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IntroductionIn this tutorial we look at simple switches and how these can be connected to Arduino microcontrollers such that they can be used reliably.
The design aims for the tutorial are to:
- be accessible to readers with a basic level of C/C++ programming and awareness of the Arduino architecture – for example, basic digital I/O functions, specifically, pinMode(), digitalRead(), digitalWrite(), Arduino sketch structure, use of the Arduino IDE, etc
- provide a practical appreciation of key considerations in switch design and implementation, and to underpin these with a real world example by way of a C++ Arduino sketch that will, hopefully, demonstrate the principles laid out.
However, before we crash headlong into switches, wires, resistors, microcontrollers and coding, we will need to consider, appreciate and understand three things:
1. The type of switch to be used
2. How we wish the switch to be wired and configured (there are choices)
3. The fundamental issues inherent with imperfect switch design and manufacture.
Three ConsiderationsLet’s look at each of these considerations in turn:
Consideration 1 - Type of switch
We will look at connecting and configuring single pole push/press switches, or button switches. This is the one of the simplest form of switch – single pole just means it has one input line and one output line which only connect when the switch is pressed/pushed. That is, when activated, the gap between the input and output is closed and so current will flow. However, there are many types of switch and each will have its own characteristics requiring specific software considerations.
Consideration 2 - Wiring Choices
A simple button switch has two terminals each of which will need to be connected to an Arduino pin if we are to detect its operation. There are several ways to connect a simple button switch, but for the purposes of this tutorial we shall look at the two most common. Let’s call these two circuits C1 and C2 and consider each in turn.
Figure 1 shows an example of circuit C1 - one terminal connected to a digital I/O pin (the digital read pin), for reading switch change states, and the other terminal to +5v AND 0v (ground) pins on the Arduino, via a 10k ohm resistor.
This is the traditional design for wiring a simple switch. The design is such that the digital read pin will be initialised as a simple input pin and will be LOW (0v) when the switch is off and HIGH (5v) when pressed (on). The reason for the 10k ohm resistor is that Arduino digital pins are very sensitive to electromagnetic fields that can generate spurious inputs. The addition of a 10k ohm resistor ensures the pin is maintained at 0v unless raised to +5v via operation of the button switch.
However, there is a second and direct way in which a simple switch can be connected to the microcontroller, one that does not suffer from detectable electromagnetic interference.
Figure 2 shows an example of circuit C2 - one terminal connected to a digital pin (the digital read pin), for reading switch change states, and the other terminal to just 0v (ground) pin on the Arduino. Note the absence of a resistor.
This approach is, perhaps, less common but does work fine. To note is that switch polarity and sensing is reversed - the design is such that the digital read pin will be initialised to be HIGH (+5v) when the switch is off and LOW (0v) when pressed (on).
In either case the assigned digital read pin to the circuit must be configured, usually in setup(), with a pinMode() call. Thereafter, testing for switch operation (using digitalRead()) will need to take note of the circuit design choice (C1 or C2) as the voltage levels for on and off are a reversal of each other. The following shows the software set up/parameters for each circuit choice:
If Circuit C1, setup() process is:
- set pinMode(pin_no, INPUT)
- set pin high reading variable = HIGH (+5v)
- set pin low read variable = LOW (0v)
If Circuit C2, setup() process is:
- set pinMode(pin_no, INPUT_PULLUP)
- set pin high reading variable= LOW (0v)
- set pin low read variable = HIGH (+5v)
Table1 – set up considerations
Understanding the circuit design and set up is critical to be able to reliably configure the sensing software solution (more of the next).
Are we there yet? Nearly there, but not quite. Let’s move on to the next consideration – switch subtleties.
Consideration 3 - Switch Subtleties/ Design/Manufacture Imperfections
So far, so good - we have two circuit designs, know how each design is to be initialised and what values we will get when we read a switch (Table 1), pressed and not pressed. We can just use the digitalRead() function and crack on? Can’t we? What more?
Well, the problem with switches, and other mechanical components, is that they do not always operate cleanly – they often generate ‘noise’ during the switching operation.
Switches, invariable, need a little time to ‘settle down when they change their state. During this settling time, if we read the value of the switch we will likely get unreliable (spurious) results arising from the noise generated associated with the physical characteristics and mechanics of operating the switch.
If we used an oscilloscope to look at a typical button switch cycle, going from off to on and back to off, we would see something like the trace shown in figure 3.
The key points to note about this trace are;
1. The figure shows a button switch configured as for circuit C1 (off = LOW, on = HIGH).
2. The button switch is pressed at time A and released at time C.
3. The total time the button switch is physically pressed is T = C - A seconds.
4. Time T can be as short or as long at the button switch is held down.
5. The state change does not instantaneously go from LOW to HIGH (pressed) or from HIGH to LOW (released) - it takes a finite time for transition to occur, as shown by the time intervals B - A (rising) and D - C (falling).
6. If we read the button switch during these transition times we will likely get unreliable results, sometimes reading LOW, sometimes reading HIGH.
7. It is not until we read the button switch within the interval C - B that we will get a reliable and consistent reading.
So how do we program our way around these imperfections of the physical world? Well, one common method is to introduce the idea of ‘debounce’.
Debounce is a method that accepts the imperfections resulting from noise during state change transitions of switching. The method introduces a timing parameter short enough to allow a switch to achieve its settled state, either fully and cleanly on, or off. Unless you have an oscilloscope, there is no science to how long this period should be, but it ideally needs to as short as possible. It is normally set by trial and error or experience. The better the quality of a switch (we would hope) then we would expect the debounce (state transition) periods to be low, perhaps 10 msecs or less. However, debounce periods of 100 msecs or higher are not uncommon in many examples you may come across.
There are numerous examples of how to program switches with debounce on the internet so why have I bothered with the effort to put together this tutorial? Well, many of these examples are not particularly comprehensive. Many simply jump straight into providing some code and little more. My objective has therefore been to provide a fuller appreciation and understanding of the challenges in implementing what is, after all, a fundamental and basic interface – a button switch.
On inspection of the included example sketch, S1, it will be seen that there are two functions designed to read a simple button switch. Whilst both will read the same switch and incorporate debounce logic, they operate is completely different ways. What I have tried to present is that there is always more than one way to ‘peel a banana’ – the end result is the same (we get to eat the banana) but how we ‘get in’ may differ. See next section for an appreciation of the differences.
Putting It All Together – Example SketchWhat follows is an example of a sketch, S1, that will reliably read the state of a button switch and which is highly configurable to allow the reader to explore the ideas, concepts, constraints and limitations of using a simple button switch.
The sketch design is such that;
- It includes extensive comments throughout which will hopefully aid the reader in understanding what’s going on.
- It supports either choice of switch circuit design (C1 or C2), with minimal change. By default, the sketch is coded to work with circuit C1 (‘circuit_C1’), but if you wish to use circuit C2 make changes as required, see below.
- The choice of digital input pin used to detect switch state changes is set, by default, to pin 2, but may be changed to any suitable pin as required, see below.
- The microcontroller onboard LED is used for testing to indicate switch state changes. It is defined using a macro ‘#define LED LED_BUILTIN’ so should work okay without installing an external LED/resistor circuit. ‘LED_BUILTIN’ is a reserved constant and set by the Arduino IDE depending on the microcontroller board referenced in the IDE configuration data. (For information on ‘LED_BUILTIN’ see constants – Arduino Reference – Defining built-ins: LED_BUILTIN.)
- It includes two methods for reading the button switch, each coded as a Boolean function:
Function 1 - bool read_switch_method_1()
This version of switch reading examines the switch once each time the function is called. It allows the code section from which it is called to continue without waiting for the switch press cycle to complete once switching is initiated - it is what is referred to as a non-blocking function. The only drawback, of course, is that the design of the calling code must ensure that the switch is regularly tested to catch a change in switch status. However, this should not normally be an issue or concern.
Function 2 - bool read_switch_method_2()
This version of switch reading will wait for a switch cycle to complete once it is initiated, before control is returned to the calling code - it is what is referred to as a blocking function. That is, the calling code will be held up once the switch is pressed, released and until the debounce period has elapsed. Once the switch is pressed the function keep total processing control for a time equivalent to at least the time the switch is fully pressed plus the debounce period. This version is therefore less efficient than read_switch_method_1().
The control code within the main sketch loop may incorporates either read_switch_method_1() or read_switch_method_2(). By default, read_switch_method_1() is coded in the main loop call, it being more efficient. This can be changed if desired, see below. Note that either read function will work with either circuit design.
In summary, out of the box (OOTB) the sketch (S1) is configured as follows:
Configurable Parameters/Code,Sketch Default Values
- #define circuit_type circuit_C1..(Switch circuit design)
- int button_switch = 2.....................(Digital input pin for switch reading)
- #define LED LED_BUILTIN..........(LED output pin)
- #define debounce 50...................(Debounce period (msecs))
- read_switch_method_1()..............(Main loop switch read function call)
Table 2 – Out Of The Box Configuration Parameters/Code
Before the following exercises are attempted, the reader should spend a little time familiarising themselves with sketch S1. Whilst it includes lots of comment, which it is hoped the reader will find helpful, it will be seen that the sketch coding is not too lengthy and constructed so as to be as self documenting as possible. The sketch is structured in the normal way as follows:
- Introductory comments, plus comments throughout
- Declarations, variables and definitions
- Setup() function
- Digital switch read functions (x 2)
- Main loop()
The following exercises are suggested to help consolidate and explore understanding.
Exercise 1 - Switch Trace
Figure 3 shows an example of an oscilloscope trace for a button switch connected as for circuit C1 (pinMode(., INPUT)).
Draw a similar trace for a button switch designed with circuit C2 (pinMode(..., INPUT_PULLUP)).
Exercise 2 - OOTB
Load the OOTB sketch and connect a button switch in the configuration of circuit C1 to your microcontroller. That is, with a pull down resistor, see Figure 1.
The sketch macro definition and variable values should be as in Table 2, above, but if not make the changes to reflect those in Table 2.
Compile and up load the sketch and operate the button switch in your circuit. In particular, note that the LED toggles on/off with each switch press and that the switch state change only occurs when it is released.
Exercise 3 – Alternative Switch Circuit, C2
Reconfigure the button switch design to now follow circuit C2, see Figure 2. Edit the macro definition #define circuit_type circuit_C1 to now be #define circuit_type circuit_C2.
The sketch definitions and variable value should be as below:
- #define circuit_type circuit_C2..(Switch circuit design)
- int button_switch = 2.....................(Digital input pin for switch reading)
- #define LED LED_BUILTIN..........(LED output pin)
- #define debounce 50...................(Debounce period (msecs))
- read_switch_method_1().............(Main loop switch read function call)
Compile and up load the sketch. What do you notice? The sketch should operate exactly the same as for the OOTB settings with circuit_C1.
Exercise 4 – Alternate Switch Read Method
Now use the alternate switch read function by editing read_switch_method_1() in the main code loop to be read_switch_method_2().
The sketch definitions and variable value should be as below:
- #define circuit_type circuit_C2..(Switch circuit design)
- int button_switch = 2.....................(Digital input pin for switch reading)
- #define LED LED_BUILTIN..........(LED output pin)
- #define debounce 50...................(Debounce period (msecs))
- read_switch_method_2().............(Main loop switch read function call)
What do you notice? The sketch operates exactly the same as for the exercises.
Exercise 5 – Playing Around With Debounce Values
Using the switch circuit and sketch as for exercise 4, vary the debounce value (#define debounce) and see how decreasing/increasing this affects the switch’s operation. Note the results for your future use.
The sketch definitions and variable value should be as below:
- #define circuit_type circuit_C2..(Switch circuit design)
- int button_switch = 2.....................(Digital input pin for switch reading)
- #define LED LED_BUILTIN..........(LED output pin)
- #define debounce D......................(try suggested values D=0, 25, 100, 250, 1000, etc )
- read_switch_method_2()..............(Main loop switch read function call)
I hope that, through this tutorial, the reader has reached a fuller appreciation and understanding of connecting and using simple button switches with Arduino microcontrollers.
The simple button switch is commonly used but there are many choices and examples of switch. Whilst the majority are of a digital nature (i.e. either off or on), we should not dismiss analogue components that can also be used as inputs for switching, e.g. potentiometers, photoresistors, etc. Each will invariably have its own peculiarities which will need to be understood and suitably programmed for. The good news is that the coding does not get necessarily more complex.
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