RobotGeek TeamWade Filewich
Published © CC0

Aquarium Auto Refill With Arduino

This Arduino pump tutorial shows a simple example of how to use a float switch and RobotGeek pumping station to refill a reservoir.

BeginnerShowcase (no instructions)1 hour16,263
Aquarium Auto Refill With Arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

RobotGeek Pumping Station
Seeed Studio Water Level Switch
RobotGeek 3.5mm Silicone Tubing
RobotGeek Small Workbench
RobotGeek Geekduino
RobotGeek Geekduino
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
OPTION: Can be used in place of Geekduino
RobotGeek Sensor Shield
RobotGeek Sensor Shield
RobotGeek Duino Mount
RobotGeek 300mm 3-pin Sensor Cable 10 pack
RobotGeek 3-Pin Coupler - 25 Pack
RobotGeek LED Driver
RobotGeek LED Driver
RobotGeek DC Squid Cable
RobotGeek 6V/2A Power Supply

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more


Wiring Aquarium Auto Refill

Wiring Aquarium Auto Refill


Code snippet #1

Plain text
 * Aquarium Pump Refil Demo
 *                       _______________
 *                      |  ___________  |
 * _____________________| |____       | |
 * |  U       <><             |       | |
 * |                          |       | |
 * | ><>          <><         |      _|_|_
 * |   <><                    |      |   |
 * |__________________________|      |___|
 *  This demo will show you how to control a RobotGeek Pumping Station (or any other
 *  motor/pump via relay) based on input from a float switch. This will allow you to
 *  build an automated Aqurium refil pump, refilling your aquarium whenever it gets 
 *  to low.
 *  Wiring
 *  Pin 2 - Float Switch
 *  Pin 4 - RobotGeek Pushbutton relay/pumping station 1
 *  Pin 7 - RobotGeek LED 
 *  Control Behavior:
 *    If the float switch is not floating (i.e. empty tank) then turn on the pump and led
 *    If the float switch is floating (i.e. full tank) turn off the pump and LED
 *  External Resources
//define the input/output pins
#define PUMP_1_PIN 4
#define LED_PIN 7

//setup runs once
void setup()
  //setup input pins for float switch 
  //Too use a bare switch with no external pullup resistor, set the pin mode to INPUT_PULLUP to use internal pull resistors. This will invert the standard high/low behavior
  //setup output pins for relays/pumping station and LED board
  pinMode(PUMP_1_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);

//loop() runs indefinitely 
void loop()
  //check to see the state of the float switch. These states are assuming the pin is using an internal pullup resistor. 
  // LOW corresdponds to the float switch being at its lowest point (i.e. low water)
  if(digitalRead(FLOAT_SWITCH_PIN) == LOW)
     digitalWrite(PUMP_1_PIN, HIGH); //turn on the pump
     digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);    //turn on the LED
  //otherwise the float switch is HIGH
  // HIGH corresponds to the float switch being at its higest point (i.e. full water)
     digitalWrite(PUMP_1_PIN, LOW); //turn off the pump
     digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);    //turn off the LED

Github file


RobotGeek Team
35 projects • 208 followers
The RobotGeek team is a 6-man operation that wants to make it even easier to use Arduino to make electronics and robots.
Wade Filewich
35 projects • 103 followers
I make technology that makes plants grow
