I wasn't happy with the way the square waves sound, so I explored using other methods of generating sound waves with Arduino.
The ESP32-BlueJammer (Bluetooth jammer, BLE jammer, WiFi jammer, RC jammer) disrupts various devices using an ESP32 and nRF24 modules (30m+)
You are armed with a lightweight and time-saving universal remote control system.
In this Simple Tutorial we will learn how to make a PWM using Arduino and observe the Signal on the Oscilloscope.
Things you should know while amplifying a 10mv DC signal to 100mv or 1volt and different approaches to the configuration.
A simple TTL modulated diode laser.
This project consists of making a logical analyzer, which can help us analyze digital hardware and software analysis.
This is the best hack to do with your siblings when watching tv without your permissions. Informative tech about IR receiver jamming
Do you have a bunch of servos? What about a couple of big ol' motors, or even a ton of LEDs? You will probably need a capacitor pack.
A small, cheap, low-powered FM Radio Transmitter to create your own Radio Station at home.
In this tutorial we will learn how to use MCP4725 12Bit Digital to Analog Converter with Arduino to generate Square, Sine & Triangle waves.