An overview of my FSM application:
1. When starting the application users are welcomed by the home screen, a graphic reminiscent of the 50th anniversary of the Free Speech Movement and two buttons, to install and uninstall the application from their Toq smartwatch.
2. Upon installation, the application continuously queries the location of the user every 5 seconds or upon detected change in location to check if the user is at or near Sproul Plaza. If the user's location is detected to be at or near Sproul Plaza a notification is sent to the Toq watch with a message containing one of six noteworthy leaders/activists of the Free Speech Movement and their respective draw command.
3. The Toq watch contains six cards corresponding to each of these Free Speech Activists, each card displays their picture and draw command. When clicking on the card of the activist which was randomly selected by the notification when on Sproul, it will automatically launch the drawing application window on the user's phone. This drawing window allows a user to draw using three different brush sizes, twelve different colors, erase using three different eraser sizes, start a new drawing, save the drawing to the phone's memory, and even upload their masterpiece to Flickr! As for a cherry on top, the drawing window even pulls a random Flickr image with the tag CS160_fsm and displays it in the top corner for some inspiration :)
4. Upon uploading a masterpiece to Flickr, the user is given a system status notification that the upload was successful. Next, the application will automatically pull a random image from Flickr, and update the Toq watch with a 7th card displaying this random Flickr image!
This application is completely functional, uses the location api to detect if a user is on Sproul, Flickr api to upload and download, even pushing random image to the watch! All this was made possible through the great examples and section code provided by Mari, Liz, and Andrew, thank you all!!! I also gained significant insight and learned the details of creating my drawing application using the this tutorial. I hope you enjoyed my application as much as I enjoyed spending hours... and hours.... debugging/developing this! (emphasis on debugging lol).
Reah :)
p.s. extra credit features: beautiful layout (welcome screen with iconic FSM image), 12 different colors, 3 different brush sizes, 3 different eraser sizes to choose from, and inspirational Flickr image at top of drawing app.