Turn your Raspberry Pi Pico into a USB-HID device with a touchscreen interface!
This project presents a programmable macropad using Franzininho WiFi LAB01 and CircuitPython. The macropad automates keyboard shortcuts and
An up to six digit number code that enables you to unlock a secret container.
Learn how to make an Arduino-controlled door lock system that uses a keypad!
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Arduino LCD keypad shield with 3 practical projects.
In this project I'll show you a simple way to control a 7 Segment Display with a keypad!
Open your door with a special knock using Arduino, Android Phone and 1Sheeld
In this tutorial, you will learn how to connect and use a PS2 game console controller with Arduino.
Use Elegoo's Arduino Mega Kit to set up and control a 7-segment display with a 4x4 matrix keypad.
A simple PCB keyboard that you can easily use for your Arduino project. Fully-customizable code provided!
Keypads are used in all types of devices, including cell phones, fax machines, microwaves, ovens, door locks, etc.
A technique for drastically reducing the pins required by a matrix keypad is described.
Macro keypads can be a really useful productivity tool, and I challenge you to find a simpler one than this! It only uses two components!
Type your set password using the keypad and open the door lock.
Don't have a piece of paper or a pen and you want to play TicTacToe? No problem with this Tech-TicTacToe you can play this Game everywhere.
This is my take on an open source alternative for a Stream Deck (start at $120). FreeTouchDeck will cost you about $20 including shipping!
Angry at the office? Use this customizable keyboard button that you can punch.
This is a C# Universal Application for a Raspberry Pi running Windows 10 IoT Core that enables a 4x4 Matrix Keypad.
A 3D-printed programmable wireless/wired controller for your PC, and other electronics devices.
Replaced a bad keypad on the outside of my garage door.
Connect Matrix Keyboard using only 2 Arduino pins by using PCF8574/PCF8574A I2C GPIO - Quick and Easy!
A simple and funny project with an Arduino UNO and the famous keypad shield. Arduino selects a random number, you guess the number.
Fear not ol' forgetful geezers for I have a solution for the ever-existing problem in these pandemic time of forgetting face mask!!
A circuit for writers and bloggers that prints words or sentence on press so you don't have to type keywords in document multiple times.