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Alert System with Photo Resistor, Buzzer and Laser (Concept)

Ever wondered on how to build a system to alert you of visitors, intruders or when an object is moved.

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Alert System with Photo Resistor, Buzzer and Laser (Concept)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano v3 compatible board
Laser Transmitter Module - KY-008
Passive Buzzer Module - KY-006
Photo-resistor Module - KY-018
Breadboard - 830 Tie Points

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Schematic for Light System


Code for Alert System using Laser, Buzzer and Lightsensor

// Photo Resistor Module KY-018 and Passive Buzzer Module KY-006 for Arduino
// 20 January 2020 
// Author:
// Hardware:
//   Arduino
//   Photo Resistor Module KY-018
//   Passive Buzzer Module KY-006
//   Wiring:
//     KY-018      -> Arduino
//      S          -> A0
//      + (middle) -> VCC 3.3V or 5V
//      - (GND)    -> GND
//     KY-006      -> Arduino
//      S          -> D4
//      (middle)   -> NOT USED
//      - (GND)    -> GND
// Purpose:
//    Sound alert when photo resistor is no longer getting light.
//    The code supports to modes controlled by "TriggerModeOnce"
//    triggerModeOnce = true;  // will sound alert once light source is lost and will continue to sound even if light source is restorted (Intruder alert). To reset, push reset button
//    triggerModeOnce = false; // will sound alert only when light source is lost. When lught source is restored, sound stops (visitor entered shop)

// Hardware config
int photoModule  = A0;    // S Pin of Photo Resistor Module KY-021 on Arduino A0
int buzzerModule = 4;     // S Pin of Passive Buzzer Module KY-006 on Arduino D4

// Software config
boolean triggerModeOnce = true;  // will sound alert once light source is lost and will continue to sound even if light source is restorted (Intruder alert). To reset, push reset button
boolean photoTriggered = false;  // indicator if photoresistor lost light source
int triggerThreshold = 150;      // threshold for alert trigger. Anything beyond this value coming from Photoresistor will trigger alert

// setup PINs
void setup() {
  pinMode(photoModule, INPUT);
  pinMode(buzzerModule, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

  // sound alert if
  //   1) threshold is exceeded - or -
  //   2) triggerModeOnce is alert and has been triggered before
  if ((analogRead(photoModule) > triggerThreshold) || (photoTriggered && triggerModeOnce)) {
    photoTriggered = true; // mark trigger

    // reset buzzer
    digitalWrite(buzzerModule, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(buzzerModule, LOW);

    // sound alert with PWM
    for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) {  // make a sound
      digitalWrite(buzzerModule, HIGH); // send high signal to buzzer 
      delay(1); // delay 1ms
      digitalWrite(buzzerModule, LOW); // send low signal to buzzer


    for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { //make another sound
      digitalWrite(buzzerModule, HIGH);
      delay(2); // delay 2ms
      digitalWrite(buzzerModule, LOW);

  } else {
    // make sure is down
    digitalWrite(buzzerModule, LOW);


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