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Arduino Quadcopter

It's not only a quadcopter... it's an open source machine!

ExpertFull instructions provided58,511
Arduino Quadcopter

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
GY-521 MPU-6050 3 Axis Gyroscope + Accelerometer Module For Arduino


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#include "Arduino.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "def.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "GPS.h"
#include "Serial.h"
#include "Sensors.h"
#include "MultiWii.h"
#include "EEPROM.h"
#include <math.h>

#if GPS

//Function prototypes for other GPS functions
//These perhaps could go to the gps.h file, however these are local to the gps.cpp  
static void GPS_bearing(int32_t* lat1, int32_t* lon1, int32_t* lat2, int32_t* lon2, int32_t* bearing);
static void GPS_distance_cm(int32_t* lat1, int32_t* lon1, int32_t* lat2, int32_t* lon2,uint32_t* dist);
static void GPS_calc_velocity(void);
static void GPS_calc_location_error( int32_t* target_lat, int32_t* target_lng, int32_t* gps_lat, int32_t* gps_lng );
static void GPS_calc_poshold(void);
static uint16_t GPS_calc_desired_speed(uint16_t max_speed, bool _slow);
static void GPS_calc_nav_rate(uint16_t max_speed);
int32_t wrap_18000(int32_t ang);
static bool check_missed_wp(void);
void GPS_calc_longitude_scaling(int32_t lat);
static void GPS_update_crosstrack(void);
int32_t wrap_36000(int32_t ang);

// Leadig filter - TODO: rewrite to normal C instead of C++

// Set up gps lag
#if defined(UBLOX) || defined (MTK_BINARY19)
#define GPS_LAG 0.5f                          //UBLOX GPS has a smaller lag than MTK and other
#define GPS_LAG 1.0f                          //We assumes that MTK GPS has a 1 sec lag

static int32_t  GPS_coord_lead[2];              // Lead filtered gps coordinates

class LeadFilter {
    LeadFilter() :
        _last_velocity(0) {

    // setup min and max radio values in CLI
    int32_t         get_position(int32_t pos, int16_t vel, float lag_in_seconds = 1.0);
    void            clear() { _last_velocity = 0; }

    int16_t         _last_velocity;


int32_t LeadFilter::get_position(int32_t pos, int16_t vel, float lag_in_seconds)
    int16_t accel_contribution = (vel - _last_velocity) * lag_in_seconds * lag_in_seconds;
    int16_t vel_contribution = vel * lag_in_seconds;

    // store velocity for next iteration
    _last_velocity = vel;

    return pos + vel_contribution + accel_contribution;

LeadFilter xLeadFilter;      // Long GPS lag filter 
LeadFilter yLeadFilter;      // Lat  GPS lag filter 

typedef struct PID_PARAM_ {
  float kP;
  float kI;
  float kD;
  float Imax;
PID_PARAM poshold_ratePID_PARAM;

typedef struct PID_ {
  float   integrator; // integrator value
  int32_t last_input; // last input for derivative
  float   lastderivative; // last derivative for low-pass filter
  float   output;
  float   derivative;
} PID;
PID posholdPID[2];
PID poshold_ratePID[2];
PID navPID[2];

int32_t get_P(int32_t error, struct PID_PARAM_* pid) {
  return (float)error * pid->kP;

int32_t get_I(int32_t error, float* dt, struct PID_* pid, struct PID_PARAM_* pid_param) {
  pid->integrator += ((float)error * pid_param->kI) * *dt;
  pid->integrator = constrain(pid->integrator,-pid_param->Imax,pid_param->Imax);
  return pid->integrator;
int32_t get_D(int32_t input, float* dt, struct PID_* pid, struct PID_PARAM_* pid_param) { // dt in milliseconds
  pid->derivative = (input - pid->last_input) / *dt;

  /// Low pass filter cut frequency for derivative calculation.
  float filter = 7.9577e-3; // Set to  "1 / ( 2 * PI * f_cut )";
  // Examples for _filter:
  // f_cut = 10 Hz -> _filter = 15.9155e-3
  // f_cut = 15 Hz -> _filter = 10.6103e-3
  // f_cut = 20 Hz -> _filter =  7.9577e-3
  // f_cut = 25 Hz -> _filter =  6.3662e-3
  // f_cut = 30 Hz -> _filter =  5.3052e-3

  // discrete low pass filter, cuts out the
  // high frequency noise that can drive the controller crazy
  pid->derivative = pid->lastderivative + (*dt / ( filter + *dt)) * (pid->derivative - pid->lastderivative);
  // update state
  pid->last_input = input;
  pid->lastderivative    = pid->derivative;
  // add in derivative component
  return pid_param->kD * pid->derivative;

void reset_PID(struct PID_* pid) {
  pid->integrator = 0;
  pid->last_input = 0;
  pid->lastderivative = 0;

#define _X 1
#define _Y 0

#define RADX100                    0.000174532925  

uint8_t land_detect;                 //Detect land (extern)
static uint32_t land_settle_timer;
uint8_t GPS_Frame;            // a valid GPS_Frame was detected, and data is ready for nav computation

static float  dTnav;            // Delta Time in milliseconds for navigation computations, updated with every good GPS read
static int16_t actual_speed[2] = {0,0};
static float GPS_scaleLonDown; // this is used to offset the shrinking longitude as we go towards the poles

// The difference between the desired rate of travel and the actual rate of travel
// updated after GPS read - 5-10hz
static int16_t rate_error[2];
static int32_t error[2];

static int32_t GPS_WP[2];   //Currently used WP
static int32_t GPS_FROM[2]; //the pervious waypoint for precise track following
int32_t target_bearing;     // This is the angle from the copter to the "next_WP" location in degrees * 100
static int32_t original_target_bearing;  // deg * 100, The original angle to the next_WP when the next_WP was set, Also used to check when we pass a WP
static int16_t crosstrack_error;     // The amount of angle correction applied to target_bearing to bring the copter back on its optimum path
uint32_t wp_distance;                // distance between plane and next_WP in cm
static uint16_t waypoint_speed_gov;  // used for slow speed wind up when start navigation;

// moving average filter variables


static uint8_t GPS_filter_index = 0;
static int32_t GPS_filter[2][GPS_FILTER_VECTOR_LENGTH];
static int32_t GPS_filter_sum[2];
static int32_t GPS_read[2];
static int32_t GPS_filtered[2];
static int32_t GPS_degree[2];    //the lat lon degree without any decimals (lat/10 000 000)
static uint16_t fraction3[2];

static int16_t nav_takeoff_bearing;  // saves the bearing at takeof (1deg = 1) used to rotate to takeoff direction when arrives at home

//Main navigation processor and state engine
// TODO: add proceesing states to ease processing burden 
uint8_t GPS_Compute(void) {
  unsigned char axis;
  uint32_t dist;        //temp variable to store dist to copter
  int32_t  dir;         //temp variable to store dir to copter
  static uint32_t nav_loopTimer;

  //check that we have a valid frame, if not then return immediatly
  if (GPS_Frame == 0) return 0; else GPS_Frame = 0;

  //check home position and set it if it was not set
  if (f.GPS_FIX && GPS_numSat >= 5) {
    #if !defined(DONT_RESET_HOME_AT_ARM)
       if (!f.ARMED) {f.GPS_FIX_HOME = 0;}
    if (!f.GPS_FIX_HOME && f.ARMED) {
    //Apply moving average filter to GPS data
    if (GPS_conf.filtering) {
      GPS_filter_index = (GPS_filter_index+1) % GPS_FILTER_VECTOR_LENGTH;
      for (axis = 0; axis< 2; axis++) {
        GPS_read[axis] = GPS_coord[axis]; //latest unfiltered data is in GPS_latitude and GPS_longitude
        GPS_degree[axis] = GPS_read[axis] / 10000000;  // get the degree to assure the sum fits to the int32_t

        // How close we are to a degree line ? its the first three digits from the fractions of degree
        // later we use it to Check if we are close to a degree line, if yes, disable averaging,
        fraction3[axis] = (GPS_read[axis]- GPS_degree[axis]*10000000) / 10000;

        GPS_filter_sum[axis] -= GPS_filter[axis][GPS_filter_index];
        GPS_filter[axis][GPS_filter_index] = GPS_read[axis] - (GPS_degree[axis]*10000000); 
        GPS_filter_sum[axis] += GPS_filter[axis][GPS_filter_index];
        GPS_filtered[axis] = GPS_filter_sum[axis] / GPS_FILTER_VECTOR_LENGTH + (GPS_degree[axis]*10000000);
        if ( NAV_state == NAV_STATE_HOLD_INFINIT || NAV_state == NAV_STATE_HOLD_TIMED) {      //we use gps averaging only in poshold mode...
          if ( fraction3[axis]>1 && fraction3[axis]<999 ) GPS_coord[axis] = GPS_filtered[axis];

    //dTnav calculation
    //Time for calculating x,y speed and navigation pids
    dTnav = (float)(millis() - nav_loopTimer)/ 1000.0;
    nav_loopTimer = millis();

    // prevent runup from bad GPS
    dTnav = min(dTnav, 1.0);  

    //calculate distance and bearings for gui and other stuff continously - From home to copter
    GPS_distanceToHome = dist/100;
    GPS_directionToHome = dir/100;

    if (!f.GPS_FIX_HOME) {     //If we don't have home set, do not display anything
      GPS_distanceToHome = 0;
      GPS_directionToHome = 0;

    //Check fence setting and execute RTH if neccessary
    //TODO: autolanding
    if ((GPS_conf.fence > 0) && (GPS_conf.fence < GPS_distanceToHome) && (f.GPS_mode != GPS_MODE_RTH) ) {

    //calculate the current velocity based on gps coordinates continously to get a valid speed at the moment when we start navigating

    //Navigation state engine
    if (f.GPS_mode != GPS_MODE_NONE) {   //ok we are navigating ###0002 
      //do gps nav calculations here, these are common for nav and poshold  
      if (GPS_conf.lead_filter) {
      } else {

      // Adjust altitude 
      // if we are holding position and reached target altitude, then ignore altitude nav, and let the user trim alt
      if ( !((NAV_state == NAV_STATE_HOLD_INFINIT) && (alt_change_flag == REACHED_ALT))) {
        if (!f.LAND_IN_PROGRESS) {
          alt_to_hold = get_new_altitude();
          AltHold = alt_to_hold;

      int16_t speed = 0;                   //Desired navigation speed

      switch(NAV_state)                    //Navigation state machine
        case NAV_STATE_NONE:               //Just for clarity, do nothing when nav_state is none

        case NAV_STATE_LAND_START:
          GPS_calc_poshold();              //Land in position hold
          land_settle_timer = millis();
          NAV_state = NAV_STATE_LAND_SETTLE;

          if (millis()-land_settle_timer > 5000)

          GPS_calc_poshold();                //Land in position hold
          f.THROTTLE_IGNORED = 1;            //Ignore Throtte stick input
          f.GPS_BARO_MODE    = 1;            //Take control of BARO mode
          land_detect = 0;                   //Reset land detector
          f.LAND_COMPLETED = 0;
          f.LAND_IN_PROGRESS = 1;            // Flag land process

          check_land();  //Call land detector
          if (f.LAND_COMPLETED) {
            nav_timer_stop = millis() + 5000;
            NAV_state = NAV_STATE_LANDED;

        case NAV_STATE_LANDED:
          // Disarm if THROTTLE stick is at minimum or 5sec past after land detected
          if (rcData[THROTTLE]<MINCHECK || nav_timer_stop <= millis()) { //Throttle at minimum or 5sec passed.
            f.OK_TO_ARM = 0;                //Prevent rearming
            NAV_state = NAV_STATE_NONE;     //Disable position holding.... prevent flippover
            f.GPS_BARO_MODE = 0;
            f.LAND_COMPLETED = 0;
            f.LAND_IN_PROGRESS = 0;
            land_detect = 0;
            f.THROTTLE_IGNORED = 0;

        case NAV_STATE_HOLD_INFINIT:        //Constant position hold, no timer. Only an rcOption change can exit from this

        case NAV_STATE_HOLD_TIMED:
          if (nav_timer_stop == 0) {                         //We are start a timed poshold
            nav_timer_stop = millis() + 1000*nav_hold_time;  //Set when we will continue
          } else if (nav_timer_stop <= millis()) {           //did we reach our time limit ?
            if (mission_step.flag != MISSION_FLAG_END) {
              NAV_state = NAV_STATE_PROCESS_NEXT;            //if yes then process next mission step
            NAV_error = NAV_ERROR_TIMEWAIT;
          GPS_calc_poshold();                                //BTW hold position till next command

        case NAV_STATE_RTH_START:
          if ((alt_change_flag == REACHED_ALT) || (!GPS_conf.wait_for_rth_alt)) {             //Wait until we reach RTH altitude
            GPS_set_next_wp(&GPS_home[LAT],&GPS_home[LON], &GPS_coord[LAT], &GPS_coord[LON]); //If we reached then change mode and start RTH
            NAV_state = NAV_STATE_RTH_ENROUTE;
            NAV_error = NAV_ERROR_NONE;
          } else {
            GPS_calc_poshold();                                                               //hold position till we reach RTH alt
            NAV_error = NAV_ERROR_WAIT_FOR_RTH_ALT;

        case NAV_STATE_RTH_ENROUTE:                                                  //Doing RTH navigation
          speed = GPS_calc_desired_speed(GPS_conf.nav_speed_max, GPS_conf.slow_nav); 
          if ((wp_distance <= GPS_conf.wp_radius) || check_missed_wp()) {            //if yes switch to poshold mode
            if (mission_step.parameter1 == 0) NAV_state = NAV_STATE_HOLD_INFINIT;
            else NAV_state = NAV_STATE_LAND_START;                                   // if parameter 1 in RTH step is non 0 then land at home
            if (GPS_conf.nav_rth_takeoff_heading) { magHold = nav_takeoff_bearing; }

        case NAV_STATE_WP_ENROUTE:
          speed = GPS_calc_desired_speed(GPS_conf.nav_speed_max, GPS_conf.slow_nav); 

          if ((wp_distance <= GPS_conf.wp_radius) || check_missed_wp()) {               //This decides what happen when we reached the WP coordinates 
            if (mission_step.action == MISSION_LAND) {                                  //Autoland
              NAV_state = NAV_STATE_LAND_START;                                         //Start landing
              set_new_altitude(alt.EstAlt);                                             //Stop any altitude changes
            } else if (mission_step.flag == MISSION_FLAG_END) {                         //If this was the last mission step (flag set by the mission planner), then switch to poshold
              NAV_state = NAV_STATE_HOLD_INFINIT;
              NAV_error = NAV_ERROR_FINISH;
            } else if (mission_step.action == MISSION_HOLD_UNLIM) {                     //If mission_step was POSHOLD_UNLIM and we reached the position then switch to poshold unlimited
              NAV_state = NAV_STATE_HOLD_INFINIT;
              NAV_error = NAV_ERROR_FINISH;
            } else if (mission_step.action == MISSION_HOLD_TIME) {                      //If mission_step was a timed poshold then initiate timed poshold
              nav_hold_time = mission_step.parameter1;
              nav_timer_stop = 0;                                                       //This indicates that we are starting a timed poshold
              NAV_state = NAV_STATE_HOLD_TIMED;
            } else {
              NAV_state = NAV_STATE_PROCESS_NEXT;                                       //Otherwise process next step

        case NAV_STATE_DO_JUMP:
          if (jump_times < 0) {                                  //Jump unconditionally (supposed to be -1) -10 should not be here
            next_step = mission_step.parameter1;
            NAV_state = NAV_STATE_PROCESS_NEXT;
          if (jump_times == 0) {
            jump_times = -10;                                    //reset jump counter
            if (mission_step.flag == MISSION_FLAG_END) {         //If this was the last mission step (flag set by the mission planner), then switch to poshold
              NAV_state = NAV_STATE_HOLD_INFINIT;
              NAV_error = NAV_ERROR_FINISH;
            } else
              NAV_state = NAV_STATE_PROCESS_NEXT;

          if (jump_times > 0) {                                  //if zero not reached do a jump
            next_step = mission_step.parameter1;
            NAV_state = NAV_STATE_PROCESS_NEXT;

        case NAV_STATE_PROCESS_NEXT:                             //Processing next mission step
          NAV_error = NAV_ERROR_NONE;
          if (!recallWP(next_step)) { 
          } else {
              //Waypoiny and hold commands all starts with an enroute status it includes the LAND command too
              case MISSION_WAYPOINT:
              case MISSION_HOLD_TIME:
              case MISSION_HOLD_UNLIM:
              case MISSION_LAND:
                GPS_set_next_wp(&mission_step.pos[LAT], &mission_step.pos[LON], &GPS_prev[LAT], &GPS_prev[LON]);
                if ((wp_distance/100) >= GPS_conf.safe_wp_distance)  abort_mission(NAV_ERROR_TOOFAR);
                else NAV_state = NAV_STATE_WP_ENROUTE;
                GPS_prev[LAT] = mission_step.pos[LAT];  //Save wp coordinates for precise route calc
                GPS_prev[LON] = mission_step.pos[LON];
              case MISSION_RTH:
                f.GPS_head_set = 0;
                if (GPS_conf.rth_altitude == 0 && mission_step.altitude == 0) //if config and mission_step alt is zero 
                  set_new_altitude(alt.EstAlt);     // RTH returns at the actual altitude 
                else {
                  uint32_t rth_alt;
                  if (mission_step.altitude == 0) rth_alt = GPS_conf.rth_altitude * 100;   //altitude in mission step has priority
                  else rth_alt = mission_step.altitude;

                  if (alt.EstAlt < rth_alt) set_new_altitude(rth_alt);                     //BUt only if we are below it.
                  else set_new_altitude(alt.EstAlt);
                NAV_state = NAV_STATE_RTH_START;
              case MISSION_JUMP:
                if (jump_times == -10) jump_times = mission_step.parameter2;
                if (mission_step.parameter1 > 0 && mission_step.parameter1 < mission_step.number)
                  NAV_state = NAV_STATE_DO_JUMP;
                else //Error situation, invalid jump target
              case MISSION_SET_HEADING:
                GPS_poi[LAT] = 0; GPS_poi[LON] = 0; // zeroing this out clears the possible pervious set_poi
                if (mission_step.parameter1 < 0) f.GPS_head_set = 0;
                else {
                  f.GPS_head_set = 1;
                  GPS_directionToPoi = mission_step.parameter1;
              case MISSION_SET_POI:
                GPS_poi[LAT] = mission_step.pos[LAT];
                GPS_poi[LON] = mission_step.pos[LON];
                f.GPS_head_set = 1;
              default:                                  //if we got an unknown action code abort mission and hold position
            next_step++; //Prepare for the next step
        } // switch end
    } //end of gps calcs ###0002 
  return 1;
} // End of GPS_compute

// Abort current mission with the given error code (switch to poshold_infinit)
void abort_mission(unsigned char error_code) {
  GPS_set_next_wp(&GPS_coord[LAT], &GPS_coord[LON],&GPS_coord[LAT], &GPS_coord[LON]);
  NAV_error = error_code;

//Adjusting heading according to settings - MAG mode must be enabled
void GPS_adjust_heading() {
  //TODO: Add slow windup for large heading change
  //This controls the heading
  if (f.GPS_head_set) { // We have seen a SET_POI or a SET_HEADING command
    if (GPS_poi[LAT] == 0)
      magHold = wrap_18000((GPS_directionToPoi*100))/100;
    else {
      magHold = GPS_directionToPoi /100;
  } else {                                // heading controlled by the standard defines
    if (GPS_conf.nav_controls_heading) {
      if (GPS_conf.nav_tail_first) {
        magHold = wrap_18000(target_bearing-18000)/100;
      } else {
        magHold = wrap_18000(target_bearing)/100;

#define LAND_DETECT_THRESHOLD 40      //Counts of land situation
#define BAROPIDMIN           -180     //BaroPID reach this if we landed.....

//Check if we landed or not
void check_land() {
  // detect whether we have landed by watching for low climb rate and throttle control
  if ( (abs(alt.vario) < 20) && (BaroPID < BAROPIDMIN)) {
    if (!f.LAND_COMPLETED) {
      if( land_detect < LAND_DETECT_THRESHOLD) {
      } else {
        f.LAND_COMPLETED = 1;
        land_detect = 0;
  } else {
    // we've detected movement up or down so reset land_detector
    land_detect = 0;
    if(f.LAND_COMPLETED) {
      f.LAND_COMPLETED = 0;

int32_t get_altitude_error() {
  return alt_to_hold - alt.EstAlt;

void clear_new_altitude() {
  alt_change_flag = REACHED_ALT;

void force_new_altitude(int32_t _new_alt) {
  alt_to_hold     = _new_alt;
  target_altitude = _new_alt;
  alt_change_flag = REACHED_ALT;

void set_new_altitude(int32_t _new_alt) {
  //Limit maximum altitude command
  if(_new_alt > GPS_conf.nav_max_altitude*100) _new_alt = GPS_conf.nav_max_altitude * 100;
  if(_new_alt == alt.EstAlt){
  // We start at the current location altitude and gradually change alt
  alt_to_hold = alt.EstAlt;
  // for calculating the delta time
  alt_change_timer = millis();
  // save the target altitude
  target_altitude = _new_alt;
  // reset our altitude integrator
  alt_change = 0;
  // save the original altitude
  original_altitude = alt.EstAlt;
  // to decide if we have reached the target altitude
  if(target_altitude > original_altitude){
    // we are below, going up
    alt_change_flag = ASCENDING;
  } else if(target_altitude < original_altitude){
    // we are above, going down
    alt_change_flag = DESCENDING;
  } else {
    // No Change
    alt_change_flag = REACHED_ALT;

int32_t get_new_altitude() {
  // returns a new altitude which feeded into the alt.hold controller
  if(alt_change_flag == ASCENDING) {
    // we are below, going up
    if(alt.EstAlt >=  target_altitude) alt_change_flag = REACHED_ALT; 
    // we shouldn't command past our target
    if(alt_to_hold >=  target_altitude) return target_altitude; 
  } else if (alt_change_flag == DESCENDING) {
    // we are above, going down
    if(alt.EstAlt <=  target_altitude) alt_change_flag = REACHED_ALT;
    // we shouldn't command past our target
    if(alt_to_hold <=  target_altitude) return target_altitude;
  // if we have reached our target altitude, return the target alt
  if(alt_change_flag == REACHED_ALT) return target_altitude;

  int32_t diff  = abs(alt_to_hold - target_altitude);
  // scale is how we generate a desired rate from the elapsed time
  // a smaller scale means faster rates
  int8_t _scale = 4;

  if (alt_to_hold < target_altitude) {
    // we are below the target alt
    if(diff < 200) _scale = 4;
    else _scale = 3;
  } else {
    // we are above the target, going down
    if(diff < 400) _scale = 5;  //Slow down if only 4meters above
    if(diff < 100) _scale = 6;  //Slow down further if within 1meter

  // we use the elapsed time as our altitude offset
  // 1000 = 1 sec
  // 1000 >> 4 = 64cm/s descent by default
  int32_t change = (millis() - alt_change_timer) >> _scale;

  if(alt_change_flag == ASCENDING){
    alt_change += change;
  } else {
     alt_change -= change;
  // for generating delta time
  alt_change_timer = millis();

  return original_altitude + alt_change;

//PID based GPS navigation functions
//Author : EOSBandi
//Based on code and ideas from the Arducopter team: Jason Short,Randy Mackay, Pat Hickey, Jose Julio, Jani Hirvinen
//Andrew Tridgell, Justin Beech, Adam Rivera, Jean-Louis Naudin, Roberto Navoni

//original constraint does not work with variables
int16_t constrain_int16(int16_t amt, int16_t low, int16_t high) {
  return ((amt)<(low)?(low):((amt)>(high)?(high):(amt)));
// this is used to offset the shrinking longitude as we go towards the poles
// It's ok to calculate this once per waypoint setting, since it changes a little within the reach of a multicopter
void GPS_calc_longitude_scaling(int32_t lat) {
  GPS_scaleLonDown = cos(lat * 1.0e-7f * 0.01745329251f);

// Sets the waypoint to navigate, reset neccessary variables and calculate initial values
void GPS_set_next_wp(int32_t* lat_to, int32_t* lon_to, int32_t* lat_from, int32_t* lon_from) {
  GPS_WP[LAT] = *lat_to;
  GPS_WP[LON] = *lon_to;

  GPS_FROM[LAT] = *lat_from;
  GPS_FROM[LON] = *lon_from;


  waypoint_speed_gov = GPS_conf.nav_speed_min;
  original_target_bearing = target_bearing;


// Check if we missed the destination somehow
static bool check_missed_wp(void) {
  int32_t temp;
  temp = target_bearing - original_target_bearing;
  temp = wrap_18000(temp);
  return (abs(temp) > 10000);   // we passed the waypoint by 100 degrees

// Get distance between two points in cm
// Get bearing from pos1 to pos2, returns an 1deg = 100 precision

void GPS_bearing(int32_t* lat1, int32_t* lon1, int32_t* lat2, int32_t* lon2, int32_t* bearing) {
  int32_t off_x = *lon2 - *lon1;
  int32_t off_y = (*lat2 - *lat1) / GPS_scaleLonDown;

  *bearing = 9000 + atan2(-off_y, off_x) * 5729.57795f;      //Convert the output redians to 100xdeg
  if (*bearing < 0) *bearing += 36000;

void GPS_distance_cm(int32_t* lat1, int32_t* lon1, int32_t* lat2, int32_t* lon2,uint32_t* dist) {
  float dLat = (float)(*lat2 - *lat1);                                    // difference of latitude in 1/10 000 000 degrees
  float dLon = (float)(*lon2 - *lon1) * GPS_scaleLonDown; //x
  *dist = sqrt(sq(dLat) + sq(dLon)) * 1.11318845f;

// calc_velocity_and_filtered_position - velocity in lon and lat directions calculated from GPS position
//       and accelerometer data
// lon_speed expressed in cm/s.  positive numbers mean moving east
// lat_speed expressed in cm/s.  positive numbers when moving north
// Note: we use gps locations directly to calculate velocity instead of asking gps for velocity because
//       this is more accurate below 1.5m/s
// Note: even though the positions are projected using a lead filter, the velocities are calculated
//       from the unaltered gps locations.  We do not want noise from our lead filter affecting velocity
static void GPS_calc_velocity(void){
  static int16_t speed_old[2] = {0,0};
  static int32_t last[2] = {0,0};
  static uint8_t init = 0;

  if (init) {
    float tmp = 1.0/dTnav;
    actual_speed[_X] = (float)(GPS_coord[LON] - last[LON]) *  GPS_scaleLonDown * tmp;
    actual_speed[_Y] = (float)(GPS_coord[LAT]  - last[LAT])  * tmp;

    //TODO: Check unrealistic speed changes and signal navigation about posibble gps signal degradation
    if (!GPS_conf.lead_filter) {
      actual_speed[_X] = (actual_speed[_X] + speed_old[_X]) / 2;
      actual_speed[_Y] = (actual_speed[_Y] + speed_old[_Y]) / 2;

      speed_old[_X] = actual_speed[_X];
      speed_old[_Y] = actual_speed[_Y];

  last[LON] = GPS_coord[LON];
  last[LAT] = GPS_coord[LAT];

  if (GPS_conf.lead_filter) {
    GPS_coord_lead[LON] = xLeadFilter.get_position(GPS_coord[LON], actual_speed[_X], GPS_LAG);
    GPS_coord_lead[LAT] = yLeadFilter.get_position(GPS_coord[LAT], actual_speed[_Y], GPS_LAG);

// Calculate a location error between two gps coordinates
// Because we are using lat and lon to do our distance errors here's a quick chart:
//   100  = 1m
//  1000  = 11m    = 36 feet
//  1800  = 19.80m = 60 feet
//  3000  = 33m
// 10000  = 111m
static void GPS_calc_location_error( int32_t* target_lat, int32_t* target_lng, int32_t* gps_lat, int32_t* gps_lng ) {
  error[LON] = (float)(*target_lng - *gps_lng) * GPS_scaleLonDown;  // X Error
  error[LAT] = *target_lat - *gps_lat; // Y Error

// Calculate nav_lat and nav_lon from the x and y error and the speed
// TODO: check that the poshold target speed constraint can be increased for snappier poshold lock
static void GPS_calc_poshold(void) {
  int32_t d;
  int32_t target_speed;
  uint8_t axis;
  for (axis=0;axis<2;axis++) {
    target_speed = get_P(error[axis], &posholdPID_PARAM); // calculate desired speed from lat/lon error
    target_speed = constrain(target_speed,-100,100);      // Constrain the target speed in poshold mode to 1m/s it helps avoid runaways..
    rate_error[axis] = target_speed - actual_speed[axis]; // calc the speed error

    nav[axis]      =
        get_P(rate_error[axis],                                               &poshold_ratePID_PARAM)
       +get_I(rate_error[axis] + error[axis], &dTnav, &poshold_ratePID[axis], &poshold_ratePID_PARAM);

    d = get_D(error[axis],                    &dTnav, &poshold_ratePID[axis], &poshold_ratePID_PARAM);

    d = constrain(d, -2000, 2000);

    // get rid of noise
    if(abs(actual_speed[axis]) < 50) d = 0;

    nav[axis] +=d;
    // nav[axis]  = constrain(nav[axis], -NAV_BANK_MAX, NAV_BANK_MAX);
    nav[axis]  = constrain_int16(nav[axis], -GPS_conf.nav_bank_max, GPS_conf.nav_bank_max);
    navPID[axis].integrator = poshold_ratePID[axis].integrator;

// Calculate the desired nav_lat and nav_lon for distance flying such as RTH and WP
static void GPS_calc_nav_rate( uint16_t max_speed) {
  float trig[2];
  int32_t target_speed[2];
  int32_t tilt;
  uint8_t axis;

  int16_t cross_speed = crosstrack_error * (GPS_conf.crosstrack_gain / 100.0);  //check is it ok ?
  cross_speed = constrain(cross_speed,-200,200);
  cross_speed = -cross_speed;

  float temp = (9000l - target_bearing) * RADX100;
  trig[_X] = cos(temp);
  trig[_Y] = sin(temp);

  target_speed[_X] = max_speed * trig[_X] - cross_speed * trig[_Y];
  target_speed[_Y] = cross_speed * trig[_X] + max_speed * trig[_Y];

  for (axis=0;axis<2;axis++) {
    rate_error[axis] = target_speed[axis] - actual_speed[axis];
    rate_error[axis] = constrain(rate_error[axis],-1000,1000);
    nav[axis]      =
        get_P(rate_error[axis],                        &navPID_PARAM)
       +get_I(rate_error[axis], &dTnav, &navPID[axis], &navPID_PARAM)
       +get_D(rate_error[axis], &dTnav, &navPID[axis], &navPID_PARAM);

    // nav[axis] = constrain(nav[axis],-NAV_BANK_MAX,NAV_BANK_MAX);
    nav[axis]  = constrain_int16(nav[axis], -GPS_conf.nav_bank_max, GPS_conf.nav_bank_max);
    poshold_ratePID[axis].integrator = navPID[axis].integrator;

static void GPS_update_crosstrack(void) {
  // Crosstrack Error
  // ----------------
  // If we are too far off or too close we don't do track following
  float temp = (target_bearing - original_target_bearing) * RADX100;
  crosstrack_error = sin(temp) * wp_distance; // Meters we are off track line

// Determine desired speed when navigating towards a waypoint, also implement slow 
// speed rampup when starting a navigation
//      |< WP Radius
//      0  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8m
//      ...|...|...|...|...|...|...|...|
//                100  |  200     300     400cm/s
//                 |                                        +|+
//                 |< we should slow to 1 m/s as we hit the target
static uint16_t GPS_calc_desired_speed(uint16_t max_speed, bool _slow) {
    max_speed = min(max_speed, wp_distance / 2);
  } else {
    max_speed = min(max_speed, wp_distance);
    max_speed = max(max_speed, GPS_conf.nav_speed_min);  // go at least nav_speed_min
  // limit the ramp up of the speed
  // waypoint_speed_gov is reset to 0 at each new WP command
  if(max_speed > waypoint_speed_gov){
    waypoint_speed_gov += (int)(100.0 * dTnav); // increase at .5/ms
    max_speed = waypoint_speed_gov;
  return max_speed;

// Utilities

int32_t wrap_36000(int32_t ang) {
  if (ang > 36000) ang -= 36000;
  if (ang < 0)     ang += 36000;
  return ang;

 * EOS increased the precision here, even if we think that the gps is not precise enough, with 10e5 precision it has 76cm resolution
 * with 10e7 it's around 1 cm now. Increasing it further is irrelevant, since even 1cm resolution is unrealistic, however increased 
 * resolution also increased precision of nav calculations

#define DIGIT_TO_VAL(_x)        (_x - '0')
uint32_t GPS_coord_to_degrees(char* s) {
  char *p, *q;
  uint8_t deg = 0, min = 0;
  unsigned int frac_min = 0;
  uint8_t i;

  // scan for decimal point or end of field
  for (p = s; isdigit(*p); p++) ;
  q = s;

  // convert degrees
  while ((p - q) > 2) {
    if (deg)
      deg *= 10;
    deg += DIGIT_TO_VAL(*q++);
  // convert minutes
  while (p > q) {
    if (min)
      min *= 10;
    min += DIGIT_TO_VAL(*q++);
  // convert fractional minutes
  // expect up to four digits, result is in
  // ten-thousandths of a minute
  if (*p == '.') {
    q = p + 1;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      frac_min *= 10;
      if (isdigit(*q))
        frac_min += *q++ - '0';
  return deg * 10000000UL + (min * 1000000UL + frac_min*100UL) / 6;

// helper functions 
uint16_t grab_fields(char* src, uint8_t mult) {  // convert string to uint16
  uint8_t i;
  uint16_t tmp = 0;

  for(i=0; src[i]!=0; i++) {
    if(src[i] == '.') {
      if(mult==0)   break;
      else  src[i+mult] = 0;
    tmp *= 10;
    if(src[i] >='0' && src[i] <='9') tmp += src[i]-'0';
  return tmp;

uint8_t hex_c(uint8_t n) {    // convert '0'..'9','A'..'F' to 0..15
  n -= '0';
  if(n>9)  n -= 7;
  n &= 0x0F;
  return n;

// Common GPS functions 
void init_RTH() {
  f.GPS_mode = GPS_MODE_RTH;           // Set GPS_mode to RTH
  f.GPS_BARO_MODE = true;
  GPS_hold[LAT] = GPS_coord[LAT];      //All RTH starts with a poshold 
  GPS_hold[LON] = GPS_coord[LON];      //This allows to raise to rth altitude
  GPS_set_next_wp(&GPS_hold[LAT],&GPS_hold[LON], &GPS_hold[LAT], &GPS_hold[LON]);
  NAV_paused_at = 0;
  if (GPS_conf.rth_altitude == 0) set_new_altitude(alt.EstAlt);     //Return at actual altitude
  else {                                                            // RTH altitude is defined, but we use it only if we are below it
    if (alt.EstAlt < GPS_conf.rth_altitude * 100) 
      set_new_altitude(GPS_conf.rth_altitude * 100);
    else set_new_altitude(alt.EstAlt);
  f.GPS_head_set = 0;                                               //Allow the RTH ti handle heading
  NAV_state = NAV_STATE_RTH_START;                                  //NAV engine status is Starting RTH.

void GPS_reset_home_position(void) {
  if (f.GPS_FIX && GPS_numSat >= 5) {
    GPS_home[LAT] = GPS_coord[LAT];
    GPS_home[LON] = GPS_coord[LON];
    GPS_calc_longitude_scaling(GPS_coord[LAT]);    //need an initial value for distance and bearing calc
    nav_takeoff_bearing = att.heading;             //save takeoff heading
    //TODO: Set ground altitude
    f.GPS_FIX_HOME = 1;

//reset navigation (stop the navigation processor, and clear nav)
void GPS_reset_nav(void) {
  uint8_t i;

  for(i=0;i<2;i++) {
    nav[i] = 0;
    NAV_state = NAV_STATE_NONE;
    //invalidate JUMP counter
    jump_times = -10;
    //reset next step counter
    next_step = 1;
    //Clear poi
    GPS_poi[LAT] = 0; GPS_poi[LON] = 0;
    f.GPS_head_set = 0;

//Get the relevant P I D values and set the PID controllers 
void GPS_set_pids(void) {
  posholdPID_PARAM.kP   = (float)conf.pid[PIDPOS].P8/100.0;
  posholdPID_PARAM.kI   = (float)conf.pid[PIDPOS].I8/100.0;
  posholdPID_PARAM.Imax = POSHOLD_RATE_IMAX * 100;

  poshold_ratePID_PARAM.kP   = (float)conf.pid[PIDPOSR].P8/10.0;
  poshold_ratePID_PARAM.kI   = (float)conf.pid[PIDPOSR].I8/100.0;
  poshold_ratePID_PARAM.kD   = (float)conf.pid[PIDPOSR].D8/1000.0;
  poshold_ratePID_PARAM.Imax = POSHOLD_RATE_IMAX * 100;

  navPID_PARAM.kP   = (float)conf.pid[PIDNAVR].P8/10.0;
  navPID_PARAM.kI   = (float)conf.pid[PIDNAVR].I8/100.0;
  navPID_PARAM.kD   = (float)conf.pid[PIDNAVR].D8/1000.0;
//It was moved here since even i2cgps code needs it
int32_t wrap_18000(int32_t ang) {
  if (ang > 18000)  ang -= 36000;
  if (ang < -18000) ang += 36000;
  return ang;


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