Water plays an important role in our day-to-day life. Although our mother earth is covered with 71% of the water we have just very little; that is approximately only 1.2% which is available for domestic usage.
As we being.. human beings It is our mutual responsibility to save water by at least taking small steps in our daily life, like not over-consuming water and prevent the excess usage, also we can take a small step towards preventing overflow of the water from the water tank which gets wasted. Such a life-supporting and a life saving but ultimately a finite resource gets wasted due to our negligence.
Here we can take a small step towards prevention of overflow of water from the water tank;
Presenting here a “low-cost overflow alarm” which is made from very few electronic components like IC 555, some resistors and capacitors, etc.
For sensing Water level - Float sensor is used. In this case, here we are using this N/C type Float sensor. This circuit can be used in dual mode i.e. can be used as an overflow alarm and can also be used as a 'low water level’ indication.
For ‘overflow’ indication install sensor in a downward direction
For ‘low-level’ water indication install a sensor in an upward direction.
One can change the timing and buzzing sequence by changing the values of R2, R3, and C1 according to your requirement.
For powering this circuit you can use an old cell phone charger which is generally 5V rated.
This small compact Circuit can help us in saving a lot of water which usually just gets wasted.
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“ Save Water, Save Life “
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