UNIHIKER is a single-board computer that offers a unique and innovative experience. It comes with software already installed, so you can start coding right away with minimal hassle. You can use a Jupyter Notebook (a web-based coding platform) to program the single-board computer from your phone or tablet.
It supports VS Code, VIM, and Thonny. With the PinPong control library, developers can use Python to manipulate UNIHIKER’s own sensors and hundreds of other sensors and actuators that are connected to it.
Here are my previous tutorials with UNIHIKER:
In all those tutorials, SSH communication is the common point, In this tutorial will guide you to set up SSH between UNIHIKER and other software packages.
SSH with Mind+:Compared to VS code, Mind+ is easy to set up. Just open the Mind+. Ans select the Python tab.
And select the Python tab.
Then open the Extension and select the UNIHIKER.
Next, click on Connect to the remote and select code.
Once, you connected to the remote terminal, now you can see all the files.
That's all now, you can access all the files you want.
SSH with MobaXterm:
One of my favorite SSH tools is MobaXterm, just go to the MobaXterm page and download the tool.
Download the free version.
Select your convenient pack and download kOit.
Finally, open the tool.
Next click on the session and create a new SSH session.
Then enter the credentials. And select okay.
Then execute the session, first accept the connection.
Then type the password.
Once you entered the password it will all the directories,
That's all now you can access as you want.
SSH with VS Code:VS Code is one of the most powerful IDE for developing programs, the best of this is it's free. So, you can just download it from the site and install it.
Then just accept the terms and conditions.
Make sure the Add to the path is enabled.
Next, just accept everything and install it.
Next open the VS Code.
Next, open the extension tab and search for SSH.
Then install the extension, then you can see the remote ssh icon in the left menu.
Next, click the + symbol and type the UNIHIKER's IP address.
I have connected my UNIHIKER to my LP3.
Then add the config file.
Once you add the config, click the remote icon in the left bottom.
It will show you the "connect to host" option, then select the IP of your UNIHIKER.
Next, it will ask you the platform type. "Select Linux" then continue.
Finally, it will ask for the password. Type "dfrobot"
Finally, it will connect to the server.
Here are my files, inside the UNIHKER.
Let's run one Python file.
Let's see how to access the files in UNIHIKER. Click on the files and select the open files.
Then it will ask for the directory, select it according to your need.
Next, it will again ask for the platform and the password. Repeat the previous setup and approve the file access.
Now, you can access the files, you can edit, and run the scripts.
Wrap-Up:Just remember the UNIHIKERS ssh username is "root" and the password is "dfrobot", with these credentials you can connect. That's all about the tutorial. Let me know your comments and thank you.
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