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Zsolt Pozsár
Published © CC BY-NC

Mini serial console with three different serial ports

This is my "poor man's HID" that I want in my projects to enter data and display messages.

IntermediateFull instructions provided24 hours612
Mini serial console with three different serial ports

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi Pico
Raspberry Pi Pico
Alfanumerical LCD 20x4
onsemi 1N4001
onsemi 1N4148 diode
onsemi BC548
onsemi BC559B
100nF ceramic disc capacitor
1000µF 10V electrolyt capacitor
560Ω resistor
1kΩ resistor
4.7kΩ resistor
10kΩ resistor
100mA F fuse
fuse holder
1x2 pin header
1x2 barrier block 5mm
1x3 barrier block 5mm
1x7 barrier block 5mm


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Custom parts and enclosures

Polycarbonate cover


Wiring on breadboards

Schematic drawing



Software for Raspberry Pi Pico


Full documentation with Technical manual in PDF, KiCAD schematic and PCB drawings, Gerber files, LibreCAD cover drawing, pictures and others.


Zsolt Pozsár
12 projects • 8 followers
I am not professional programmer, I specialize in electronics and electrical installation.


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