Rob Grosche
Published © CC0

Electronic tele-health knuckle duster. [EPIDEM-senor system]

Beat Corona with this electronic knuckle duster !!!

ExpertProtipOver 83 days89
Electronic tele-health knuckle duster. [EPIDEM-senor system]

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Android device
Android device
Install app, turn BLuetooth on.

Software apps and online services

Google Maps
Google Maps


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Electronic tele-health knuckle duster 1

Epidemiological personal and population Infection discovery and containment electronic remote health monitor system

Electronic telehealth knuckle duster 2

Electronic tele-health knuckle duster 3

Electronic tele-health knuckle duster 4

Electronic tele-health knuckle duster 5

Electronic telehealth knuckle duster 6

Electronic tele-health knuckle duster7

Electronic tele-health knuckle duster 8

Electronic tele-health knuckle duster 9


Rob Grosche

Rob Grosche

4 projects • 9 followers
Linked in Rob Grosche
Thanks to Veit Grosche and NaNi Le.
