hey everyone. In our previous project we have made a vacuum cleaner that runs on Bluetooth. But there is a flaw that it doesn't remove dark stains. so we mop the floor. But again it is a boring task. so lets make a floor mopper that mops whole floor using Arduino.
connection of Arduino
1) tx of Bluetooth to rx of Arduino
2) rx of Arduino to tx of Bluetooth
3) GND of Bluetooth to GND of Arduino
4) VCC of Bluetooth to 5V of Arduino
5) a pin of DC motor to digital pin 13 of Arduino
6) another pin of DC motor to GND of Arduino
7)take another DC motor
8) a pin of DC motor to digital pin 11 of Arduino
9) another pin of DC motor to GND of Arduino
10)take another DC motor
11) a pin of DC motor to digital pin 12 of Arduino
12) another pin of DC motor to GND of Arduino
1) make sure motor 1 always rotates clockwise and motor to rotates anti clockwise if it doesn't happen exchange the connections.
2) front motor should be left side
3) back motor should be right side
4)connect a sponge at 3rd motor that touches the floor
5)if the motor gives air then exchange its connections
here is the code.
void setup()
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);//dc motor
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
void loop()
if(Serial.available() > 0)
char data= Serial.read();
if(data == 'a')
{digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
digitalWrite(11, LOW) ;
else if(data == 'b')
{digitalWrite(13, LOW);
digitalWrite(11, HIGH) ;
else if(data=='c')
{digitalWrite(13, HIGH) ;
digitalWrite(11, HIGH) ;}
digitalWrite(13, LOW) ;
digitalWrite(11, LOW) ;
how to operate it:
write a when you want car to go front
write b when you want car to go back
write c when you want car turn
it will always mop the floor
physics behind it:
you might be wondering how the car rotates. I will explain it how with example
when you are removing a bottle cap you will use two fingers thumb and index.
with the index finger you move it front and with thumb you move it backside.
the index will be placed left and thumb will be placed right the bottle rotates.
here when you press c the both motor rotates as they are placed left and right.
the app to control it
some doubts:
1) why I used a sponge when everyone creates a structure that looks like mop
ans: sponge stores lot of water and can use the water to clean
if we use normal mopper you have frequently dip it which dismantles the purpose of cleaning floor by sitting in a place.or make a complex system that gives water supply to it so I chose sponge
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