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Forestation Assistance Kit-Simpler and Effective Forestation

Making outdoor Forestation easy for everyone using Machine Learning on Edge using SensiML and capabilities of the Particle Cloud.

IntermediateFull instructions provided169
Forestation Assistance Kit-Simpler and Effective Forestation

Things used in this project

Hardware components

QuickFeather Dev Kit with UART Cable + SensiML
QuickLogic Corp. QuickFeather Dev Kit with UART Cable + SensiML
Particle Photon
Garden PH Sensor
Gravity: Analog Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor- Corrosion Resistant
DFRobot Gravity: Analog Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor- Corrosion Resistant
MQ135 Gas Sensor
Evaluation Board, ADS1015 12-Bit ADC
Evaluation Board, ADS1015 12-Bit ADC
9V battery (generic)
9V battery (generic)
Linear Regulator (7805)
Linear Regulator (7805)
Capacitor 47 µF
Capacitor 47 µF
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Rocker Switch, Non Illuminated
Rocker Switch, Non Illuminated

Software apps and online services

QuickLogic Corp. QuickLogic QORC-SDK
SensiML Analytics Toolkit
SensiML Analytics Toolkit
SensiML Analytics Toolkit
SensiML Analytics Toolkit
Particle Build Web IDE
Particle Build Web IDE
Particle IoT Android App

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free


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Schematic Block Diagram


Forestation Assistance Kit Software Repo

This is a complete repo I made with all the software code needed to program the Particle Photon and the Quickfeather. Read the readme's for more details.


2 projects • 1 follower
Currently preparing for MS in Robotics. Been working on Iot since 2016. Got started from Arduino along with some classmates in college.


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