According to about 1 in every 100, 000 people suffer from myopathy(any kind of muscle weakness disorder).
The statistics shown above is highly alarming as a huge part of population is unable to give their best physical output due to muscle weakness disorders which largely restricts the amount of their physical output and many a times this causes them to become liablities instead of assets.
The SolutionThis device can be a solution to the problem mentioned above as it provides the user with extra power with help of an MG995 servo motor which makes their muscles less tired during long periods of physical work and also provides some extro power to the user to compensate for the power loss due to myopathy. It can be of many uses such as:-
- Being worn by people working in labour intensive jobs.
- Being worn by people whose muscles' power is far below average human's muscle power.
- Being worn by people who do intence physical labour such as lumberjacks.
The project works as follows:-
- One of the TTP223 sensor detects the touch of the arm and sends the signal to the arduino UNO.
- The arduino UNO interprets the signal and checks that the sensor is located up or down.
- If the signal is from up sensor the arduino instructs the servo to move up and if it is from the sensor located down then it instructs the servo to move down.
- When the servo moves the arm connected to it also moves which in turn pushes the arm support in the respective direction thus providing the arm with external power.
The device without the circuit :-
These are the places in the device where electronics are to be glued:-
I expect that in furure this device will reduce the hardships of labour-intensive jobs and increase the speed of manual labour.