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Anthony Sabatella
Published © CC BY-NC-ND

Wedding Photo Booth with Raspberry Pi

For a wedding or other event, you need a photo booth! You will find here how to do this awesome project which make all guests happy.

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Wedding Photo Booth with Raspberry Pi

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 1 Model B
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B
You can use whatever Raspberry you want, I have one Raspi 1 model B at home so I use it but you can use the latest version, it will increase performances I think
3 spotlights, you can buy them wherever you want
sd card
Camera Module
Raspberry Pi Camera Module
Big Red Dome Button
SparkFun Big Red Dome Button
Photo printer
photo printer compatible with raspbian (for me HP Photosmart 475)
USB Hub powered
12v transformer
For the arcade button led
PC Screen
Power raspberry
To power the raspberry pi
Desk grommet of 80mm
To fix the camera module on the whole on wood
Pieces of wood
To Make the box

Software apps and online services

OS for raspberry pi


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Photobooth code

All instructions are in the Github project


Anthony Sabatella

Anthony Sabatella

1 project • 9 followers
