Use flow:
1. phone: start activity
1. watch: start activity
2. phone: detects earthquake and display it on map
2. phone: displays earthquake, with "Just happened!" tag
display location, magnitude, distance and current position
when "End Interaction" button is hit, go to step 4
3. watch: simulate a shake
3. phone display an image nearby display a list of previous earthquakes, each can be tapped
4. watch recreate the past earthquakes, with "RECREATED" tag
API and other features:
1. USGS API: query the USGS API every 30 seconds, parse the JSON object, if there is a new earthquake (contain "magType" String), set the start time to end time to make sure no duplicate earthquake exists
2. Instagram API: query Instagram API with the private client ID and the earthquake longitude and latitude, parse the JSON object, use bitmap(DownloadImageTask) to turn an url to a image
3. Location API: get the location of the user, by LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.getLastLoction
4. use accelerometer and implements watch implements sensor listener
5. mobile implements scrollable list to recreate previous earthquakes
Self Heuristic Evaluation:
1. Visibility of system status:
Use different Toast to tell user button has been hit, ex:display "starts detection" when hit the button to start, display "recreate earthquake in (loacation)" when recreate certain earthquakes...
2. Aesthetic and minimalist design, Consistency and standard
Use the pink red color to call user's attention
Display only useful information and no extra button/textview