I'm running STEAM education programs for kids and also grown-up hobbyists. Seeedstudio's Grove system is my favorite when I need electronic components because of its variety and openness.
One day, I was preparing kids craft workshop and realized there is no simple white bright LED module on Grove line-up. so I made it up by myself.
I am not super expert on electronics but fortunately there are so many references I can fine on Internet. Especially Eagle sample projects and Seeed wiki pages helped me alot because every grove module has very well-documented schematics and Eagle board files.
In terms of actual fabrication, I applied to Seeed's Grove sensor co-invent campaign. Thankfully, they supported me prototype my idea into real; https://www.seeedstudio.com/blog/2022/07/15/ignite-your-passion-fire-your-thoughts-develop-your-grove-sensor-with-seeed-fusion-for-a-chance-to-win-over-300usd-cash-prize%EF%BF%BC/
behaviorIt has very intuitive behavior. According to voltage level (analog signal) on the signal pin, the LED gets brighter or dimmer. It becomes totally off when it has 0v on the signal line, of course.
four each grove pins are assigned as below.
1 : signal2 : not connected3 : VCC4 : GND
the circuitThe Circuit is simple. It's basically a power LED (LITE-ON LTW-5630AZL40 HighPower LEDs- 4000K) which is following a non-inverting voltage follower and current mirror. I chose opamp (GS321-tr) carefully in order to keep it cheap and effective.