Using the Face Detection of M5stickV to measure the distance of a person thru face dimension for Social distancing....
As a reference I used my face dimension by using the example found on MaixPy IDE....
*Place M5stickV on the wall with the same height as me while on the chair..sticking with an electrical tape...
* Turn on the device and run the said program..a stream of data will show up with regards to face detection.....
*Place yourself about 1.5 meters away from camera while the M5stickV capture your face....
*cover your face and end the program to get the last few face dimension streamed on the terminal....
As reference value my face dimension are width 30 height 33 avg. at 1.5 meters apprx...Instead of using the 2 variable I just get the diagonal value 46....
The farther camera away from a person the smaller the face dimension it capture...
***Without Mask
***With Mask
By having it place on your chest it possible to give the user a warning it he/she is near to other person by Red LED.......
The surrounding light might affect the face detection....