Science 3D
Published © GPL3+

Satellite Clock with a Back to the Future Look

A clock that gets the date-time from multiple satellites and calculate the time zone dynamically.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)15 hours14,328

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
MAX7219 8 digits
MP2307 Pro Mini 3A DC-DC Converter Step Down Buck Power Module

Software apps and online services



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Custom parts and enclosures






Circuit board




Satellite Clock

updated code 2020-04-20 14h14
  -- horloge satellite

#include <TinyGPS++.h> // uses library
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#include "LedControl.h" //  need the library
//   Pin 12 is connected to the DOUT (SPI-MISO) of the first MAX7221
//   Pin 11 is connected to the CLK  (SPI-MOSI) of the first MAX7221
//   Pin 10 is connected to the LOAD (SPI-SS)(/CS)  of the first MAX7221
// 1 as we are only using 1 MAX7219
// pin 2 connected to ds18b20
LedControl lc = LedControl(12, 11, 10, 2); // lc is our object

   This sample sketch demonstrates the normal use of a TinyGPS++ (TinyGPSPlus) object.
   It requires the use of SoftwareSerial, and assumes that you have a
   4800-baud serial GPS device hooked up on pins 4(rx) and 3(tx).
static const int RXPin = 4, TXPin = 3;
static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 9600;
// The serial connection to the GPS device
SoftwareSerial ss(RXPin, TXPin);

// The TinyGPS++ object
TinyGPSPlus gps;

int HHH = 00;
int MMM = 00;
int SSS = 00;
int YR;
int MT;
int DY;

int Second_PIN = 5; // PWM
int Minute_PIN = 6; // PWM
int Hour_PIN = 9; // PWM
int Light_PIN = 13; // PWM

int PWM_Min = 10;
int PWM_Max = 245;

int GetTimeState = LOW;             // GetTimeState used to set the LED
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;        // will store last time LED was updated
const long GetTimeInterval = 1000;           // GetTimeInterval at which to blink (milliseconds)
int Time_Zone;

#include <EEPROM.h>
int EEPROM_addr = 0;

int FirstBoot = 1;

//// SWITCH B1 ////
static const int B1_buttonPin = 7;                    // sw pull upp w resistor to GND
int B1_buttonStatePrevious = LOW;                      // previousstate of the switch
unsigned long minB1_buttonLongPressDuration = 3000;    // Time we wait before we see the press as a long press
unsigned long B1_buttonLongPressMillis;                // Time in ms when we the B1_button was pressed
bool B1_buttonStateLongPress = false;                  // True if it is a long press
const int intervalB1_button = 50;                      // Time between two readings of the B1_button state
unsigned long previousB1_buttonMillis;                 // Timestamp of the latest reading
unsigned long B1_buttonPressDuration;                  // Time the B1_button is pressed in ms
unsigned long currentMillis;          // Variabele to store the number of milleseconds since the Arduino has started
int Daylight_saving_time = 0;

int Calibration_time = 2000;

int LED_PIN = 13;

long randNumber;

void setup()
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);  // sets the pin as output
  pinMode(Light_PIN, OUTPUT);  // sets the pin as output

  randomSeed(analogRead(0)); // nothing connected to 0 so read sees noise

  pinMode(Hour_PIN, OUTPUT);  // sets the pin as output
  pinMode(Minute_PIN, OUTPUT);  // sets the pin as output
  pinMode(Second_PIN, OUTPUT);  // sets the pin as output

  analogWrite(Light_PIN, 125);

  Daylight_saving_time =;
  Serial.print("EEPROM Daylight_saving_time = ");

  //// SWITCH B1 ////
  pinMode(B1_buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);          // set B1_buttonPin as input

  //// DISPLAY
  // the zero refers to the MAX7219 number, it is zero for 1 chip
  lc.shutdown(0, false); // turn off power saving, enables display
  lc.setIntensity(0, 2); // sets brightness (0~15 possible values)
  lc.clearDisplay(0);// clear screen
  lc.shutdown(1, false); // turn off power saving, enables display
  lc.setIntensity(1, 2); // sets brightness (0~15 possible values)
  lc.clearDisplay(0);// clear screen

  Serial.println(F("Satellite clock"));
  Serial.print(F("TinyGPS++ library v: ")); Serial.println(TinyGPSPlus::libraryVersion());

  Serial.println("Boot Complete");


void loop()
  /* -- ref :
    la planete = 360 degre divise par 24 fuseaux
    chaque fuseau est de 15 degre de LONGITUDE
    on estime le calcul a partir du centre du premier fuseau (7.5 degre)
  Time_Zone = ((gps.location.lng() - 7.5) / 15);

  currentMillis = millis();    // store the current time
  //// SWITCH B1 ////
  readB1_buttonState();           // read the B1_button state

  if (Daylight_saving_time == 1)
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);

  // This sketch displays information every time a new sentence is correctly encoded.
  while (ss.available() > 0)
    if (gps.encode(

  if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10)
    Serial.println(F("No GPS detected: check wiring."));
    while (true);

  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= GetTimeInterval)
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    if (HHH < 10) // add a zero if minute is under 10
    if (MMM < 10) // add a zero if minute is under 10
    if (SSS < 10) // add a zero if minute is under 10

    Serial.print(" --- GPS: ");

    Serial.print(" - Time Zone: ");


  displayTime(HHH, MMM, SSS);
  displayDate(YR, MT, DY);

  //fin LOOP

void getTime(int TimeZone)
  if (gps.time.isValid())
    HHH = gps.time.hour();
    MMM = gps.time.minute();
    SSS = gps.time.second();
  //  else
  //    Serial.print(F("INVALID"));

  if (
    YR =;
    MT =;
    DY =;

  if (HHH <= abs(TimeZone))
    HHH = 24 + TimeZone + HHH;
    HHH = TimeZone + HHH;

  // heure avancee dete
  HHH = HHH + Daylight_saving_time;

  //  if (HHH > 12)
  //    HHH = HHH - 12;


// Function for reading the B1_button state
void readB1_buttonState()
     Bas on Tech - LONG PRESS B1_button
     This course is part of the courses on

     (c) Copyright 2019 - Bas van Dijk / Bas on Tech
     This code and course is copyrighted. It is not allowed to use these courses commercially
     without explicit written approval



  // If the difference in time between the previous reading is larger than intervalB1_button
  if (currentMillis - previousB1_buttonMillis > intervalB1_button) {

    // Read the digital value of the B1_button (LOW/HIGH)
    int B1_buttonState = digitalRead(B1_buttonPin);

    // If the B1_button has been pushed AND
    // If the B1_button wasn't pressed before AND
    // IF there was not already a measurement running to determine how long the B1_button has been pressed
    if (B1_buttonState == HIGH && B1_buttonStatePrevious == LOW && !B1_buttonStateLongPress)
      B1_buttonLongPressMillis = currentMillis;
      B1_buttonStatePrevious = HIGH;
      Serial.println("B1_button pressed");

    // Calculate how long the B1_button has been pressed
    B1_buttonPressDuration = currentMillis - B1_buttonLongPressMillis;

    // If the B1_button is pressed AND
    // If there is no measurement running to determine how long the B1_button is pressed AND
    // If the time the B1_button has been pressed is larger or equal to the time needed for a long press
    if (B1_buttonState == HIGH && !B1_buttonStateLongPress && B1_buttonPressDuration >= minB1_buttonLongPressDuration)
      B1_buttonStateLongPress = true;
      Daylight_saving_time = !Daylight_saving_time;

      if (Daylight_saving_time == 1)
        EEPROM.write(EEPROM_addr, 1);
        EEPROM.write(EEPROM_addr, 0);

      Serial.println("B1_button long pressed");

    // If the B1_button is released AND
    // If the B1_button was pressed before
    if (B1_buttonState == LOW && B1_buttonStatePrevious == HIGH) {
      B1_buttonStatePrevious = LOW;
      B1_buttonStateLongPress = false;
      Serial.println("B1_button released");

      // If there is no measurement running to determine how long the B1_button was pressed AND
      // If the time the B1_button has been pressed is smaller than the minimal time needed for a long press
      if (!B1_buttonStateLongPress && B1_buttonPressDuration < minB1_buttonLongPressDuration) {
        Serial.println("B1_button pressed shortly");

    // store the current timestamp in previousB1_buttonMillis
    previousB1_buttonMillis = currentMillis;



void displayDate(int y, int m, int d)
  int input_number = y;
  int thousands = (input_number / 1000);
  int hundreds = ((input_number / 100) % 10);
  int tens = ((input_number / 10) % 10);
  int ones = (input_number % 10);

  lc.setDigit(0, 7, thousands, false);
  lc.setDigit(0, 6, hundreds, false);
  lc.setDigit(0, 5, tens, false);
  lc.setDigit(0, 4, ones, true);
  lc.setDigit(0, 3, m / 10, false);
  lc.setDigit(0, 2, m % 10, true);
  lc.setDigit(0, 1, d / 10, false);
  lc.setDigit(0, 0, d % 10, false);

void displayTime(int h, int m, int s)
  lc.setDigit(1, 5, h / 10, false);
  lc.setDigit(1, 4, h % 10, true);
  lc.setDigit(1, 3, m / 10, false);
  lc.setDigit(1, 2, m % 10, true);
  lc.setDigit(1, 1, s / 10, false);
  lc.setDigit(1, 0, s % 10, false);

void displayZone(int z)
  int timeZone;
  timeZone = true;

  z = abs(z);

  lc.setDigit(1, 7, z / 10, false);
  lc.setDigit(1, 6, z % 10, timeZone);


Science 3D
11 projects • 25 followers
I have a background in electronics, since 1984. I used to work as a programmer for a couple of years. Now, I am working as a DBA.
