
ez_switch_lib Library, Quick Start Guide

Use this Guide to learn quickly how to use the <ez_switch_lib> library to configure single or multiple switches on Arduino or ESP 32.

BeginnerFull instructions provided340
ez_switch_lib Library, Quick Start Guide

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Any Arduino microcontroller
Espressif ESP32S
Any ESP microcontroller should be okay
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Slide Switch
Slide Switch
Any single pole toggle switch will do providing you can find one that fits into a breadboard!
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Half size is okay, but any size should also be fine


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Example 1, Single Switch

Example 2, Multiple Switches

Example 3, Multiple Switches with Linked Outputs

Example 4, Multiple Switches with Linked Outputs and ISR


Example 1 - Arduino - Single Switch

// A basic ez_switch_lib example - Quick Start, example 1
// A single switch sketch designed to flip the status of the in-built LED
// for Arduino this is on pin 13 (LED_BUILTIN) and for ESP 32 pin 2 This example is
// configured for an Arduino microcontroller
// Compatible for both Arduino and ESP 32 microcontrollers
// Add your own code where required, eg where you see '...'
// R D Bentley (Stafford UK)
// This example and code is in the public domain and may only be
// used for non-commercial purposes without restriction and
// without warranty.
#include <ez_switch_lib.h>
#define LED LED_BUILTIN // built in LED on Arduino boards
int switch_id; // use to record switch id we add to the class

Switches my_switch(1); // create class size for 1 switch
void setup() {
  // create switch with a 10k ohm external pull down resistor - INPUT pinMode parameter
  switch_id = my_switch.add_switch(button_switch,// switch type
                                   2,            // pin switch connected to
                                   INPUT);       // circuit type  pinMode
  if (switch_id < 0) { // error reported  process error
  my_switch.set_debounce(50); // set debounce to 50 millisecs
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // internal built in LED
void loop() {
  do {
    if (my_switch.read_switch(switch_id) == switched) {
      // this switch (swith_id) has been actuated, so process it
      digitalWrite(LED, digitalRead(LED) ^ 1); // flip status of in built LED to show actuation
  } while (true);

Example 2, Arduino - Multiple Switches

// A basic ez_switch_lib example - Quick Start, example 2
// A sketch configured for four switches sketch to flip the status of the in-built LED
// for Arduino this is on pin 13 (LED_BUILTIN) and for ESP 32 pin 2. This example is
// configured for an Arduino microcontroller
// Compatible for both Arduino and ESP 32 microcontrollers
// Add your own code where required, eg where you see '...'
// R D Bentley (Stafford UK)
// This example and code is in the public domain and may only be
// used for non-commercial purposes without restriction and
// without warranty.
#include <ez_switch_lib.h>
#define LED LED_BUILTIN // built in LED on Arduino boards

#define max_switches 4
uint8_t My_Switches[max_switches][3] {
  button_switch, 2, INPUT,        // switch 0
  toggle_switch, 3, INPUT,        // switch 1 
  button_switch, 4, INPUT_PULLUP, // switch 2 
  toggle_switch, 5, INPUT_PULLUP  // switch 3 
Switches my_switches(max_switches);
void setup() {
  int result;
  for (uint8_t sw = 0; sw < max_switches; sw++) {
    result = my_switches.add_switch(My_Switches[sw][0], //switch type
                                    My_Switches[sw][1], //pin switch connected to
                                    My_Switches[sw][2]);//circuit type  pinMode
    if (result < 0) { // error reported  process error
  my_switches.set_debounce(50); // set debounce to 50 millisecs
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // internal built in LED
void loop() {
  do {
    for (uint8_t sw = 0; sw < max_switches; sw++) {
      if (my_switches.read_switch(sw) == switched) {
        // this switch (sw) has been actuated, so process it
        digitalWrite(LED, digitalRead(LED) ^ 1); // flip status of in built LED to show actuation
  } while (true);

Example 3, ESP 32 - Multiple Switch with Linked Outputs

// A basic ez_switch_lib example - Quick Start, example 3
// A sketch configured for four switches sketch.  The sketch will:
// 1. flip the status of the in-built LED for all switch actuations
// 2. flip the linked output pins defined for 3 of the switches. The serial
//    monitor is used to show that the linked pins are flipped each time
//    its associated switch is actuated.
// For Arduino this is on pin 13 (LED_BUILTIN) and for ESP 32 pin 2. This example is
// configured for an ESP 32 microcontroller
// Compatible for both Arduino and ESP 32 microcontrollers, but note:
//   Not all ESP 32 GPIO pins have a pull_up/pull_down capability.
//   Those that do not are documented as:
//     GPIO pins 34-39  these can only be set as input mode and
//     do not have software enabled pullup or pulldown functions.
//     (Source: espessif)
// Add your own code where required, eg where you see '...'
// R D Bentley (Stafford UK)
// This example and code is in the public domain and may only be
// used for non-commercial purposes without restriction and
// without warranty.
#include <ez_switch_lib.h>
#define LED 2 // this is the pin of the internal built LED on ESP 32

#define max_switches 4
uint8_t My_Switches[max_switches][5] {
  button_switch, 23, INPUT_PULLDOWN, 21,  LOW, // switch 0, start with linked pin LOW
  toggle_switch, 22, INPUT_PULLUP,   19, HIGH, // switch 1, start with linked pin HIGH
  button_switch, 25, INPUT_PULLUP,    0,    0, // switch 2, no linked  pin on this switch
  toggle_switch, 26, INPUT_PULLDOWN, 18,  LOW  // switch 3, start with linked pin LOW
Switches my_switches(max_switches); // instantiate the class for the required number of switches
void setup() {
  int result;
  for (uint8_t sw = 0; sw < max_switches; sw++) {
    result = my_switches.add_switch(My_Switches[sw][0], //switch type
                                    My_Switches[sw][1], //GPIO pin switch connected to
                                    My_Switches[sw][2]);//circuit type  pinMode
    if (result < 0) { // error reported  process error
    if (My_Switches[sw][3] != 0) { // there is an output pin to be linked
      result = my_switches.link_switch_to_output(sw, // id of switch to be linked
               My_Switches[sw][3], // GPIO link
               My_Switches[sw][4]);// initial setting of link
      if (result < 0) { // error reported  process error
  my_switches.set_debounce(50); // set debounce to 50 millisecs
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // internal built in LED
  Serial.begin(115200); // open serial monitor
void loop() {
  do {// keep reading switches each loop
    for (uint8_t sw = 0; sw < max_switches; sw++) {
      if (my_switches.read_switch(sw) == switched) {
        // this switch (sw) has been actuated, so process it
        // flip status of in built LED to show actuation for all switches
        // but report switch status to the serial monitor also
        digitalWrite(LED, digitalRead(LED) ^ 1); // flip in-built LED
        // now report status of this sw(itch) which has been actuated
        Serial.print("switch ");
        Serial.print(" (");
        if (My_Switches[sw][0] == button_switch)Serial.print("button switch)"); else
        Serial.print("toggle switch)");
        Serial.print(" actuated on pin ");
        Serial.print(My_Switches[sw][1]);        // the pin this sw(itch) is connected to
        uint8_t linked_pin = My_Switches[sw][3]; // the pin this sw(itch) is linked to
        if (linked_pin != 0) {
          // this switch has a linked output so read that pins current status
          // and report
          bool pin_status = digitalRead(linked_pin);
          Serial.print(", linked pin is ");
          Serial.print(", current status is ");
          if (pin_status == HIGH)Serial.println("HIGH"); else Serial.println("LOW");
        } else {
          Serial.println(", no linked pin");
  } while (true);

Example 4, ESP 32 - Multiple Switches with Linked External Interrupts

// A basic ez_switch_lib example - Quick Start, example
// A sketch configured for four switches sketch.  The sketch will
// demonstrate how we are able to use external interrupt routines (ISRs)
// by linking switches to output pins such that when a switch is actuated
// the associated ISR is triggered.
// The in-built LED is used to indicate a switch actuation, plus the serial
// monitor is also used to confirm that the ISR is entered for any switch
// for which a linked output is defined.
// For Arduino this is on pin 13 (LED_BUILTIN) and for ESP 32 pin 2. This example is
// configured for an ESP 32 microcontroller
// Compatible for both Arduino and ESP 32 microcontrollers, but note:
//   Not all ESP 32 GPIO pins have a pull_up/pull_down capability.
//   Those that do not are documented as:
//     GPIO pins 34-39  these can only be set as input mode and
//     do not have software enabled pullup or pulldown functions.
//     (Source: espessif)
// Add your own code where required, eg where you see '...'
// R D Bentley (Stafford UK)
// This example and code is in the public domain and may only be
// used for non-commercial purposes without restriction and
// without warranty.
#include <ez_switch_lib.h>
#define LED 2 // this is the pin of the internal built LED on ESP 32

#define common_interrupt_pin 21 // external (common) interrupt GPIO pin that all linked switches will use

#define max_switches 4

// This array (My_Switches)includes all of the configuration data for the switch(es)
// to be defined. Switch types and wiring schemes may be mixed.  Each row
// of the array references the configuration data for each switch to be defined.
// My_Switches array - rows are defined as:
// [row][0] - switch type, either 'button_switch' or 'toggle_switch', these are
//            reserved library macros and may be used without declaration
// [row][1] - digital pin assigned to the switch
// [row][2] - circuit type switch is wired as and initialised for via a pinMode call:
//            This parameter must take one of three values:
//            1. INPUT, or circuit_C1. This requires an external 10k ohm pull down resistor
//               to be wired in the switch circuit
//            2. INPUT_PULLUP, or circuit_C2. NO external pull up resistor is required
//            3. INPUT_PULLDOWN, or circuit_C3. NO external pull down resistor is required
//            Note: INPUT, INPUT_PULLUP, INPUT_PULLDOWN, circuit_C1, circuit_C2 and circuit_C3
//            are all library reserved macros and may be used without any declaration
// [row][3] - digital pin number of any linked output pin to this switch
// [row][4] - If a switch has a linked output pin, this is the value for the pin
//            to be initialised with (HIGH or LOW) when linked via the function
//            link_switch_to_output.
//            NOTE:
//            1. this parameter must be the SAME for ALL switches
//               linked to the SAME common interrupt pin
//            2. if the interrupt is triggered on
//               a. RISING, then this value must be set LOW
//               b. FALLING, then this value must be set HIGH
//               c. CHANGE, then this parameter can be either LOW or HIGH

volatile uint8_t My_Switches[max_switches][5] {
  button_switch, 23, INPUT_PULLDOWN, common_interrupt_pin, HIGH,//switch 0
  toggle_switch, 22, INPUT_PULLUP,   common_interrupt_pin, HIGH,//switch 1
  button_switch, 25, INPUT_PULLUP,                      0,    0,//switch 2, no linked pin for switch
  toggle_switch, 26, INPUT_PULLDOWN, common_interrupt_pin, HIGH //switch 3

volatile const uint8_t interrupt_trigger_type = CHANGE;   // can be RISING, FALLING or CHANGE

volatile uint16_t ISR_count = 0;    // used to show the ISR is being entered

Switches my_switches(max_switches); // instantiate the class for the required number of switches
void setup() {
  int result;
  for (uint8_t sw = 0; sw < max_switches; sw++) {
    result = my_switches.add_switch(My_Switches[sw][0], //switch type
                                    My_Switches[sw][1], //GPIO pin switch connected to
                                    My_Switches[sw][2]);//circuit type  pinMode
    if (result < 0) { // error reported  process error
    if (My_Switches[sw][3] != 0) { // there is an output pin to be linked
      result = my_switches.link_switch_to_output(sw, // id of switch to be linked
               My_Switches[sw][3], // GPIO link
               My_Switches[sw][4]);// initial setting of link
      if (result < 0) { // error reported  process error
                    switch_ISR,// name of the sketch's ISR handler for switch interrupts
                    interrupt_trigger_type);// how the interrupt will be triggered
  my_switches.set_debounce(50); // set debounce to 50 millisecs
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // internal built in LED
void loop() {
  do {// keep reading switches each loop
    for (uint8_t sw = 0; sw < max_switches; sw++) {
      if (my_switches.read_switch(sw) == switched) {
        // this switch (sw) has been actuated, so process it
        // flip status of in built LED to show actuation for all switches
        // but report switch status to the serial monitor also
        digitalWrite(LED, digitalRead(LED) ^ 1); // flip in-built LED
        // now report status of this sw(itch) which has been actuated
        Serial.print("switch ");
        Serial.print(" (");
        if (My_Switches[sw][0] == button_switch)Serial.print("button switch)");
        else Serial.print("toggle switch)");
        Serial.print(" actuated on pin ");
        Serial.print(My_Switches[sw][1]);        // the pin this sw(itch) is connected to
        uint8_t linked_pin = My_Switches[sw][3]; // the pin this sw(itch) is linked to
        if (linked_pin != 0) {
          // this switch has a linked output hthat triggered its ISR
          // so display the ISR count
          Serial.print(", ISR linked pin is ");
          Serial.print(", ISR counter = ");
        } else Serial.println();
  } while (true);
// A common ISR associated with defined switches with linked outputs (standard
// feature of the ez_switch_ib library).
// Note that this ISR is a common framework that can be used for all uses
// of the ez_switch_lib library where switches are linked to output(s) that are
// configured as external interrupts.  The ISR indicates where end user code
// should be inserted, depending on the switch type triggering the ISR.
void switch_ISR() {
  ISR_count++; //increment ISR counter, for demo only
  uint8_t switch_id = my_switches.last_switched_id; // switch id of switch currently switched
  if (my_switches.switches[switch_id].switch_type == button_switch) {
    // this was a button switch triggering the interrupt
    // *** Button switch processing
    // *** Put end user code here to deal with this event
  } else {
    // this was a toggle switch triggering the interrupt
    // determine if the switch transitioned to 'on' or 'off'
    // and process accordingly
    if (my_switches.switches[switch_id].switch_status == on) {
      // *** Toggle switch processing for switch being 'on'
      // *** Put end user code here to deal with this event
    } else {
      // *** Toggle switch processing for switch being 'off'
      // *** Put end user code here to deal with this event
  // Finish up, with housekeeping tasks...
  if (interrupt_trigger_type != CHANGE) {
    // not CHANGE, so we need to reset the interrupt pin
    bool level;
    // Deal with the switch control structure data first:
    //   reset interrupt pin (linked output pin) status back to previous value
    //   (ie invert it), ready for next read if interrupt trigger type is
    //   RISING or FALLING. If it is CHANGE, then we leave it as is.
    if (interrupt_trigger_type == RISING)level = LOW; else level = HIGH;
    my_switches.switches[switch_id].switch_out_pin_status = level;

    // Now deal with the physical interrupt pin (linked output pin) level:
    //   if the attachInterrupt function trigger parameter is:
    //     "RISING"  then the common interrupt pin must be reset to LOW
    //     "FALLING" then the common interrupt pin must be reset to HIGH
    //     "CHANGE"  then we DO NOT reset the common interrupt pin
    digitalWrite(my_switches.switches[switch_id].switch_out_pin, level);
  } else {
    // trigger type is CHANGE, which the code here is a bit more involved!
    uint8_t ISR_pin = My_Switches[switch_id][3]; // pin defined for this interrupt
    bool level = my_switches.switches[switch_id].switch_out_pin_status;
    for (uint8_t sw = 0; sw < max_switches; sw++) {
      if (my_switches.switches[sw].switch_out_pin != 0) {
        // linked output pin associated with this switch, but only
        // perform update if it is the same pin number as the one
        // that triggered this interrupt
        if (my_switches.switches[sw].switch_out_pin == ISR_pin) {
          // make this switch (sw) same level as the actual switch
          // that triggered the interrupt
          my_switches.switches[sw].switch_out_pin_status = level;
} // End of switch_ISR

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