Creating an LED cube is a fantastic way to dive into the world of electronics and programming. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of building an LED cube using Arduino Nano and custom PCBs from JLC PCB. This project will cover everything from designing the circuit to assembling the cube and programming it to display mesmerizing light patterns.
- Microcontroller: Arduino Nano 🖥️
- LEDs: 64 LEDs 💡
- PCB: Custom-designed PCB from JLC PCB 🛠️
- Power Supply: 5V power supply 🔋
- Miscellaneous: Wires, soldering iron, and other tools 🛠️
JLCPCB is a leading PCB prototype and fabrication manufacturer. Here’s why you should consider them for your next project:
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Step 1: Designing the Circuit- LED Arrangement: Arrange 64 LEDs in an 8x8 matrix. Each LED represents a pixel in the cube.
- Schematic Design: Use PCB design software like KiCad or Eagle to create the schematic. Connect the LEDs in a grid pattern, with each layer controlled by a transistor and each column connected to a resistor.
- PCB Layout: Design the PCB layout, ensuring all components fit within the desired dimensions. Route the traces carefully to avoid short circuits and ensure reliable connections.
- Generate Gerber Files: Once the PCB design is complete, generate the Gerber files required for manufacturing.
- Order from JLC PCB: Visit the JLC PCB website and upload your Gerber files. Choose the desired specifications and place your order. JLC PCB offers fast turnaround times and high-quality PCBs at affordable prices.
I have used the JLC PCBA service to assemble the PCB. First, select the assembly option and select the parameters as per the need.
Next, upload the CPL and BOM files.
Then verify the placement.
Finally, complete the order.
Install Libraries: Install the necessary libraries for controlling the LEDs. You can use the Adafruit_NeoPixel library for easy control of the LED patterns.
Write the Code: Write the Arduino code to control the LED cube. Here’s a simple example to get you started:
// NeoPixel Ring simple sketch (c) 2013 Shae Erisson
// Released under the GPLv3 license to match the rest of the
// Adafruit NeoPixel library
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#ifdef __AVR__
#include <avr/power.h> // Required for 16 MHz Adafruit Trinket
// Which pin on the Arduino is connected to the NeoPixels?
#define PIN 5 // On Trinket or Gemma, suggest changing this to 1
// How many NeoPixels are attached to the Arduino?
#define NUMPIXELS 64 // Popular NeoPixel ring size
// When setting up the NeoPixel library, we tell it how many pixels,
// and which pin to use to send signals. Note that for older NeoPixel
// strips you might need to change the third parameter -- see the
// strandtest example for more information on possible values.
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
#define DELAYVAL 500 // Time (in milliseconds) to pause between pixels
void setup() {
// These lines are specifically to support the Adafruit Trinket 5V 16 MHz.
// Any other board, you can remove this part (but no harm leaving it):
#if defined(__AVR_ATtiny85__) && (F_CPU == 16000000)
// END of Trinket-specific code.
pixels.begin(); // INITIALIZE NeoPixel strip object (REQUIRED)
void loop() {
pixels.clear(); // Set all pixel colors to 'off'
// The first NeoPixel in a strand is #0, second is 1, all the way up
// to the count of pixels minus one.
for(int i=0; i<NUMPIXELS; i++) { // For each pixel...
// pixels.Color() takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255
// Here we're using a moderately bright green color:
pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(0, 150, 0));; // Send the updated pixel colors to the hardware.
delay(DELAYVAL); // Pause before next pass through loop
Upload the Code: Connect the Arduino Nano to your computer and upload the code using the Arduino IDE.
Next, add 8 panels one by one serially to build an LED cube.
here is the final assembled cube image
Congratulations! You’ve successfully built an LED cube using an Arduino Nano and custom PCBs from JLC PCB. This project not only enhances your understanding of electronics and programming but also provides a visually stunning display of your skills. Feel free to experiment with different patterns and animations to make your LED cube even more impressive.