
Circuit Playground Express

This is an overview of how to use and code the sensors on the Circuit Playground Express. I am using MakeCode.

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Circuit Playground Express

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Adafruit Circuit Playground Express Advanced Pack
This is the one I have but there are other versions. I've also adde the basic version below.
Circuit Playground Express
Adafruit Circuit Playground Express

Software apps and online services

Microsoft MakeCode


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Pinouts of Circuit Playground Express


MakeCode Example

There are links to all the code under each sensor.
// This event is triggered when the accelerometer
// detects a shaking motion.
input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, function () {
    // A sound is played when the board detects that it is
    // shook.
// This event is triggered when the accelerometer
// detects that the board is tilted down.
input.onGesture(Gesture.TiltDown, function () {
    // A sound is played when the board is tilted down.
// This event is triggered when the accelerometer
// detects that the board is tilted upwards.
input.onGesture(Gesture.TiltUp, function () {
    // A sound is played when the board is tilted upwards.
// This event is triggered when the accelerometer
// detects that the board is tilted to the left.
input.onGesture(Gesture.TiltLeft, function () {
    // A sound is played when the board is tilted to the
    // left.
    music.playTone(349, music.beat(BeatFraction.Half))
// This event is triggered when the accelerometer
// detects when the board is flipped face up.
input.onGesture(Gesture.FaceUp, function () {
    // A sound is played when the board overtime the board
    // is flipped face up.
    music.playTone(131, music.beat(BeatFraction.Half))
// This event is triggered when the accelerometer
// detects that the board is tilted to the right.
input.onGesture(Gesture.TiltRight, function () {
    // A sound is played when the board is tilted to the
    // right.
    music.playTone(988, music.beat(BeatFraction.Half))
// This event is triggered when the accelerometer
// detects when the board is flipped face down.
input.onGesture(Gesture.FaceDown, function () {
    // A sound is played when the board is flipped faced
    // down.
// This event is triggered when the accelerometer
// detects that the board is in free fall.
input.onGesture(Gesture.FreeFall, function () {
    // A sound is played when the board is in free fall.
// This event is triggered when the accelerometer hits
// 8g.
input.onGesture(Gesture.EightG, function () {
    // A sound is played when the board reaches 8g.
// This event is triggered when the accelerometer hits
// 3g.
input.onGesture(Gesture.ThreeG, function () {
    // A sound is played when the board reaches 3g.
// This set the threshold for the accelerometer.
// Forever loops the step inside this block, well,
// forever. Events interrupts the steps in this block.
// In this example, the rotation of the board is
// graphed in neopixels. The lower the degrees, the
// fewer pixels are lit. It also logs the x value of
// acceleration.
forever(function () {
    // This graphs the rotation of the board. The higher
    // the angle, the more neopixels are lit.
    // This logs the value of acceleration in the x
    // direction.
    console.logValue("x", input.acceleration(Dimension.X))


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