DRS 2.0 aims at improving where DRS (Dash Replenishment Service) got left behind - providing users with list of best prices and discounts before shipping it to them.
By integrating Dash Button with Alexa (Amazon Echo/Amazon Tap) via AWS, we hope to inhibit the plight of customers who would have otherwise ended up unknowingly buying at a price much higher than the best price available.
In the instance of using Dash button for ordering a pack of 6 Gatorades:
1) First click of Dash Button will list down relevant items with price.
2) Using rules created via Rules Engine (AWS IoT Platform), the same would be communicated to user via Alexa.
3) If item number 5 in the list has the lowest price, then press button 5 times, to select the item and ship it.
While this is just a simple use case, the same logic can be applied for Internet Connected items like Fridge, Food Dispenser, etc.
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