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DIY Programmable (SCPI) Bench Power Supply

Bridging the gap between professional and DIY/hobbyist bench power supply.

AdvancedShowcase (no instructions)Over 2 days32,405
DIY Programmable (SCPI) Bench Power Supply

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Due
Arduino Due
Texas Instruments TL783
Texas Instruments REF5025
Texas Instruments DAC8552
Texas Instruments TS5A9411
Texas Instruments ADS1120
Quad Comparator
Texas Instruments Quad Comparator
Texas Instruments TLC5925
Silicon Labs Si8641EC-B-IS1
Silicon Labs SI8651EC-B-IS1
Texas Instruments LD1117ADT33TR
NXP PCA21125
Microchip AT25256B
WIZnet W5500
555 Timers Ultra Low Voltage
Texas Instruments 555 Timers Ultra Low Voltage
Texas Instruments SN74LVC2G08DCTR
Texas Instruments TPS3705-33D
Texas Instruments SN74LV1T34DBVR
Texas Instruments SN74LVC2G02DCTR
Texas Instruments LP2951
Microchip MCP23S17-E/SO
Texas Instruments TL072D
3.2 inch 240x320 TFT with Touch panel

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
EEZ Studio


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Custom parts and enclosures

Custom made enclosure

Basic mechanical drawings are provided as .dxf (exported from Eagle .brd).


PSU schematics

The power supply is consist of 3 PCB: Power module r5B9 (2 is required for dual channel), Auxiliary power board r5B9 and Arduino Shield r3B3. A detailed BOM is also available.


PSU firmware

Firmware for Arduino shield used for power supply control. Current version is M1 (Milestone One) that offer comprehensive remote control using SCPI commands via Ethernet or Serial (USB) interface. We are working on M2 that can be found in branch local_control. That version adds some more SCPI commands and should offer complete control using local TFT touch-screen display.




3 projects • 13 followers
