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Cyril Engmann
Published © CC BY

Nerf Alexa Home Defense Turret

Home Defense System with Alexa, OpenCV target finding, and a really cool nerf gun.

AdvancedWork in progress24 hours13,380

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Adafruit DC Motor Hat
NEMA 17 Stepper Motor 5:1
Extension Springs six inch
Nylon String
Eye Hook
Single 5V Relay
Camera Module
Raspberry Pi Camera Module
MG995 Servo
Memory Foam
Echo Dot
Amazon Alexa Echo Dot
Shelf Bracket
Power Supply 12V 3A
NEMA 17 5:1 Stepper Motor Flange - 3D Print
Flange Shaft - 3D Print
Dampener - 3D Print
Gimbal Endstop Guide - 3D Print
Gimbal Endsto
Wire Guide - 3D Print
Raspberry Pi 3 Container
Wood 1/4 inch
You will need 30 square feet worth of wood. I used (5) 4'*2' long sheets that I obtained from Home Depot
Nerf Vulcan

Software apps and online services

Alexa Skills Kit
Amazon Alexa Alexa Skills Kit
Google Firebase
AWS Lambda
Amazon Web Services AWS Lambda

Hand tools and fabrication machines

blade for wood
Circular Saw
blade for wood
3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
Wood Glue (generic)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Building Project Icarus Box




The Arduino Motor Hat plugs into the Raspberry Pi, and you attach the two Nema 17 5:1 Stepper Motors in the Left and Right Motor positions. You attach the relay for the shooting mechanism on the nerf turrent to #23 on the Arduino Motor Hat and you attach the relay for the red LED to #24 on the Arduino Motor Hat. Finally you power the entire mechanism with a 12v 3A power supply.


Project Icarus

Software Instructions in README


Cyril Engmann
11 projects • 80 followers
💻Hacker, ✍️Writer, (🐛)Bounty Hunter, and 🏁Founder
Thanks to Hacker-House and alecnotalex.


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