**M5:bit** is an M5Core-to-Microbit serial communication converter/adapter board.
The adapter board connects the Microbit UART port to the GROVE port on M5Stack Fire or GO ,which allows serial communication between M5Stack and Microbit.
More IO pins are extended from the Micro:bit. You can used jumper cables to connect other hardware.
The library for controlling the M5Stack with the Makecode platform is still in development at the time of writing, however it is soon to be released. For now we can have a play with this test example.
Connect your Micro:bit up to the computer and drop the hex file on its usb drive or make some changes and download the hex file
Use ampy, rshell or some other file transfer method to get the .py file on to your M5Stack. Or you could directly copy and paste the .py files contents into the python page on flow.m5stack.com
Once you have prepared both devices connect the finger scanner to port B and the M5:Bitto port C of your M5Stack device. Load the python file and then insert your microbit into the slot on the M5:Bit
Hope you have fun combining the M5Stack with Microbit, make sure to check back soon for updates on the M5:Bits development.