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Sunil Jha
Published © GPL3+

Handy: The Project to Help You with All Your Tasks

It is basically a hand on wheels which can perform voice activated functions.

IntermediateFull instructions provided10 hours828

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Mindstorms EV3 Programming Brick / Kit
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Programming Brick / Kit
Echo Dot
Amazon Alexa Echo Dot
Lego Technic Rescue Helicopter 42092
Micro SD Card ( 8 gb minimum )

Software apps and online services

Alexa Skills Kit
Amazon Alexa Alexa Skills Kit
Alexa Gadgets Toolkit
Amazon Alexa Alexa Gadgets Toolkit


Read more


Inventory Box Carrier

Instructions for the inventory box carrier

Inventory Box

Instructions for the inventory box


Instructions for building Handy



Python file to be run on the 1st EV3 brick.
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import sys
import time
import logging
import json
import random
import threading

from enum import Enum
from agt import AlexaGadget

from ev3dev2.led import Leds
from ev3dev2.sound import Sound
from ev3dev2.sensor.lego import TouchSensor
from ev3dev2.motor import OUTPUT_A, OUTPUT_B, OUTPUT_C, OUTPUT_D, MediumMotor, LargeMotor
from time import sleep
# Set the logging level to INFO to see messages from AlexaGadget
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout, format='%(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class MindstormsGadget(AlexaGadget):
	A Mindstorms gadget that performs movement based on voice commands.
	Two types of commands are supported, directional movement and preset.

	def __init__(self):
		Performs Alexa Gadget initialization routines and ev3dev resource allocation.

		# Gadget state

		# Ev3dev initialization
		self.leds = Leds()
		self.sound = Sound()
		self.fingers = MediumMotor(OUTPUT_A)
		self.thumb = MediumMotor(OUTPUT_B)
		self.wrist = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_C)
		self.elbow = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_D)

	def on_connected(self, device_addr):
		Gadget connected to the paired Echo device.
		:param device_addr: the address of the device we connected to
		self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "GREEN")
		self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "GREEN")
		logger.info("{} connected to Echo device".format(self.friendly_name))

	def on_disconnected(self, device_addr):
		Gadget disconnected from the paired Echo device.
		:param device_addr: the address of the device we disconnected from
		self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "RED")
		self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "RED")
		logger.info("{} disconnected from Echo device".format(self.friendly_name))

	def on_custom_mindstorms_gadget_control(self, directive):
		Handles the Custom.Mindstorms.Gadget control directive.
		:param directive: the custom directive with the matching namespace and name
			payload = json.loads(directive.payload.decode("utf-8"))
			print("Control payload: {}".format(payload), file=sys.stderr)
			control_type = payload["type"]
			if control_type == "wave":
			elif control_type == "pick":
			elif control_type == "move_elbow":
				self._move_elbow(payload['degrees'], payload['up_down'])
			elif control_type == "drop":
			elif control_type == "color_found":

	def on_custom_mindstorms_gadget_communication_communication(self, directive):
		Handles the Custom.Mindstorms.Gadget control directive.
		:param directive: the custom directive with the matching namespace and name
			payload = json.loads(directive.payload.decode("utf-8"))
			print("Comm payload: {}".format(payload), file=sys.stderr)
			control_type = payload["type"]
			if control_type == "ColorFound":
		except KeyError:
			print("Missing expected parameters: {}".format(directive), file=sys.stderr)
	def _wave(self):

		for i in range(1,2):
			self.wrist.on_for_degrees(75, 90)
			self.wrist.on_for_degrees(75, -180)
			self.wrist.on_for_degrees(75, 90)
	def _pick(self):
		self.thumb.on_for_degrees(75, -150)
		self.fingers.on_for_degrees(75, 315)
	def _drop(self):
		self.fingers.on_for_degrees(75, -315)
		self.thumb.on_for_degrees(75, 150)
	def _move_elbow(self,degrees, up_down):
		if up_down == "Up" or up_down == "up":
			self.elbow.on_for_degrees(75, 12 * int(degrees))
		if up_down == "Down" or up_down == "down":
			self.elbow.on_for_degrees(-75, 12 * int(degrees))
	def _pick_2(self):
		self.thumb.on_for_degrees(75, -150)
		self.fingers.on_for_degrees(75, 315)

	def _send_event(self, name, payload):
		Sends a custom event to trigger a sentry action.
		:param name: the name of the custom event
		:param payload: the sentry JSON payload
		self.send_custom_event('Custom.Mindstorms.Gadget',name, payload)

if __name__ == '__main__':

	gadget = MindstormsGadget()

	# Set LCD font and turn off blinking LEDs
	os.system('setfont Lat7-Terminus12x6')
	gadget.leds.set_color("LEFT", "BLACK")
	gadget.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "BLACK")

	# Startup sequence
	gadget.sound.play_song((('C4', 'e'), ('D4', 'e'), ('E5', 'q')))
	gadget.leds.set_color("LEFT", "GREEN")
	gadget.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "GREEN")

	# Gadget main entry point

	# Shutdown sequence
	gadget.sound.play_song((('E5', 'e'), ('C4', 'e')))
	gadget.leds.set_color("LEFT", "BLACK")
	gadget.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "BLACK")


Initialisation file for handy_arm.py
alexaGadgetSecret = YOUR_GADGET_SECRET

Custom.Mindstorms.Gadget = 1.0


Python file to be run on the 2nd EV3 brick
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import sys
import time
import logging
import json
import random
import threading

from enum import Enum
from agt import AlexaGadget

from ev3dev2.led import Leds
from ev3dev2.sound import Sound
from ev3dev2.sensor.lego import ColorSensor
from ev3dev2.motor import OUTPUT_A, OUTPUT_B, OUTPUT_C, MoveTank, SpeedPercent, MediumMotor

# Set the logging level to INFO to see messages from AlexaGadget
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout, format='%(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Direction(Enum):
    The list of directional commands and their variations.
    These variations correspond to the skill slot values.
    FORWARD = ['forward', 'forwards', 'go forward']
    BACKWARD = ['back', 'backward', 'backwards', 'go backward']
    LEFT = ['left', 'go left']
    RIGHT = ['right', 'go right']
    STOP = ['stop', 'brake']

class MindstormsGadget(AlexaGadget):
    A Mindstorms gadget that performs movement based on voice commands.
    Two types of commands are supported, directional movement and preset.

    def __init__(self):
        Performs Alexa Gadget initialization routines and ev3dev resource allocation.

        # Gadget state

        # Ev3dev initialization
        self.leds = Leds()
        self.sound = Sound()
        self.color_sensor = ColorSensor()
        self.drive = MoveTank(OUTPUT_B, OUTPUT_C)

    def on_connected(self, device_addr):
        Gadget connected to the paired Echo device.
        :param device_addr: the address of the device we connected to
        self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "GREEN")
        self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "GREEN")
        logger.info("{} connected to Echo device".format(self.friendly_name))

    def on_disconnected(self, device_addr):
        Gadget disconnected from the paired Echo device.
        :param device_addr: the address of the device we disconnected from
        self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "RED")
        self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "RED")
        logger.info("{} disconnected from Echo device".format(self.friendly_name))

    def on_custom_mindstorms_gadget_control(self, directive):
        Handles the Custom.Mindstorms.Gadget control directive.
        :param directive: the custom directive with the matching namespace and name
            payload = json.loads(directive.payload.decode("utf-8"))
            print("Control payload: {}".format(payload), file=sys.stderr)
            control_type = payload["type"]
            if control_type == "move":
                self._move(payload['direction'], int(payload['duration']), int(payload['speed']))
            if control_type == "pick_color":

        except KeyError:
            print("Missing expected parameters: {}".format(directive), file=sys.stderr)
    def _send_event(self, name, payload):
        Sends a custom event to trigger a sentry action.
        :param name: the name of the custom event
        :param payload: the sentry JSON payload
        self.send_custom_event('Custom.Mindstorms.Gadget', name, payload)
    def _move(self, direction, duration: int, speed: int):
        if direction in Direction.FORWARD.value:
            self.drive.on_for_seconds(SpeedPercent(speed), SpeedPercent(speed), duration)

        if direction in Direction.BACKWARD.value:
            self.drive.on_for_seconds(SpeedPercent(-speed), SpeedPercent(-speed), duration)

        if direction in (Direction.RIGHT.value + Direction.LEFT.value):
            self._turn(direction, speed)
            self.drive.on_for_seconds(SpeedPercent(speed), SpeedPercent(speed), duration)

        if direction in Direction.STOP.value:

    def _turn(self, direction, speed):
        Turns based on the specified direction and speed.
        Calibrated for hard smooth surface.
        :param direction: the turn direction
        :param speed: the turn speed
        if direction in Direction.LEFT.value:
            self.drive.on_for_rotations(-speed, speed, 1.45)

        if direction in Direction.RIGHT.value:
            self.drive.on_for_rotations(speed, -speed, 1.45)
    def _pick_color(self, required_color_name):
        color_name = self.color_sensor.color_name
        while color_name.lower() != "NoColor".lower():
            if color_name.lower() == required_color_name.lower():
                self.drive.on_for_rotations(-75, 75, 1.45)
                self.drive.on_for_rotations(-75, -75, 0.8)

                self._send_event("color_found", {})
                self.drive.on_for_rotations(75, 75, 1)
            color_name = self.color_sensor.color_name


if __name__ == '__main__':

    gadget = MindstormsGadget()

    # Set LCD font and turn off blinking LEDs
    os.system('setfont Lat7-Terminus12x6')
    gadget.leds.set_color("LEFT", "BLACK")
    gadget.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "BLACK")

    # Startup sequence
    gadget.sound.play_song((('C4', 'e'), ('D4', 'e'), ('E5', 'q')))
    gadget.leds.set_color("LEFT", "GREEN")
    gadget.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "GREEN")

    # Gadget main entry point

    # Shutdown sequence
    gadget.sound.play_song((('E5', 'e'), ('C4', 'e')))
    gadget.leds.set_color("LEFT", "BLACK")
    gadget.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "BLACK")


Initialisation file for handy_base.py
alexaGadgetSecret = YOUR_GADGET_SECRET

Custom.Mindstorms.Gadget = 1.0


The skill interaction model
    "interactionModel": {
        "languageModel": {
            "invocationName": "handy",
            "intents": [
                    "name": "AMAZON.CancelIntent",
                    "samples": []
                    "name": "AMAZON.HelpIntent",
                    "samples": []
                    "name": "AMAZON.StopIntent",
                    "samples": []
                    "name": "AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent",
                    "samples": []
                    "name": "MoveIntent",
                    "slots": [
                            "name": "Direction",
                            "type": "DirectionType"
                            "name": "Duration",
                            "type": "AMAZON.NUMBER"
                    "samples": [
                        "{Direction} now",
                        "{Direction} {Duration} seconds",
                        "move {Direction} for {Duration} seconds"
                    "name": "SetSpeedIntent",
                    "slots": [
                            "name": "Speed",
                            "type": "AMAZON.NUMBER"
                    "samples": [
                        "set speed {Speed} percent",
                        "set {Speed} percent speed",
                        "set speed to {Speed} percent"
                    "name": "PickIntent",
                    "slots": [],
                    "samples": [
                        "activate pick command",
                    "name": "PickColorIntent",
                    "slots": [
                            "name": "Color",
                            "type": "ColorType"
                    "samples": [
                        "pick {Color} basket",
                        "bring me the {Color} basket",
                        "hand me that {Color} basket",
                        "give me the {Color} basket",
                        "pick up {Color} basket",
                        "fetch me the {Color} box",
                        "bring me the {Color} box",
                        "hand me that {Color} box",
                        "give me the {Color} box",
                        "pick up {Color} box ",
                        "pick {Color} box"
                    "name": "DropIntent",
                    "slots": [],
                    "samples": [
                        "drop that basket",
                        "put that down",
                        "drop that box",
                        "drop "
                    "name": "WaveIntent",
                    "slots": [
                            "name": "Greet",
                            "type": "GreetType"
                    "samples": [
                        "wish me luck",
                        "say {Greet}",
                    "name": "MoveElbowIntent",
                    "slots": [
                            "name": "Degrees",
                            "type": "AMAZON.NUMBER"
                            "name": "UpDown",
                            "type": "UpDownType"
                    "samples": [
                        "move elbow {Degrees}  degrees  {UpDown} ",
                        "elbow {UpDown} {Degrees} degrees",
                        "rotate elbow {Degrees} degrees {UpDown}",
                        "move elbow {UpDown} {Degrees} degrees ",
                        "move elbow {UpDown} {Degrees}"
            "types": [
                    "name": "DirectionType",
                    "values": [
                            "name": {
                                "value": "brake"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "go backward"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "go forward"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "go right"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "go left"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "right"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "left"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "backwards"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "backward"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "forwards"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "forward"
                    "name": "ColorType",
                    "values": [
                            "name": {
                                "value": "Brown"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "White"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "Red"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "Yellow"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "Green"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "Blue"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "Black"
                    "name": "GreetType",
                    "values": [
                            "name": {
                                "value": "goodbye"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "bye-bye"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "hello"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "bye"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "hi"
                    "name": "UpDownType",
                    "values": [
                            "name": {
                                "value": "down"
                            "name": {
                                "value": "up"


Skill File
const Alexa = require('ask-sdk-core');
const Util = require('./util');
const Common = require('./common');

// The namespace of the custom directive to be sent by this skill
const NAMESPACE = 'Custom.Mindstorms.Gadget';
// The name of the custom directive to be sent this skill
const NAME_CONTROL = 'control';

const LaunchRequestHandler = {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'LaunchRequest';
    handle: async function(handlerInput) {

        let request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope;
        let { apiEndpoint, apiAccessToken } = request.context.System;
        let apiResponse = await Util.getConnectedEndpoints(apiEndpoint, apiAccessToken);
        if ((apiResponse.endpoints || []).length === 0) {
            return handlerInput.responseBuilder
            .speak(`I couldn't find handy. Please check to make sure handy is connected, and try again.`)

        // Store the gadget endpointId to be used in this skill session
        let endpointId = apiResponse.endpoints[0].endpointId || [];
        let endpointId2 = apiResponse.endpoints[1].endpointId || [];
        Util.putSessionAttribute(handlerInput, 'handy_arm', endpointId);
        Util.putSessionAttribute(handlerInput, 'handy_base', endpointId2);
        // Set skill duration to 5 minutes (ten 30-seconds interval)
        Util.putSessionAttribute(handlerInput, 'duration', 10);

        // Set the token to track the event handler
        const token = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.requestId;
        Util.putSessionAttribute(handlerInput, 'token', token);

        return handlerInput.responseBuilder
            .speak("This is handy. How may i help you?")
            .reprompt("Awaiting commands")
            .addDirective(Util.buildStartEventHandler(token,60000, {}))

// Add the speed value to the session attribute.
// This allows other intent handler to use the specified speed value
// without asking the user for input.
const SetSpeedIntentHandler = {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest'
            && Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'SetSpeedIntent';
    handle: function (handlerInput) {

        // Bound speed to (1-100)
        let speed = Alexa.getSlotValue(handlerInput.requestEnvelope, 'Speed');
        speed = Math.max(1, Math.min(100, parseInt(speed)));
        Util.putSessionAttribute(handlerInput, 'speed', speed);

        return handlerInput.responseBuilder
            .speak(`speed set to ${speed} percent.`)

// Construct and send a custom directive to the connected gadget with
// data from the MoveIntent request.
const MoveIntentHandler = {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest'
            && Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'MoveIntent';
    handle: function (handlerInput) {
        const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope;
        const direction = Alexa.getSlotValue(request, 'Direction');

        // Duration is optional, use default if not available
        const duration = Alexa.getSlotValue(request, 'Duration') || "2";

        // Get data from session attribute
        const attributesManager = handlerInput.attributesManager;
        const speed = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes().speed || "50";
        const handy_base = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes().handy_base || [];

        // Construct the directive with the payload containing the move parameters
        const directive = Util.build(handy_base, NAMESPACE, NAME_CONTROL,
                type: 'move',
                direction: direction,
                duration: duration,
                speed: speed

        const speechOutput = (direction === "brake")
            ?  "Applying brake"
            : `${direction} ${duration} seconds at ${speed} percent speed`;

        return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const MoveElbowIntentHandler = {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest'
            && Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'MoveElbowIntent';
    handle: function (handlerInput) {
        const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope;

        // Duration is optional, use default if not available
        const degrees = Math.max(1, Math.min(90, parseInt(Alexa.getSlotValue(request, 'Degrees')))) || "2";
        const up_down = Alexa.getSlotValue(request, 'UpDown');

        // Get data from session attribute
        const attributesManager = handlerInput.attributesManager;
        const handy_arm = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes().handy_arm || [];

        // Construct the directive with the payload containing the move parameters
        const directive = Util.build(handy_arm, NAMESPACE, NAME_CONTROL,
                type: 'move_elbow',
                degrees: degrees,
                up_down: up_down

        const speechOutput = `Moving elbow ${up_down} ${degrees} degrees`;
        return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const PickIntentHandler = {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest'
            && Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'PickIntent';
    handle: function (handlerInput) {
        const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope;

        // Get data from session attribute
        const attributesManager = handlerInput.attributesManager;
        const handy_arm = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes().handy_arm || [];
        // Construct the directive with the payload containing the move parameters
        const directive = Util.build(handy_arm, NAMESPACE, NAME_CONTROL,
                type: 'pick'

        return handlerInput.responseBuilder
            .speak("picking object")
const WaveIntentHandler = {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest'
            && Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'WaveIntent';
    handle: function (handlerInput) {
        const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope;
        const greet = Alexa.getSlotValue(request, 'Greet') || "hi";

        // Get data from session attribute
        const attributesManager = handlerInput.attributesManager;
        const handy_arm = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes().handy_arm || [];
        // Construct the directive with the payload containing the move parameters
        const directive = Util.build(handy_arm, NAMESPACE, NAME_CONTROL,
                type: 'wave'

        return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const DropIntentHandler = {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest'
            && Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'DropIntent';
    handle: function (handlerInput) {
        const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope;

        // Get data from session attribute
        const attributesManager = handlerInput.attributesManager;
        const handy_arm = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes().handy_arm || [];
        // Construct the directive with the payload containing the move parameters
        const directive = Util.build(handy_arm, NAMESPACE, NAME_CONTROL,
                type: 'drop'

        return handlerInput.responseBuilder
            .speak("dropping object")
// Construct and send a custom directive to the connected gadget with data from
// the SetCommandIntent request.
const PickColorIntentHandler = {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest'
            && Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'PickColorIntent';
    handle: function (handlerInput) {

        let color = Alexa.getSlotValue(handlerInput.requestEnvelope, 'Color');

        const attributesManager = handlerInput.attributesManager;
        let handy_base = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes().handy_base || [];
        let handy_arm = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes().handy_arm || [];

        // Construct the directive with the payload containing the move parameters
        let directive = Util.build(handy_base, NAMESPACE, NAME_CONTROL,
                type: 'pick_color',
                color: color

        return handlerInput.responseBuilder
            .speak(`Finding the ${color} box`)
const EventsReceivedRequestHandler = {
    // Checks for a valid token and endpoint.
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        let { request } = handlerInput.requestEnvelope;
        console.log('Request type: ' + Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope));
        if (request.type !== 'CustomInterfaceController.EventsReceived') return false;

        const attributesManager = handlerInput.attributesManager;
        let sessionAttributes = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes();
        let customEvent = request.events[0];

        // Validate event token
        if (sessionAttributes.token !== request.token) {
            console.log("Event token doesn't match. Ignoring this event");
            return false;

        // Validate endpoint
        let requestEndpoint = customEvent.endpoint.endpointId;
        if (requestEndpoint !== sessionAttributes.handy_base) {
            console.log("Event endpoint id doesn't match. Ignoring this event");
            return false;
        return true;
    handle(handlerInput) {
        const attributesManager = handlerInput.attributesManager;
        let handy_arm = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes().handy_arm || [];
        console.log("== Received Custom Event ==");
        let customEvent = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.events[0];
        let payload = customEvent.payload;
        let name = customEvent.header.name;
        let directive;
        let speechOutput = ""
        if (name === 'color_found') {
            directive = Util.build(handy_arm, NAMESPACE, NAME_CONTROL,
                type: 'color_found'
            speechOutput = "Picking Box"
        return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const ExpiredRequestHandler = {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'CustomInterfaceController.Expired'
    handle(handlerInput) {
        console.log("== Custom Event Expiration Input ==");

        // Set the token to track the event handler
        const token = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.requestId;
        Util.putSessionAttribute(handlerInput, 'token', token);

        const attributesManager = handlerInput.attributesManager;
        let duration = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes().duration || 0;
        if (duration > 0) {
            Util.putSessionAttribute(handlerInput, 'duration', --duration);

            // Extends skill session
            const speechOutput = `${duration} minutes remaining.`;
            return handlerInput.responseBuilder
                .addDirective(Util.buildStartEventHandler(token, 60000, {}))
        else {
            // End skill session
            return handlerInput.responseBuilder
                .speak("Skill duration expired. Goodbye.")

// The SkillBuilder acts as the entry point for your skill, routing all request and response
// payloads to the handlers above. Make sure any new handlers or interceptors you've
// defined are included below. The order matters - they're processed top to bottom.
exports.handler = Alexa.SkillBuilders.custom()
        Common.IntentReflectorHandler, // make sure IntentReflectorHandler is last so it doesn't override your custom intent handlers


Skill File
'use strict'

const Alexa = require('ask-sdk-core');

const HelpIntentHandler = {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest'
            && Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'AMAZON.HelpIntent';
    handle(handlerInput) {
        const speakOutput = 'You can command handy to move forward, pick, drop and more.';

        return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const CancelAndStopIntentHandler = {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest'
            && (Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'AMAZON.CancelIntent'
                || Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'AMAZON.StopIntent');
    handle(handlerInput) {
        const speakOutput = 'Goodbye!';
        return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const SessionEndedRequestHandler = {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'SessionEndedRequest';
    handle(handlerInput) {
        // Any cleanup logic goes here.
        return handlerInput.responseBuilder

// The intent reflector is used for interaction model testing and debugging.
// It will simply repeat the intent the user said. You can create custom handlers
// for your intents by defining them above, then also adding them to the request
// handler chain below.
const IntentReflectorHandler = {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest';
    handle(handlerInput) {
        const intentName = Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope);
        const speakOutput = `You just triggered ${intentName}`;

        return handlerInput.responseBuilder
            .reprompt("I don't understand this command, try again")

// Generic error handling to capture any syntax or routing errors. If you receive an error
// stating the request handler chain is not found, you have not implemented a handler for
// the intent being invoked or included it in the skill builder below.
const ErrorHandler = {
    canHandle() {
        return true;
    handle(handlerInput, error) {
        console.log(`~~~~ Error handled: ${error.stack}`);
        const speakOutput = `Sorry, I cannot understand what you are saying. Please try again`;

        return handlerInput.responseBuilder

// The request interceptor is used for request handling testing and debugging.
// It will simply log the request in raw json format before any processing is performed.
const RequestInterceptor = {
    process(handlerInput) {
        let { attributesManager, requestEnvelope } = handlerInput;
        let sessionAttributes = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes();

        // Log the request for debug purposes.
        console.log(`=========SessionAttributes==${JSON.stringify(sessionAttributes, null, 2)}`);

module.exports = {


Skill File
 * Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.  All Rights Reserved.
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the terms and conditions
 * set forth in the accompanying LICENSE.TXT file.

'use strict';

const Https = require('https');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const Escape = require('lodash/escape');

const s3SigV4Client = new AWS.S3({
    signatureVersion: 'v4'

 * Get the authenticated URL to access the S3 Object. This URL expires after 60 seconds.
 * @param s3ObjectKey - the S3 object key
 * @returns {string} the pre-signed S3 URL
exports.getS3PreSignedUrl = function getS3PreSignedUrl(s3ObjectKey) {

    const bucketName = process.env.S3_PERSISTENCE_BUCKET;
    return Escape(s3SigV4Client.getSignedUrl('getObject', {
        Bucket: bucketName,
        Key: s3ObjectKey,
        Expires: 60 // the Expires is capped for 1 minute

 * Builds a directive to start the EventHandler.
 * @param token - a unique identifier to track the event handler
 * @param {number} timeout - the duration to wait before sending back the expiration
 * payload to the skill.
 * @param payload - the expiration json payload
 * @see {@link https://developer.amazon.com/docs/alexa-gadgets-toolkit/receive-custom-event-from-gadget.html#start}
exports.buildStartEventHandler = function (token, timeout = 30000, payload)  {
    return {
        type: "CustomInterfaceController.StartEventHandler",
        token: token,
        expiration : {
            durationInMilliseconds: timeout,
            expirationPayload: payload

 * Builds a directive to stops the active event handler.
 * The event handler is identified by the cached token in the session attribute.
 * @param {string} handlerInput - the context from Alexa Service
 * @see {@link https://developer.amazon.com/docs/alexa-gadgets-toolkit/receive-custom-event-from-gadget.html#stop}
exports.buildStopEventHandlerDirective = function (handlerInput) {

    let token = handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes().token || '';
    return {
        "type": "CustomInterfaceController.StopEventHandler",
        "token": token

 * Build a custom directive payload to the gadget with the specified endpointId
 * @param {string} endpointId - the gadget endpoint Id
 * @param {string} namespace - the namespace of the skill
 * @param {string} name - the name of the skill within the scope of this namespace
 * @param {object} payload - the payload data
 * @see {@link https://developer.amazon.com/docs/alexa-gadgets-toolkit/send-gadget-custom-directive-from-skill.html#respond}
exports.build = function (endpointId, namespace, name, payload) {
    // Construct the custom directive that needs to be sent
    // Gadget should declare the capabilities in the discovery response to
    // receive the directives under the following namespace.
    return {
        type: 'CustomInterfaceController.SendDirective',
        header: {
            name: name,
            namespace: namespace
        endpoint: {
            endpointId: endpointId

 * A convenience routine to add the a key-value pair to the session attribute.
 * @param handlerInput - the context from Alexa Service
 * @param key - the key to be added
 * @param value - the value be added
exports.putSessionAttribute = function(handlerInput, key, value) {
    const attributesManager = handlerInput.attributesManager;
    let sessionAttributes = attributesManager.getSessionAttributes();
    sessionAttributes[key] = value;

 * To get a list of all the gadgets that meet these conditions,
 * Call the Endpoint Enumeration API with the apiEndpoint and apiAccessToken to
 * retrieve the list of all connected gadgets.
 * @param {string} apiEndpoint - the Endpoint API url
 * @param {string} apiAccessToken  - the token from the session object in the Alexa request
 * @see {@link https://developer.amazon.com/docs/alexa-gadgets-toolkit/send-gadget-custom-directive-from-skill.html#call-endpoint-enumeration-api}
exports.getConnectedEndpoints = function(apiEndpoint, apiAccessToken) {

    // The preceding https:// need to be stripped off before making the call
    apiEndpoint = (apiEndpoint || '').replace('https://', '');

    return new Promise(((resolve, reject) => {

        const options = {
            host: apiEndpoint,
            path: '/v1/endpoints',
            method: 'GET',
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiAccessToken

        const request = Https.request(options, (response) => {
            let returnData = '';
            response.on('data', (chunk) => {
                returnData += chunk;

            response.on('end', () => {

            response.on('error', (error) => {


Skill File
  "name": "handy",
  "version": "1.1.0",
  "description": "The skill which can interact with handy and perform functions",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "author": "Shreyas Jha and Sukriti Jha",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "ask-sdk-core": "^2.6.0",
    "ask-sdk-model": "^1.18.0",
    "aws-sdk": "^2.326.0",
    "request": "^2.81.0",
    "lodash": "^4.17.11"


Shreyas Jha and Sukriti Jha

Posted by Sunil Jha


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