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Sridhar Rajagopal
Published © GPL3+

Portable Capacitive Touch Piano

Make your own capacitive touch piano with slide keys. Use "Secret-Keys" demo jingles if your playing is not as good as your coding! :-)

BeginnerFull instructions provided12,342

Things used in this project

Hardware components

ProtoStax Enclosure for Arduino
ProtoStax Enclosure for Arduino
ProtoStax for Arduino - Stackable, Modular Enclosures
Adafruit 12 x Capacitive Touch Shield for Arduino - MPR121
Adafruit Piezo Buzzer - PS1240
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Copper Foil Tape with Conductive Adhesive
Hook Up Wire Kit, 22 AWG
Hook Up Wire Kit, 22 AWG


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Custom parts and enclosures

ProtoStax Piano Keyboard Template

Template for cutting piano keys for ProtoStax Capacitive Touch Piano and to drill holes in the Top Plate


ProtoStax CapacitiveTouch Piano Demo Schematic



Demo for ProtoStax Piano with ProtoStax for Arduino Enclosure, Adafruit 12 x Capacitive Touch Shield for Arduino - MPR121, Piezo Buzzer, and Arduino


Sridhar Rajagopal
19 projects β€’ 58 followers
Entrepreneur. Software Engineer. Maker. Tinkerer. Internet-of-things addict.
