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Punch Through
Published © MIT

Bean Bus

Drive a tiny RC bus over Bluetooth Low Energy with the LightBlue Bean!

AdvancedFull instructions provided1,449
Bean Bus

Things used in this project

Hardware components

LightBlue Bean
Punch Through LightBlue Bean
RC Car

Software apps and online services

LightBlue App

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Code snippet #1

Plain text
Bean RC Car Sketch
This uses the RC car example at http://legacy.punchthrough.com/bean/?page_id=5157
and needs the LightBlue App
//Define the pins for the motor controllers
int mForward = 0;
int mReverse = 1;
int mRight = 2;
int mLeft = 3;
//define constant for full PWM signal
#define MOTOR_HIGH 255
//Define inputs for LightBlue
#define XYPAD_X 8
#define XYPAD_Y 9
//Variables to store the sandbox inputs
static uint8_t gas;
static uint8_t steering;
void setup()
 //Setup pins
 pinMode(mReverse, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(mForward, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(mLeft, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(mRight, OUTPUT);
 //Need serial for LightBlue
void loop()
 Steering via sanbox controls.
 The gas is set proportionally with a dead zone,
 while steering is either off, left or right (the car was designed to stall the steering motor when turning).
 1 --------- 100 160 --------- 255
 Reverse stop forward
 1 --------- 100 160 --------- 255
 left stop right
 //Create a buffer to recieve from LightBlue, along with length
 char rec_buffer[64];
 size_t rec_length = 64;
 //Set the length to number of bytes recieved
 rec_length = Serial.readBytes(rec_buffer, rec_length);
 if ( rec_length > 0 )
   // There may be both X and Y values read in
   // a single packet. Handle this case.
   // Byte[0] : X/Y control #
   // Byte[1] : Value [0,255]
   for (int i = 0; i < rec_length - 1; i += 2 )
     if ( rec_buffer[i] == XYPAD_X )
       steering = rec_buffer[i + 1];
     else if ( rec_buffer[i] == XYPAD_Y )
       gas = rec_buffer[i + 1];
 //Setup steering control and deadzones
 if (steering < 100) {
   analogWrite(mRight, 0);
   analogWrite(mLeft, MOTOR_HIGH);
 else if (steering > 160) {
   analogWrite(mRight, MOTOR_HIGH);
   analogWrite(mLeft, 0);
 else {
   analogWrite(mRight, 0);
   analogWrite(mLeft, 0);
 if (gas < 120) {
   //forward (inverted)
   analogWrite(mForward, 255 - gas);
   analogWrite(mReverse, 0);
 else if (gas > 136) {
   analogWrite(mForward, 0);
   analogWrite(mReverse, gas);
 else {
   analogWrite(mForward, 0);
   analogWrite(mReverse, 0);


Punch Through
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