I had previously completed a similar project using Blynk, so I thought it would be good to upgrade my project and try Cayenne. In this project, we will use an ESP8266 with Cayenne to control a Garage Door Opener. I also use OpenHab Home Automation and included MQTT to be useful with that.
I haven't been able to get the Fake "light" to indicate if the Garage Door is open just yet.
What's Connected- ESP8266 Relay
- DHT22/AM2303 Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- GL5537 Light Sensor
- Active Buzzer
I use a trigger to create the same functionality as a momentary switch would.
Cayenne IoT Momentary Switch:
[Trigger.jpg1164x448 54 KB]
SchedulingNo scheduling setup set, but this could be useful to check if the Garage Door is still open after say 9pm and send a txt.
Dashboard ScreenshotsCayenne IoT Android:
Cayenne IoT Temperature:
Cayenne IoT Light:
Full write up on my blog: ESP8266 NodeMCU WiFi IoT Garage Door Opener Relay with Cayenne

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