
Let's Make Music

Craft and play musical scores using music notations

Let's Make Music

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Any Arduino microcontroller would be okay
Speaker: 0.25W, 8 ohms
Speaker: 0.25W, 8 ohms
Alternatively use a piezo buzzer
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Just a couple to connect the speaker to to microcontroller
Resistor 100 ohm
Resistor 100 ohm
Use in series with the spaker
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Solderless Breadboard Half Size

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more


Arduino with 8 ohm 0.25 W Speaker


Let's Make Music Sketch

All you need to make music with Arduino and a simply connected speaker
// let's make music
// Ron D Bentley, Stafford, UK, August 2021
// Modified:
//   Oct 2022 to remove compliler warning re redfinition
//   of macros for some macro locally defined notes, eg B0, B1, etc. 
//   Local naming convention for notes now prefixed with "note_".
// This example and code is in the public domain and
// may be used without restriction and without warranty.
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// % music/tone data and functions... %
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

// Tempos, by common musical names
#define  grave          40
#define  largo          46
#define  lento          52
#define  adagio         56
#define  larghetto      60
#define  adagietto      66
#define  andante        72
#define  andantino      80
#define  maestroso      88
#define  moderato      100
#define  allegretto    104
#define  animato       120
#define  allegro       132
#define  allegro_assai 144
#define  vivace        160
#define  presto        184
#define  prestissimo   208

// Public constants - reflects the 'pitches.h' file,
// but with a different (shortened) note naming convention.
// The values are the frequencies (hz) of the notes.
#define note_B0  31
#define note_C1  33
#define note_CS1 35
#define note_DF1 35
#define note_D1  37
#define note_DS1 39
#define note_EF1 39
#define note_E1  41
#define note_F1  44
#define note_FS1 46
#define note_GF1 46
#define note_G1  49
#define note_GS1 52
#define note_AF1 52
#define note_A1  55
#define note_AS1 58
#define note_BF1 58
#define note_b1  62
#define note_C2  65
#define note_CS2 69
#define note_DF2 69
#define note_D2  73
#define note_DS2 78
#define note_EF2 78
#define note_E2  82
#define note_F2  87
#define note_FS2 93
#define note_GF2 93
#define note_G2  98
#define note_GS2 104
#define note_AF2 104
#define note_A2  110
#define note_as2 117
#define note_BF2 117
#define note_B2  123
#define note_C3  131
#define note_CS3 139
#define note_DF3 139
#define note_D3  147
#define note_DS3 156
#define note_EF3 156
#define note_E3  165
#define note_F3  175
#define note_FS3 185
#define note_GF3 185
#define note_G3  196
#define note_GS3 208
#define note_AF3 208
#define note_A3  220
#define note_AS3 233
#define note_BF3 233
#define note_B3  247
#define note_C4  262 // <--------- middle C
#define note_CS4 277
#define note_DF4 277
#define note_D4  294
#define note_DS4 311
#define note_EF4 311
#define note_E4  330
#define note_F4  349
#define note_FS4 370
#define note_GF4 370
#define note_G4  392
#define note_GS4 415
#define note_AF4 415
#define note_A4  440
#define note_AS4 466
#define note_BF4 466
#define note_B4  494
#define note_C5  523
#define note_CS5 554
#define note_DF5 554
#define note_D5  587
#define note_DS5 622
#define note_EF5 622
#define note_E5  659
#define note_F5  698
#define note_FS5 740
#define note_GF5 740
#define note_G5  784
#define note_GS5 831
#define note_AF5 831
#define note_A5  880
#define note_AS5 932
#define note_BF5 932
#define note_B5  988
#define note_C6  1047
#define note_CS6 1109
#define note_DF6 1109
#define note_D6  1175
#define note_DS6 1245
#define note_EF6 1245
#define note_E6  1319
#define note_F6  1397
#define note_FS6 1480
#define note_GF6 1480
#define note_G6  1568
#define note_GS6 1661
#define note_AF6 1661
#define note_A6  1760
#define note_AS6 1865
#define note_BF6 1865
#define note_B6  1976
#define note_C7  2093
#define note_CS7 2217
#define note_DF7 2217
#define note_D7  2349
#define note_DS7 2489
#define note_EF7 2489
#define note_E7  2637
#define note_F7  2794
#define note_FS7 2960
#define note_GF7 2960
#define note_G7  3136
#define note_GS7 3322
#define note_AF7 3322
#define note_A7  3520
#define note_AS7 3729
#define note_BF7 3729
#define note_B7  3951
#define note_C8  4186
#define note_CS8 4435
#define note_DF8 4435
#define note_D8  4699
#define note_DS8 4978
#define note_EF8 4978

#define speaker                11     // digital pin number for speaker/buzzer

float default_tempo = float(animato); // default tempo - beats per minute
float current_tempo = default_tempo;
float timings[7];                     // holds timings for each defined note/rest time value
#define trills_per_crotchet     8     // number of note changes in a trill per crotchet
float trill_duration;                 // set depending on the tempo selected

// Standard note/rest duration definitions, set in the set_tempo function
#define semib       timings[0] // 4 beats
#define dot_minim   timings[1] // 3 beats
#define minim       timings[2] // 2 beats
#define crot        timings[3] // 1 beat
#define quav        timings[4] // 1/2 beat
#define semiq       timings[5] // 1/4 beat
#define demi_semiq  timings[6] // 1/8 beat

// Function waits for the given time in seconds, or part thereof.
void wait(float duration) {
  uint32_t start;
  start = millis();
  duration = duration * 1000; // convert to milliseconds
  do {
  } while (millis() - start <= duration);

// Set tempo by adjusting durations of note/rest timings
void set_tempo(float new_tempo) {
  float crotchet_duration;
  current_tempo = new_tempo;           // keep current tempo up to date in case it needs to be queried
  crotchet_duration = 60 / new_tempo;  // timing in seconds for 1 beat
  semib      = crotchet_duration * 4;  // semibrieve, 4 beats
  dot_minim  = crotchet_duration * 3;  // dotted mimin, 3 beats
  minim      = crotchet_duration * 2;  // minim, 2 beats
  crot       = crotchet_duration;      // crotchet, 1 beat
  quav       = crotchet_duration / 2;  // quaver, 1/2 beat
  semiq      = crotchet_duration / 4;  // semiquaver, 1/4 beat
  demi_semiq = crotchet_duration / 8;  // demi-semi-quaver, 1/8 beat

  // Set the note duration time for one note in a trill depending on the
  // defined number of note changes in a trill per crotchet.
  trill_duration = crot / trills_per_crotchet;

// Play given note for given duration in seconds, or part thereof.
// Observe that this function is 'blocking', although the tone
// function is 'non-blocking', ie control stays with the function
// until note has completed.
void play(int note, float note_duration) {
  tone(speaker, note, note_duration * 1000); // play the given note for the given duration
  wait(note_duration);                       // wait for note to complete

// Function performs a basic trill with given two notes for the given duration
void trill(int note_1, int note_2, float note_duration) {
  note_duration = note_duration * 1000; // convert to milliseconds
  uint32_t start = millis();
  do {
    play(note_1, trill_duration);
    play(note_2, trill_duration);
  } while (millis() - start < note_duration);

// Rest for given duration in seconds, or part thereof.
void rest(float rest_duration) {
  noTone(speaker);      // ensure no tone is currently playing
  wait(rest_duration);  // wait for given rest to complete

void setup() {
  // set up speaker
  pinMode(speaker, OUTPUT);
  // set up note/rest timings, based on the default unit beat time (default_tempo)

void loop() {
  // some music examples...












  // and back to the beginning...

// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// %        Example out-of-the-box 'shrink-wrapped' music commands         %
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

void middle_C() {
  // 4/4 time
  // C major scale - up
  // bar 1
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_E4, crot);
  play(note_F4, crot);
  // bar 2
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_C5, crot);
  // bar 3
  // C major scale - down
  // bar 4
  play(note_C5, crot);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  // bar 5
  play(note_F4, crot);
  play(note_E4, crot);
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_C4, crot);

void twinkle_twinkle() {
  // 4/4 time
  // bar 1 - Twinkle, twinkle
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  // bar 2 - little star
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  // bar 3 - How I wonder
  play(note_F4, crot);
  play(note_F4, crot);
  play(note_E4, crot);
  play(note_E4, crot);
  // bar 4 - what you are
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_C4, crot);
  // bar 5 - Up above the
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_F4, crot);
  play(note_F4, crot);
  // bar 6 - world so high
  play(note_E4, crot);
  play(note_E4, crot);
  play(note_D4, crot);
  // bar 7 - Like a diamond
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_F4, crot);
  play(note_F4, crot);
  // bar 8 - in the sky
  play(note_E4, crot);
  play(note_E4, crot);
  play(note_D4, crot);
  // bar 9 - Twinkle, twinkle
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  // bar 10 - little star
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  // bar 11 - How I wonder
  play(note_F4, crot);
  play(note_F4, crot);
  play(note_E4, crot);
  play(note_E4, crot);
  // bar 12 - what you are
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_C4, crot);

void jingle_bells() {
  set_tempo(default_tempo * 2); // very lively
  // 4/4 time
  // bar 1
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_B3, minim);
  // bar 2
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_B3, minim);
  // bar 3
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_G3, crot);
  play(note_A3, crot);
  // bar 4
  play(note_B3, semib);
  // bar 5
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_C4, crot);
  // bar 6
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_B3, crot);
  // bar 7
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_A3, crot);
  play(note_A3, crot);
  play(note_B3, crot);
  // bar 8
  play(note_A3, minim);
  play(note_D4, minim);
  // bar 9
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_B3, minim);
  // bar 10
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_B3, minim);
  // bar 11
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_G3, crot);
  play(note_A3, crot);
  // bar 12
  play(note_B3, semib);
  // bar 13
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_C4, crot);
  // bar 14
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_B3, crot);
  // bar 15
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_A3, crot);
  // bar 16
  play(note_G3, semib);
  set_tempo(default_tempo); // reset tempo

void happy_birthday() {
  // 3/4 time
  // bar 1
  play(note_G3, quav);
  play(note_G3, quav);
  play(note_A3, crot);
  play(note_G3, crot);
  // bar 2
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_B3, minim);
  // bar 3
  play(note_G3, quav);
  play(note_G3, quav);
  play(note_A3, crot);
  play(note_G3, crot);
  // bar 4
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_C4, minim);
  // bar 5
  play(note_G3, quav);
  play(note_G3, quav);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_E4, crot);
  // bar 6
  play(note_C4, crot);
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_A3, crot);
  // bar 7
  play(note_F4, quav);
  play(note_F4, quav);
  play(note_E4, crot);
  play(note_C4, crot);
  // bar 8
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_C4, minim);

void ditty_1() {
  set_tempo(default_tempo * 2); // lively pace
  // 3/4 time
  // bar 1
  play(note_C4, minim);
  play(note_G3, crot);
  // bar 2
  play(note_G3, crot);
  play(note_GS3, minim);
  // bar 3
  play(note_G3, minim);
  // bar 4
  play(note_B3, minim);
  play(note_C4, crot);
  set_tempo(default_tempo); // reset tempo

void door_bell_1() {
  // 4/4 time
  // bar 1
  play(note_E4, minim);
  play(note_C4, minim);
  // bar 2
  play(note_D4, minim);
  play(note_G3, minim);
  // bar 3
  // bar 4
  play(note_G3, minim);
  play(note_D4, minim);
  // bar 5
  play(note_E4, minim);
  play(note_C4, minim);

void door_bell_2() {// basic bing/bong door chime
  set_tempo(default_tempo * 2); // lively pace
  // 3/4 time
  // bar 1
  play(note_E5, dot_minim);
  // bar 2
  play(note_C5, dot_minim);
  // bar 3
  // bar 4
  play(note_E5, dot_minim);
  // bar 5
  play(note_C5, dot_minim);
  set_tempo(default_tempo);   // reset tempo

void ode_to_joy() {
  // 4/4 time
  //bar 1
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_C5, crot);
  play(note_D5, crot);
  //bar 2
  play(note_D5, crot);
  play(note_C5, crot);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  //bar 3
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  //bar 4
  play(note_B4, crot + quav);
  play(note_A4, quav);
  play(note_A4, minim);
  //bar 5
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_C5, crot);
  play(note_D5, crot);
  //bar 6
  play(note_D5, crot);
  play(note_C5, crot);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  //bar 7
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  //bar 8
  play(note_A4, crot + quav);
  play(note_G4, quav);
  play(note_G4, minim);
  //bar 9
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  //bar 10
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_B4, quav);
  play(note_C5, quav);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  //bar 11
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_B4, quav);
  play(note_C5, quav);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  //bar 12
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_D4, minim);
  //bar 13
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_C5, crot);
  play(note_D5, crot);
  //bar 14
  play(note_D5, crot);
  play(note_C5, crot);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  //bar 15
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  //bar 16
  play(note_A4, crot + quav);
  play(note_G4, quav);
  play(note_G4, minim);

void canon_in_D() {
  // 4/4 time
  // melody starts at bar 5
  // bar 5
  play(note_FS5, minim);
  play(note_E5, minim);
  // bar 6
  play(note_D5, minim);
  play(note_CS5, minim);
  // bar 7
  play(note_B4, minim);
  play(note_A4, minim);
  // bar 8
  play(note_B4, minim);
  play(note_CS5, minim);
  // bar 9
  play(note_FS5, minim);
  play(note_E5, minim);
  // bar 10
  play(note_D5, minim);
  play(note_CS5, minim);
  // bar 11
  play(note_B4, minim);
  play(note_A4, minim);
  // bar 12
  play(note_B4, minim);
  play(note_CS5, minim);
  // bar 13
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_FS4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  // bar 14
  play(note_FS4, crot);
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_FS4, crot);
  play(note_E4, crot);
  // bar 15
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_B3, crot);
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  // bar 16
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  // bar 17
  play(note_FS4, crot);
  play(note_D4, crot);
  play(note_E4, crot);
  play(note_CS5, crot);
  // bar 18
  play(note_D5, crot);
  play(note_FS5, crot);
  play(note_A5, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  // bar 19
  play(note_B4, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_FS4, crot);
  // bar 20
  play(note_E4, crot);
  play(note_D5, crot);
  play(note_D5, crot + quav);
  play(note_CS5, quav);
  // bar 21
  play(note_D5, quav);
  play(note_CS5, quav);
  play(note_D5, quav);
  play(note_D4, quav);

  play(note_CS4, quav);
  play(note_A4, quav);
  play(note_E4, quav);
  play(note_FS4, quav);
  // bar 22
  play(note_D4, quav);
  play(note_D5, quav);
  play(note_CS5, quav);
  play(note_B4, quav);

  play(note_CS5, quav);
  play(note_FS5, quav);
  play(note_A5, quav);
  play(note_B5, quav);
  // bar 23
  play(note_G5, quav);
  play(note_FS5, quav);
  play(note_E5, quav);
  play(note_G5, quav);

  play(note_FS5, quav);
  play(note_E5, quav);
  play(note_D5, quav);
  play(note_CS5, quav);
  // bar 24
  play(note_B4, quav);
  play(note_A4, quav);
  play(note_G4, quav);
  play(note_FS4, quav);

  play(note_E4, quav);
  play(note_G4, quav);
  play(note_FS4, quav);
  play(note_E4, quav);
  // bar 25
  play(note_D4, quav);
  play(note_E4, quav);
  play(note_FS4, quav);
  play(note_G4, quav);

  play(note_A4, quav);
  play(note_E4, quav);
  play(note_A4, quav);
  play(note_G4, quav);
  // bar 26
  play(note_FS4, quav);
  play(note_B4, quav);
  play(note_A4, quav);
  play(note_G4, quav);

  play(note_A4, quav);
  play(note_G4, quav);
  play(note_FS4, quav);
  play(note_E4, quav);
  // bar 27
  play(note_D4, quav);
  play(note_B3, quav);
  play(note_B4, quav);
  play(note_CS5, quav);

  play(note_D5, quav);
  play(note_CS5, quav);
  play(note_B4, quav);
  play(note_A4, quav);
  // bar 28
  play(note_G4, quav);
  play(note_FS4, quav);
  play(note_E4, quav);
  play(note_B4, quav);

  play(note_A4, quav);
  play(note_B4, quav);
  play(note_A4, quav);
  play(note_G4, quav);
  // bar 29
  play(note_FS4, crot);
  play(note_FS5, crot);
  play(note_E5, minim);
  // bar 30
  play(note_D5, crot);
  play(note_FS5, minim);
  // bar 31
  play(note_B5, minim);
  play(note_A5, minim);
  // bar 32
  play(note_B5, minim);
  play(note_CS6, minim);
  // bar 33
  play(note_D6, crot);
  play(note_D5, crot);
  play(note_CS5, minim);
  // bar 34
  play(note_B5, crot);
  play(note_D5, minim);
  // bar 35
  play(note_D5, dot_minim);
  play(note_D5, crot);
  // bar 36
  play(note_D5, crot);
  play(note_G5, crot);
  play(note_E5, crot);
  play(note_A5, crot);
  // bar 37
  play(note_A5, quav);
  play(note_FS5, semiq);
  play(note_G5, semiq);

  play(note_A5, quav);
  play(note_FS5, semiq);
  play(note_G5, semiq);

  play(note_A5, semiq);
  play(note_A4, semiq);
  play(note_B4, semiq);
  play(note_CS5, semiq);

  play(note_D5, semiq);
  play(note_E5, semiq);
  play(note_FS5, semiq);
  play(note_G5, semiq);
  // bar 38
  play(note_FS5, quav);
  play(note_D5, semiq);
  play(note_E5, semiq);

  play(note_FS5, quav);
  play(note_FS4, semiq);
  play(note_G4, semiq);

  play(note_A4, semiq);
  play(note_B4, semiq);
  play(note_A4, semiq);
  play(note_G4, semiq);

  play(note_A4, semiq);
  play(note_FS4, semiq);
  play(note_G4, semiq);
  play(note_A4, semiq);
  // bar 39
  play(note_G4, quav);
  play(note_B4, semiq);
  play(note_A4, semiq);

  play(note_G4, quav);
  play(note_FS4, semiq);
  play(note_E4, semiq);

  play(note_FS4, semiq);
  play(note_E4, semiq);
  play(note_D4, semiq);
  play(note_E4, semiq);

  play(note_FS4, semiq);
  play(note_G4, semiq);
  play(note_A4, semiq);
  play(note_B4, semiq);
  // bar 40
  play(note_G4, quav);
  play(note_B4, semiq);
  play(note_A4, semiq);

  play(note_B4, quav);
  play(note_CS5, semiq);
  play(note_D5, semiq);

  play(note_A4, semiq);
  play(note_B4, semiq);
  play(note_CS5, semiq);
  play(note_D5, semiq);

  play(note_E5, semiq);
  play(note_FS5, semiq);
  play(note_G5, semiq);
  play(note_A5, semiq);
  // bar 41
  play(note_FS5, quav);
  play(note_D5, semiq);
  play(note_E5, semiq);

  play(note_FS5, quav);
  play(note_E4, semiq);
  play(note_D5, semiq);

  play(note_E5, semiq);
  play(note_CS5, semiq);
  play(note_D5, semiq);
  play(note_E5, semiq);

  play(note_FS5, semiq);
  play(note_E5, semiq);
  play(note_D5, semiq);
  play(note_CS5, semiq);
  // bar 42
  play(note_D5, quav);
  play(note_B5, semiq);
  play(note_CS5, semiq);

  play(note_D5, quav);
  play(note_D4, semiq);
  play(note_E4, semiq);

  play(note_FS4, semiq);
  play(note_G4, semiq);
  play(note_FS4, semiq);
  play(note_E4, semiq);

  play(note_FS4, semiq);
  play(note_D5, semiq);
  play(note_CS5, semiq);
  play(note_D5, semiq);
  // bar 43
  play(note_B4, quav);
  play(note_D5, semiq);
  play(note_CS5, semiq);

  play(note_B4, quav);
  play(note_A4, semiq);
  play(note_G4, semiq);

  play(note_A4, semiq);
  play(note_G4, semiq);
  play(note_FS4, semiq);
  play(note_G4, semiq);

  play(note_A4, semiq);
  play(note_B4, semiq);
  play(note_CS5, semiq);
  play(note_D5, semiq);
  // bar 44
  play(note_B4, quav);
  play(note_D5, semiq);
  play(note_CS5, semiq);

  play(note_D5, quav);
  play(note_D5, semiq);
  play(note_CS5, semiq);

  play(note_CS5, semiq);
  play(note_D5, semiq);
  play(note_E5, semiq);
  play(note_D5, semiq);

  play(note_CS5, semiq);
  play(note_D5, semiq);
  play(note_B4, semiq);
  play(note_CS5, semiq);
  // bar 45
  play(note_D5, crot + quav);
  play(note_FS5, quav);
  play(note_FS5, quav);
  play(note_G5, quav);
  play(note_FS5, quav);
  play(note_E5, quav);
  // bar 46
  play(note_D5, crot + quav);
  play(note_D5, quav);
  play(note_D5, quav);
  play(note_E5, quav);
  play(note_D5, quav);
  play(note_CS5, quav);
  // bar 47
  play(note_B4, minim);
  play(note_D5, minim);
  // bar 48
  play(note_D5, quav);
  play(note_C5, quav);
  play(note_B4, quav);
  play(note_C5, quav);
  play(note_A4, crot);
  play(note_CS5, crot);
  // bar 49
  play(note_D5, crot + quav);
  play(note_A5, quav);
  play(note_A5, quav);
  play(note_B5, quav);
  play(note_A5, quav);
  play(note_G5, quav);
  // bar 50
  play(note_FS5, crot + quav);
  play(note_FS5, quav);
  play(note_FS5, quav);
  play(note_G5, quav);
  play(note_FS5, quav);
  play(note_E5, quav);
  // bar 51
  play(note_D5, quav);
  play(note_C5, quav);
  play(note_B4, quav);
  play(note_C5, quav);
  play(note_A4, crot + quav);
  play(note_A4, quav);
  // bar 52
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_D5, crot);
  play(note_CS5, crot + quav);
  play(note_CS5, quav);
  // bar 53
  play(note_D5, semib);

void scarborough_fair() {
  // B flat / A sharp, 3/4 time
  // bar 1
  // run through twice
  for (uint8_t pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++) {
    play(note_D4, minim);
    play(note_D4, crot);
    // bar 2
    play(note_A4, minim);
    play(note_A4, crot);
    // bar 3
    play(note_E4, crot + quav);
    play(note_F4, quav);
    play(note_E4, crot);
    // bar 4
    play(note_D4, dot_minim);
    // bar 5
    play(note_A4, crot);
    play(note_C5, crot);
    // bar 6
    play(note_D5, minim);
    play(note_C5, crot);
    // bar 7
    play(note_A4, crot);
    play(note_B4, crot);
    play(note_G4, crot);
    // bar 8 & 9
    play(note_A4, dot_minim + minim);
    play(note_D5, crot);
    // bar 10
    play(note_D5, minim);
    play(note_D5, crot);
    // bar 11
    play(note_C5, minim);
    play(note_A4, crot);
    // bar 12
    play(note_A4, crot);
    play(note_G4, crot);
    play(note_F4, crot);
    // bar 13
    play(note_E4, minim );
    play(note_A4, crot);
    // bar 14
    play(note_D4, minim);
    play(note_A4, crot);
    // bar 15
    play(note_G4, minim);
    play(note_F4, crot);
    // bar 16
    play(note_E4, crot);
    play(note_D4, crot);
    play(note_C4, crot);
    // bar 17 & 18
    play(note_D4, dot_minim + dot_minim);


void silent_night() {
  // 3/4 time
  // bar 1
  play(note_G4, crot + quav);
  play(note_A4, quav);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  // bar 2
  play(note_E4, dot_minim);
  // bar 3
  play(note_G4, crot + quav);
  play(note_A4, quav);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  // bar 4
  play(note_E4, dot_minim);
  // bar 5
  play(note_D5, minim);
  play(note_D5, crot);
  // bar 6
  play(note_B4, dot_minim);
  // bar 7
  play(note_C5, minim);
  play(note_C5, crot);
  // bar 8
  play(note_G4, dot_minim);
  // bars 9-12 and 13-16 are identical so repeat twice
  for (uint8_t pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++) {
    // bar 9, bar 13
    play(note_A4, minim);
    play(note_A4, crot);
    // bar 10, bar 14
    play(note_C5, crot + quav);
    play(note_B4, quav);
    play(note_A4, crot);
    // bar 11, bar 15
    play(note_G4, crot + quav);
    play(note_A4, quav);
    play(note_G4, crot);
    // bar 12, bar 16
    play(note_E4, dot_minim);
  // bar 17
  play(note_D5, minim);
  play(note_D5, crot);
  // bar 18
  play(note_F5, crot + quav);
  play(note_D5, quav);
  play(note_B4, crot);
  // bar 19
  play(note_C5, dot_minim);
  // bar 20
  play(note_E5, dot_minim);
  // bar 21
  play(note_C5, crot);
  play(note_G4, crot);
  play(note_E4, crot);
  // bar 22
  play(note_G4, crot + quav);
  play(note_F4, quav);
  play(note_D4, crot);
  // bars 23 & 24
  play(note_C4, dot_minim + dot_minim);


25 projects • 13 followers
