
Multiple Switches, One Interrupt

Use a single interrupt to easily and simply process any number of switches, button or toggle and wired in any scheme.

IntermediateFull instructions provided2,192
Multiple Switches, One Interrupt

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Or any Arduino microcontroller
Toggle Switch, Toggle
Toggle Switch, Toggle
Example uses three toggle switches, but this is configurable
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Example uses three switches wired for 10k ohm pull down
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
See wiring diagram
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Example uses three button switches, but this is configurable
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Solderless Breadboard Half Size

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Multiple Switches, One ISR


Sketch With Many Switches Serviced By A Single Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)

Configure any number of switches of any type and any wiring scheme to work with a single ISR without any physical interrupt wiring.
// Ron Bentley, Stafford UK
// September 2021
// This example and code is in the public domain and may be used without
// restriction and without warranty.
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
//         Example sketch - Multiple switches handled by a single interrupt
//         '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
// This sketch demonstrates how the ez_switch_lib may be used to handle multiple
// switches (button & toggle switches in this example)with a single interrupt routine.
// The use of the ez_switch_lib library for switches provides:
//   * switch type independence
//   * switch circuit type independence
//   * automatic multiple switch debounce handling
//   * parallel switching capabilities, and
//   * automatic interrupt handling for all switches
// The sketch will use digital pin 2 as the common interrupt pin and
// pins 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 as the switch pins.
// For an understanding of the full capabilities of the 'ez_switch_lib' library see
// the USER GUIDE:
// or a synopsis CRIB SHEET:
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#include <ez_switch_lib.h>          // declare the switch library

#define common_interrupt_pin    2   // external (common) interrupt pin that all declared switches will use

#define num_switches            6   // number of switches the sketch will declare & use

Switches my_switches(num_switches); // create the 'Switches' instance for the given number of switches

// Declare the data required for each of our switches, 'my_switch_data':
// 'my_switch_data' layout, one row of data for each switch to be configured,
// as follows:
// [][0] = switch type (button_switch or toggle_switch)
// [][1] = digital pin connected to switch
// [][2] = the circuit type connecting the switch, here the first 3 switches
//         will have 10k ohm pull down resistors wired (circuit_C1 - INPUT type)
//         and the remainder none (circuit_C2 - INPUT_PULLUP type).
byte my_switch_data[][3] =
  toggle_switch,  3, circuit_C1, // this will be the switch entry for switch_id 0
  toggle_switch,  4, circuit_C1, // this will be the switch entry for switch_id 1
  toggle_switch,  5, circuit_C1, // etc
  button_switch,  6, circuit_C2,
  button_switch,  7, circuit_C2,
  button_switch,  8, circuit_C2,

void setup() {
  int result;
  // Add all switches to the library switch control structure we defined above
  // and link all switches to the same interrupt pin as a linked output
  for (uint8_t switch_id = 0; switch_id < num_switches; switch_id++) {
    result = my_switches.add_switch(
               my_switch_data[switch_id][0],  // switch type
               my_switch_data[switch_id][1],  // digital pin switch is wired to
               my_switch_data[switch_id][2]); // type of circuit switch is wired as
    // Check that we have successfully added the current switch or not
    if (result < 0) {
      // No slots left or bad parameters
      Serial.println("*** Failure to add switch.\n Terminated");
    // now make the linkage for this switch_id to the common interrupt pin
    result = my_switches.link_switch_to_output(
               switch_id,             // switch to be linked
               common_interrupt_pin,  // digital pin to link to for interrupt
               LOW);                  // start with interrupt pin LOW, as interrupt will be triggered on RISING
    // Check that we have successfully linked the current switch or not
    if (result < 0) {
      // Could not link the given switch
      Serial.println("*** Failure to link switch.\n Terminated");
  // set debounce period
  my_switches.set_debounce(150);  // can be reduced if you have good quality switches
  // Now establish the common interrupt service routine (ISR) that
  // will be used for all declared switches.
    switch_ISR, // name of the sketch's ISR handler for switch interrupts
    RISING);    // trigger on a rising pin value
} // end of setup function

void loop() {
  // Keep testing switches, and let the interrupt handler do its thing
  // once a switch is switched to 'on'
  // We use 'read_switch' function as this deals with both switch types for us transparently.
  for (uint8_t switch_id = 0; switch_id < num_switches; switch_id++) {
    if (my_switches.read_switch(switch_id) == switched) {
      // *** Add any code here, if any, to process this switch as it has been actuated.
      // *** This is in addition to whatever the ISR does following the triggering
      // *** of the interrupt, if this switch has been linked to the common interrupt pin.


// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// Common ISR for handling interrupt triggers arising from associated switches
// when they transition to on then off for button switches and on or off
// for toggle switches.  The routine knows which switch has generated
// the interrupt because the ez_switch_lib switch read function records the
// actuated switch in the library variable 'last_switched_id'.
// The routine does nothing more than demonstrate the effectiveness of the
// use of a single ISR handling multiple switches by using the serial monitor
// to confirm correct operation.
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
void switch_ISR()
  // Reset the interrupt pin to LOW, so that any other switch will fire the
  // interrupt whist one or more switches complete their transition stage
  byte switch_id = my_switches.last_switched_id;  // switch id of switch currently switched
  digitalWrite(my_switches.switches[switch_id].switch_out_pin, LOW);
  // Reset the soft status of the switch setting to ensure that we get an interrupt event
  // on the linked interrupt pin at next switch change
  my_switches.switches[switch_id].switch_out_pin_status = LOW;
  Serial.print("** Interrupt triggered for switch id: ");
  Serial.print(switch_id); // the id of the last triggering switch
  if (my_switches.switches[switch_id].switch_type == button_switch) {
    // this was a button switch triggering the interrupt
    // *** Button switch processing
    // *** Put end user code here to deal with this event

    Serial.println(".. button switch..switched");
  } else {
    // this was a toggle switch triggering the interrupt
    // determine if the switch transitioned to 'on' or 'off'
    // and process accordingly
    Serial.print(".. toggle switch.. ");
    if (my_switches.switches[switch_id].switch_status == on) {
      // *** Toggle switch processing for switch being 'on'
      // *** Put end user code here to deal with this event

      Serial.println("is on");
    } else {
      // *** Toggle switch processing for switch being 'off'
      // *** Put end user code here to deal with this event

      Serial.println("is off");
} // end of switch_ISR


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