RobotGeek TeamWade Filewich
Published © CC0

Auto-Turret with Pixy and Nerf Gun

With the Auto-Turret Project, you can automatically track down and fire upon your enemies! This project utilizes a Pixy camera module.

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour18,281
Auto-Turret with Pixy and Nerf Gun

Things used in this project

Hardware components

RobotGeek Desktop Roboturret
RobotGeek Desktop Roboturret
RobotGeek Foam Dart Gun Kit
RobotGeek Pixy CMUcam5 w/ Mounting Hardware
RobotGeek Servo Side Bracket
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
OPTION: Can be used in place of Geekduino

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Wiring Autoturret with Sensor Shield

Wiring Autoturret with Sensor Shield

Wiring Autoturret no Shield

Wiring Autoturret no Shield


Github file


RobotGeek Team
35 projects • 208 followers
The RobotGeek team is a 6-man operation that wants to make it even easier to use Arduino to make electronics and robots.
Wade Filewich
35 projects • 103 followers
I make technology that makes plants grow
