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    ESP32-CAM and Other Cool Projects on RNT

    Reporting from Shanghai, China
    Nov 22, 2019

    Take a look at the latest ESP32-CAM project on Rui Santos’s RNT website. It’s super cool, just like his other projects related to Espressif boards!

    Random Nerd Tutorials (RNT) is a website and an online community, run by two siblings from Portugal, Sara and Rui Santos, who help makers, hobbyists and engineers build electronics projects. Since its establishment in 2013, RNT has become a trusted place to learn electronics and programming online, providing more than 200 free tutorials published online, which anyone can follow. A number of these project tutorials, courses and guides are focused on ESP32 and ESP8266.



    Recently, Rui Santos posted a really interesting blog entry which demonstrated how to build a web server with the ESP32-CAM board that allows sending a command to take a photo and visualizing the latest captured photo in your browser, having saved it first in SPIFFS. He also added the option of rotating this photo, if necessary, as well as a video demonstration of what can be built throughout this tutorial.

    Readers take the ESP32-CAM project further, by adding a PIR sensor to take a photo when motion is detected, a physical pushbutton to take a photo, or also include video streaming capabilities in another URL path. RNT have several exciting ESP32-CAM projects in their blog. These include:

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