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Projects with Red
Published © CC BY-NC

Wireless Fan Fully Controlled Using Your Phone!

You can rotate the fan left and right, tilt it up and down, control the fan and rotation speed, and set start and end positions of rotation.

BeginnerFull instructions provided2 hours235
Wireless Fan Fully Controlled Using Your Phone!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

140mm fan
I am using the Noctua NF-A14. I suggest getting one with as high as possible RPM. The fan used here has 3000 RPM.
Nema 17 stepper motor
For the rotation of the fan.
A4988 stepper motor driver
To drive and control the stepper motor.
DS04-NFC servo motor
This is for the tilt motion.
As the micro-controller, it has built-in WiFi, which is needed for the wireless connectivity.
12 volts power supply
That can deliver 5 amps of current. I used a mains power cable with a power jack DC cable.
LM2596 buck converter
To step down the 12v to 5v, as the servo and micro-controller operate on 5v. The 12v is needed for the fan and the stepper motor.
100uF capacitor
This is used to filter the power supply of any voltage spikes.
Slide Switch

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Breadboard wiring diagram.

This shows you how to connect everything together.

Stripboard wiring diagram.

This shows you how to connect everything together using a stripboard.



Repository that contains everything you need for this project.


Projects with Red
2 projects • 2 followers
Software engineer with a master's in artificial intelligence. Created YT channel to share projects! Arduino, 3D printing and more!


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