The idea for this project came from an idea I had fora project in a different class. In Rice's Engi 210 class, I wanted to make fake wood record player. For this class, I thought it would be a good idea to make a music box to put inside of the record player to make it seem a little more realistic. Unfortunately, I ended up going with a different idea for Engi 210. My partner and I instead made a Gallatin. Even though we did not make the record player, by the time that decision was made, I was already invested in my color music box idea. The aim of the project ended up being to expand my understanding of the different options for electrical components and to have fun along the way!
The box I made is supposed to be similar to a typical hand cranked music box but instead of the little metal arms making notes from hitting bumps, mine makes an assigned sound based on the color value sensed.
How to build
The external components of my project are a light sensor and a 360 degree servo. I also have a USB speaker that I am still working to implement
The light sensor has:
Vout --> P2_13
GND --> P2_15
SCL --> P2_9
SDA --> P2_11
I modified code from "link here" to get readings from the light sensor.
*Picture of Light sensor on solderless board*
The 3D servo has:
GND --> P1_22
Vout --> P1_24
PWM0 --> P1_36
I modified code from Erick Welsh's Servo code to allow my 360 servo to rotate at different speeds.
The USB speaker used:
P1_7, P1_9, P1_11, P1_13, and an USB adapter.
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