The project consists of reading values for pitch and roll, and communicating the modified values over serial to the display.
This IMU-equipped pen is trained to recognize handwritten numbers
I am controlling my asphalt 8 game using my old upgraded bicycle. So let's see how it works
This is the smallest RC car with electronic stability control in the world - probably! And it's relatively easy to build.
The project gives details on how to inteface MPU6050 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer combined module with PSoC6.
This quadcopter is intended to learn basics of electronics and aerodynamics. I planned to develop and code every function by myself.
Backyard pools are a great place to play, but not always the safest place. Let's change that with the help of Microchip's PIC-IoT WG device.
Apple Watch based instant sensor notifications for the persons you care.
A monitoring system for track and field. The personal module can monitor heart rate, leg movement, arm movement and location.