';
                durationItemName = 'SingleClickDuration';
            case "DOUBLE":
                // ***
                // *** Set the configuration item name to DoubleClickScene
                // ***
                configurationItemName = 'DoubleClickScene';
                durationItemName = 'DoubleClickDuration';
            case "LONG":
                // ***
                // *** Set the configuration item name to LongClickScene
                // ***
                configurationItemName = 'LongClickScene';
                durationItemName = 'LongClickDuration';
        // ***
        // *** Get the name of the scene to activate for the
        // *** call to onRespondToEvent(). This is value is
        // *** set through the Windows 10 Control Panel
        // *** application.
        // ***
        getConfigurationItem(configurationItemName, function(sceneName)
            // ***
            // *** The duration is the number of seconds the light(s)
            // *** will transition from off to on or on to off. This is
            // *** value is set through the Windows 10 Control Panel
            // *** application.
            // ***
            getConfigurationItem(durationItemName, function(duration)
                // ***
                // *** Respond to the event...
                // ***
                onRespondToEvent(token, sceneName, duration, function(result)
                    if (result)
                        // ***
                        // *** The process completed successfully.
                        // ***
                        console.log('The process completed successfully.');
                        // ***
                        // *** The process failed; check the log for details.
                        // ***
                        console.log('The process completed with errors.');

IoT Library

This IoT library contains my C# API for the LIFX light. It is a wrapper to the LIFX REST API.

AWS LIFX Control Solution

This Windows 10 Universal application is the control panel for selecting the scenes that are activated or deactivated for each button event. It also includes a copy of the AWS Lambda function.


Daniel Porrey
50 projects • 319 followers
I am a developer and creator. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
