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Build a 64kB home computer based on an Arduino Mega 256

This is another retro compute project. Use an Arduino Mega256, 64kB serial RAM, a display and a keypad to build a standalone computer.

IntermediateFull instructions provided4,142
Build a 64kB home computer based on an Arduino Mega 256

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560
3.5 inch TFT (ILI9486) based
ZX81 Keyboard
Serial SRAM 23LC512
Arduino MEGA prototype shield with headers


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IoT BASIC interpreter

The BASIC interpreter for Arduinos

ZX81 Keyboard library

Reading the ZX81 keyboard

Software SPI SD library

Using the SD card on the TFT display




13 projects • 17 followers
From nuclear physicist to IT manager at Audi.. From Pascal and Fortran to C, C++ and python. A lot of microcontroller work today.
