Salvador Canas
Published © MIT

A Practical Introduction to SRAM Memories Using an FPGA (I)

Let's learn everything about SRAM memories writing a controller in Verilog.

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A Practical Introduction to SRAM Memories Using an FPGA (I)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Cmod A7-35T: Breadboardable Artix-7 FPGA Module
Digilent Cmod A7-35T: Breadboardable Artix-7 FPGA Module

Software apps and online services

Vivado Design Suite
AMD Vivado Design Suite


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Very simple and basic sram controller

This is a very very simple and basic SRAM controller. It has been tested in Cmod A7 board and works well.
module basic_sram_controller(

  input wire clk,                        //  Clock signal

  input wire rw,                         //  With this signal, we select reading or writing operation
  input wire [18:0] addr,                //  Address bus
  input wire [7:0] data_f2s,             //  Data to be writteb in the SRAM
  output reg [7:0] data_s2f_r,           //  It is the 8-bit registered data retrieved from the SRAM (the -s2f suffix stands for SRAM to FPGA)
  output wire [18:0] ad,                 //  Address bus
  output wire we_n,                      //  Write enable (active-low)
  output wire oe_n,                      //  Output enable (active-low)

  inout wire [7:0] dio_a,                //  Data bus
  output wire ce_a_n                     //  Chip enable (active-low). Disables or enables the chip.

  assign ce_a_n = 1'b0;
  assign oe_n = 1'b0;
  assign we_n = rw;
  assign ad = addr;
  assign dio_a = (rw == 1'b1)? 8'hZZ : data_f2s;
  always @(posedge clk) begin
    if (rw == 1'b1)
      data_s2f_r <= dio_a;


Salvador Canas
3 projects • 21 followers
