
Implementing Multiple Mixed Switch Types By Polling

Implementing switches can be troublesome. This article offers a solution for configuring many mixed type switches at the same time.

Implementing Multiple Mixed Switch Types By Polling

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
example sketch is configured for 3 x button and 3 x toggle switches, but this is arbitrary
Toggle Switch, Toggle
Toggle Switch, Toggle
example sketch is configured for 3 x button and 3 x toggle switches, but this is arbitrary
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
three switches are configured with 10k ohm pull down resistors

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Polling multiple switches, button and/or toggle types, or a mix.
   Ron D Bentley, Stafford, UK
   Feb 2021

   Reading Multiple Switch Types, using simple polling

   This example and code is in the public domain and may be used without restriction and
   without warranty.

   This sketch will reliably read any number of button and/or toggle switches by polling each of
   them in turn.  Once a switch is activated the main code loop will switch
   to user provided code to handle the purpose of the switch.  This is controlled
   via a switch control struct(ure) and associated main loop switch-case code.

   The sketch layout is straight forward and process code for each switch can be added
   where indicated within the main loop, under the respective switch-case section for a
   button switch.

   1. Number of switches - the implementation is such that each switch is
      allocated to a digital pin.  The sketch will therefore support as many
      switches as a microcontroller can provide digital inputs.
      This example sketch is configured, 'out-of-the-box' (OOTB),for six switches,
      3 x button switches plus 3 x toggle swith, but more may be added:

      a. change the macro definition '#define num_switches' to be the total number of
         switches to be connected
      b. for each switch, decide its circuit type and allocate it to a digital pin
      c. in the 'Switch to Pin Macro Definition List' add new switch macro
         definitions, one for each additional switch,
         for example:
         '#define button_switch_?  <pin number>',
         '#define toggle_switch_?  <pin number>',
      d. in the 'Switch Control Sruct(ure) Declaration' add further preset data to the
         'switches' data struct(ure), for example:
         '...,button_switch_?, circuit_?,...',
         '...,toggle_switch_?, circuit_?,...',

   For a fuller appreciation of button switch fundementals see the tutorial 'Understanding
   and Using Button Switches':
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// These declarations are specifically for defining and controlling the attached switches
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#define circuit_C1           INPUT   // switch circuit requires an external pull down 10k ohm resistor
#define circuit_C2    INPUT_PULLUP   // switch type reqires no other components beyond the button switch

#define debounce             10      // number of millisecs to wait for a switch to settle once activated
#define switched           true      // signifies switch has been pressed/switch cycle complete
#define on                 true      // used for toggle switch staus
#define not_used           true      // helps self document code

#define button_switch        1       // differentiates switch type
#define toggle_switch        2       // toggle switches are NOT used in this example sketch - future use

#define num_switches         6       // number of button switches connected

// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// %       Switch to Pin Macro Definition List         %
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// Associate swithes each with a digital pin.
// Add further definitions here if adding more switches.
// Note that digital pins allocated are arbitary, any
// available pin will do, or remove any not required.
// The naming convention offered here helps to self
// document the sketch.

#define button_switch_1      2
#define button_switch_2      3
#define button_switch_3      4

#define toggle_switch_1      5
#define toggle_switch_2      6
#define toggle_switch_3      7

// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// %                   Switch Control Sruct(ure) Declaration                 %
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// Now set up the configuration data for each individual switch to be used by
// the switch read functions and to generally define the nature of the switch.
struct switch_control {
  int  switch_type;               // type of switch connected
  int  switch_pin;                // digital input pin assigned to the switch
  int  circuit_type;              // the type of circuit wired to the switch
  bool switch_on_value;           // used for BUTTON SWITCHES only - defines what "on" means, set up in setup()
  bool switch_pending;            // records if switch in transition or not
  long unsigned int elapse_timer; // records debounce timer count when associated switch is in transition
  bool switch_status;             // used for TOGGLE SWITCHES only - current state of toggle switch.
} switches[num_switches] = {
  // Note order of preset entries not relevant, but keep in a tidy order

  button_switch, button_switch_1, circuit_C1, LOW, false, 0, not_used,
  button_switch, button_switch_2, circuit_C2, LOW, false, 0, not_used,
  button_switch, button_switch_3, circuit_C1, LOW, false, 0, not_used,

  toggle_switch, toggle_switch_1, circuit_C2, not_used, false, 0, !on,
  toggle_switch, toggle_switch_2, circuit_C1, not_used, false, 0, !on,
  toggle_switch, toggle_switch_3, circuit_C2, not_used, false, 0, !on

// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

void setup() {
  // Initialise digital input switch pins
  for (int sw = 0; sw < num_switches; sw++) {
    // Define the switch circuit type - circuit_type is:
    // circuit_C1 (INPUT) or circuit_C2 (INPUT_PULLUP)
    pinMode(switches[sw].switch_pin, switches[sw].circuit_type);
    // Establish 'meaning' for switch on/off for a button switch, depending on circuit type.
    // This is used only by button read function, it has no relevance for toggle switches.
    if (switches[sw].circuit_type == circuit_C2) {
      // Switch is NOT configured with a pull down switch resistor
      switches[sw].switch_on_value   = LOW;    // switch pin goes LOW when switch pressed, ie on
    } else {
      // Circuit_type_C1, so switch IS configured with a pull down switch resistor
      switches[sw].switch_on_value   = HIGH;   // switch pin goes HIGH when switch pressed, ie on
  Serial.begin(115200); // dont forget to set your serial monitor speed to whatever is set here
}  // end of setup

void loop() {
  // Poll each connected switch in turn and, if switched, process its associated purpose
  for (int sw = 0; sw < num_switches; sw++) {
    if (read_switch(sw) == switched) {
      // This switch (sw) has been pressed, so process via a case switch
      if (switches[sw].switch_type == button_switch) {
        Serial.print("\nbutton switch on digital pin ");
      } else {
        Serial.print("\ntoggle switch on digital pin ");
      Serial.println(" triggered");
      // Move to switch's associated code section

      switch (switches[sw].switch_pin)
        case button_switch_1:
          Serial.println("case statement 1 entered");
        case button_switch_2:
          Serial.println("case statement 2 entered");
        case button_switch_3:
          Serial.println("case statement 3 entered");
        case toggle_switch_1:
          Serial.println("case statement 4 entered");
          Serial.print("switch is ");
        case toggle_switch_2:
          Serial.println("case statement 5 entered");
          Serial.print("switch is ");
        case toggle_switch_3:
          Serial.println("case statement 6 entered");
          Serial.print("switch is ");
          // Spurious switch index!  Should never arise as this is controlled
          // by the for loop within defined upper bound
      Serial.flush();  // flush out the output buffer
  // Pollng of the switches now complete until next cycle, so do other things here as required...

} // end of main loop

// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// Generic switch read function:
// '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
// Read the switch defined by the function parameter.
// Function returns a value indicating if the switch
// has undergone a transition or not.
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
bool read_switch(int sw) {
  if (switches[sw].switch_type == button_switch) {
    return read_button_switch(sw);
  return read_toggle_switch(sw);
}  // end of read_switch

// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// Generic toggle switch read function:
// '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
// Test the toggle switch to see if its status has changed since last look.
// Note that, although, switch status is a returned value from the function,
// the current status of the switch ('switches[sw].switch_status') is always
// maintained and can be tested outside of the function at any point/time.
// It will either have a switches[sw].switch_status of 'on' or '!on' (ie off).
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
bool read_toggle_switch(int sw) {
  int pin_value = digitalRead(switches[sw].switch_pin);  // test current state of toggle pin
  if (switches[sw].circuit_type == circuit_C2) {
    // Need to invert HIGH/LOW if circuit design sets pin HIGH representing switch in off state
    // ie inititialised as INPUT_PULLUP
    pin_value = !pin_value;
  if (pin_value != switches[sw].switch_status && !switches[sw].switch_pending) {
    // Switch change detected so start debounce cycle
    switches[sw].switch_pending = true;
    switches[sw].elapse_timer = millis();  // set start of debounce timer
  } else {
    if (switches[sw].switch_pending) {
      // We are in the switch transition cycle so check if debounce period has elapsed
      if (millis() - switches[sw].elapse_timer >= debounce) {
        // Debounce period elapse so assume switch has settled down after transition
        switches[sw].switch_status = !switches[sw].switch_status;  // flip status
        switches[sw].switch_pending = false;                       // cease transition cycle
        return switched;
  return !switched;
} // end of read_toggle_switch

// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// Read button switch function:
// ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
// Generic button switch read function.
// Reading is controlled by:
//   a. the function parameter which indicates which switch
//      is to be polled, and
//   b. the switch control struct(ure), referenced by a).
// Note that this function works in a nonexclusive way
// and incorporates debounce code.
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

bool read_button_switch(int sw) {
  int switch_pin_reading;
  switch_pin_reading = digitalRead(switches[sw].switch_pin);
  if (switch_pin_reading == switches[sw].switch_on_value) {
    // Switch is pressed (ON), so start/restart debounce process
    switches[sw].switch_pending = true;
    switches[sw].elapse_timer = millis();    // start elapse timing
    return !switched;                        // now waiting for debounce to conclude
  if (switches[sw].switch_pending && switch_pin_reading == !switches[sw].switch_on_value) {
    // Switch was pressed, now released (OFF), so check if debounce time elapsed
    if (millis() - switches[sw].elapse_timer > debounce) {
      // dounce time elapsed, so switch press cycle complete
      switches[sw].switch_pending = false;
      return switched;
  return !switched;
}  // end of read_button_switch


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