There are a lots of power supplies in market but those are too expensive for a Arduino beginner or a hobbyist. So I decided to make a good looking and cheap power supply out of cheap modules.
The power Supply must be handy as well as powerful.
So I started with making a voltmeter using 7107 IC (4- 7 segment display compatible).
I created a circuit Diagram using and created a schematics and then created a PCB design for the same and ordered my PCBs from because they provide best quality PCBs in the market.
All the schematics and PCB design can be downloaded from
Link to files -
Then for making the power supply I printed a 3D enclosure for the PS and get it printed by a local 3D printer.
Then I grab some components:
1. Voltmeter -
2. Buck converter -
3. Banana connector and socket -
4. LiPo battery
Hope you find this article useful.
Thank you!
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