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Steffi N

Wall Mounted Textile MP3 Player

MP3 Player with fabric user interface using Arduino LilyPad.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)1,137
Wall Mounted Textile MP3 Player

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Lilypad MP3 Board
SparkFun Lilypad MP3 Board
Sewable Conductive Thread
Sewable Conductive Thread
Conductive Fabric
Resistor 1.5k Ohm
With metal slider and plastic teeth
Magnet Ring 3/16"
Micro SD card
Needs to be attracted by magnets ;-)

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Hand sewing needle and needle threader
Sewing machine


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Arduino LilyPad Textile MP3 Player



Sketch for the Arduino Lilypad wall mounted mp3 player.
// ******************************* INFORMATION ***************************//

// ***********************************************************************//
// "MP3Mat" sketch for Lilypad MP3 Player
// Stefanie Noell
// me@stefanienoell.com

// March 2016
// Version 1.0

// Tries to find five directories, whose names start with "1" - "5".
// If a directory is chosen via UI, it reads files within it and starts playing MP3s until the last one is finished.
// If no directory is chosen it stops playing.
// Goes into sleep mode after set period of time where no input has been made and no MP3 has been played.
// Wakes up when change at any input is detected.

// Uses four inputs:
// 1) Analog - Voltage divider circuit (range 0-5) to choose directory from which to play Mp3 files("0" = no directory chosen)
// 2) Analog - Voltage divider circuit (range 0-5) to adjust volume
// 3) Digital - Switch to play previous track
// 4) Digital - Switch to play next track

// Code dealing with the voltage divider reading was adapted from
// http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=20125.0
// as published by Doug LaRue in November 2008 under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0

// Code dealing with sleep mode was adapted from 
// http://playground.arduino.cc/Learning/ArduinoSleepCode
// Copyright (C) 2006 MacSimski 2006-12-30 
// Copyright (C) 2007 D. Cuartielles 2007-07-08 - Mexico DF

// ***********************************************************************//

// ******************************* TODOS *********************************//

// ***********************************************************************//

// - set volume as per UI at start

// ***********************************************************************//

// ******************************* LIBRARIES *****************************//

// ***********************************************************************//
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

// Uses the SdFat library by William Greiman, which is supplied
// with this archive, or download from http://code.google.com/p/sdfatlib/

// Uses the SFEMP3Shield library by Bill Porter, which is supplied
// with this archive, or download from http://www.billporter.info/

#include <SPI.h>            // To talk to the SD card and MP3 chip
#include <SdFat.h>          // SD card file system
#include <SFEMP3Shield.h>   // MP3 decoder chip

// Create library objects:
SFEMP3Shield MP3player;
SdFat sd;

// ***********************************************************************//

// ******************************* CONSTANTS *****************************//

// ***********************************************************************//

// Set DEBUG = true if you'd like status messages sent
// to the serial port. Note that this will take over trigger
// inputs 4 and 5. (You can leave triggers connected to 4 and 5
// and still use the serial port, as long as you're careful to
// NOT ground the triggers while you're using the serial port).

const boolean DEBUG = false;

const byte SET_DIRECTORY_PIN = A5;   // voltage divider circuit input connected to ANALOG pin 5 (T3 on Lilypad MP3 with SJ1 cut/disconnected!)
const byte SET_VOLUME_PIN = A0;   // voltage divider circuit input connected to ANALOG pin 0 (T1 on Lilypad MP3)
const byte NEXT_TRACK_SWITCH_PIN = A4; // switch circuit input connected to ANALOG pin 4 (T2 on Lilypad MP3)
const byte PREVIOUS_TRACK_SWITCH_PIN = 1; // switch circuit input connected to DIGITAL pin 1 (T4 on Lilypad MP3)

const byte SD_CS = 9;     // Chip Select for SD card
const int EN_GPIO1 = A2;  // Amp enable + MIDI/MP3 mode select

// Error window for voltage dividers
const int ERROR_WINDOW = 50;  // +/- this value

// Delay between voltage divider readings
const int BUTTONDELAY = 500;

// Max number of files to be read per directory (more files = more memory needed!)
const byte MAX_NUM_FILES = 20;

// Delay after which sleep mode is turned on if there is no interaction and no mp3 playing
const int SLEEP_DELAY = 20000; // in ms

// ***********************************************************************//

// ******************************* VARIABLES *****************************//

// ***********************************************************************//

SdFile file;
byte result;

// We'll store the five directories and up to MAX_NUM_FILES filenames as arrays of characters.
// "Short" (8.3) filenames are used, followed by a null character.
char dirname[5][13];
char filename[MAX_NUM_FILES][13] = {};

// store the index of the last chosen directory as well as index of playing file
byte last_dir = 0;   // previous chosen directory/trigger (0 = none)
byte last_file = 0;  // previous (playing) file (0 = none)

byte volume = 50; // actual volume value
byte target_vol = 50; // volume we want to fade to
byte target_vol_range = -1;  // previous volume trigger ( range of 0 to 5);

boolean nextTrackSwitchOn = false;
boolean previousTrackSwitchOn = false;

long buttonLastChecked = 0; // variable to limit the voltage divider triggers getting checked every cycle

long sleepCounter = 0;  // counts up to SLEEP_DELAY and then turn on sleep mode

// ***********************************************************************//

// ******************************* SETUP *********************************//

// ***********************************************************************//
void setup()

  // =======================================================================//
  // ! Initialize the serial port                                           //
  // =======================================================================//
  // (The 'F' stores constant strings in flash memory to save RAM)
  if (DEBUG)
    Serial.println(F("Lilypad MP3 Player trigger sketch"));

  // =======================================================================//
  // ! Initialize switch buttons as inputs                                  //
  // =======================================================================//
  // and turn on internal pullup resistors (IS THIS NEEDED?? WHAT DOES IT DO???)

  // =======================================================================//
  // ! Initialize amplifier chip                                           //
  // ======================================================================//
  // The board uses a single I/O pin to select the
  // mode the MP3 chip will start up in (MP3 or MIDI),
  // and to enable/disable the amplifier chip:
  digitalWrite(EN_GPIO1,LOW);  // MP3 mode / amp off

  // =======================================================================//
  // ! Initialize the SD card                                               //
  // =======================================================================//
  // SS = pin 9, half speed at first
  if (DEBUG) Serial.print(F("initialize SD card... "));

  result = sd.begin(SD_CS, SPI_HALF_SPEED); // 1 for success

  if (result != 1) // Problem initializing the SD card
    if (DEBUG) Serial.println(F("error, halting"));
  else if (DEBUG) Serial.println(F("success!"));

  // =======================================================================//
  // ! Start up the MP3 library                                             //
  // =======================================================================//
  if (DEBUG) Serial.print(F("initialize MP3 chip... "));

  result = MP3player.begin(); // 0 or 6 for success

  // Check the result, see the library readme for error codes.
  if ((result != 0) && (result != 6)) // Problem starting up
    if (DEBUG)
      Serial.print(F("error code "));
      Serial.println(F(", halting."));

  else if (DEBUG) Serial.println(F("success!"));

  // =======================================================================//
  // ! Read directories                                                     //
  // =======================================================================//

  // =======================================================================//
  // ! Set initial volume                                                   //
  // =======================================================================//
  // Set the VS1053 volume. 0 is loudest, 255 is lowest (off):
  MP3player.setVolume(50, 50);

  // =======================================================================//
  // ! Turn on the amplifier chip                                           //
  // =======================================================================//

} // /setup()
// ***********************************************************************//

// ******************************* LOOP **********************************//

// ***********************************************************************//
void loop()

  volatile boolean detectedInteraction = false;

  if ( buttonLastChecked == 0 ) // see if this is the first time checking the buttons
    buttonLastChecked = millis() + BUTTONDELAY; // force a check this cycle

  // =======================================================================//
  // ! Check voltage divider inputs                                         //
  // =======================================================================//
  if ( millis() - buttonLastChecked > BUTTONDELAY ) { // make sure a reasonable delay passed
    int buttNum;

    // ========================== DIRECTORY ================================//
    // check if the directory switch is triggered
    if ( buttNum = buttonPushed(SET_DIRECTORY_PIN)) {

      // try to start playing from new directory if trigger is new
      if (buttNum != last_dir) {
        if (DEBUG) {
          Serial.print(F("DIRECTORY ")); Serial.print(buttNum); Serial.println(F(" was triggered."));
        last_dir = buttNum;
        detectedInteraction = true;

        // Do we have a dirname for this trigger?
        if (!dirname[buttNum - 1])
          if (DEBUG)
            Serial.println(F("no directory for that trigger"));
        else // We do have a directory for this trigger!

          if (DEBUG)
            Serial.print(F("got new trigger with directory "));

          // If a file is already playing, stop the playback before playing the new file.
          if (MP3player.isPlaying())

          // read filenames of triggered directory ()

      else {
        // not a new button was trigger, but trigger is still on

        // Play next track if music is not playing
        if (!MP3player.isPlaying())


    } else {
      // no directory triggered at all
      if (DEBUG) Serial.println(F("No DIRECTORY triggered at all."));
      if (MP3player.isPlaying())
        detectedInteraction = true;
      last_dir = 0;
      last_file = 0;

    // ========================== VOLUME ================================//
    // check if the volume voltage divider has changed

    if ( buttNum = buttonPushed(SET_VOLUME_PIN)) {

      // change volume if trigger is new
      if (buttNum != target_vol_range) {

        if (DEBUG) {
          Serial.println(F("// ***************** VOLUME *******************//"));
          Serial.print(F("Volume Range ")); Serial.print(buttNum); Serial.println(F(" was triggered."));

        target_vol_range = buttNum;

        detectedInteraction = true;



    buttonLastChecked = millis(); // reset the lastChecked value

  // =======================================================================//
  // ! Check switch inputs                                                  //
  // =======================================================================//
  int previousTrackSwitchState = digitalRead(PREVIOUS_TRACK_SWITCH_PIN);
  int nextTrackSwitchState = digitalRead(NEXT_TRACK_SWITCH_PIN);

  // play new track if PREVIOUS switch has been triggered
  // only do this if debug == false as trigger is used by serial monitoring as well otherwise!
  if (!DEBUG  && last_dir > 0 && previousTrackSwitchState == LOW && !previousTrackSwitchOn) {
    if (DEBUG) Serial.println(F("// ***************** play PREVIOUS track triggered *******************//"));
    if (MP3player.currentPosition() >= 3000) { // has played more than 3 seconds of track
      // go to beginning of track
      //MP3player.skipTo(0); // !PROBLEM: skipping doesn't reset position to 0!
      // so basically, play same song again
    } else {
    previousTrackSwitchOn = true;
  } else {
    previousTrackSwitchOn = false;

  // play new track if NEXT switch has been triggered
  if (last_dir > 0 && nextTrackSwitchState == LOW && !nextTrackSwitchOn) {

    if (DEBUG) Serial.println(F("// ***************** play NEXT track triggered *******************//"));
    nextTrackSwitchOn = true;
  } else {
    nextTrackSwitchOn = false;

  if (nextTrackSwitchState == LOW) {
    detectedInteraction = true;

  // =======================================================================//
  // ! Handle sleep mode                                                    //
  // =======================================================================//
  if (!detectedInteraction && !MP3player.isPlaying()){;
    if (millis() - sleepCounter >= SLEEP_DELAY){
      //Serial.print(F(" ++++++++ Sleep Counter ++ :")); Serial.print(sleepCounter);
      //Serial.print(F(" ++++++++ Sleep DELAY ++ :")); Serial.println(SLEEP_DELAY);
      if (DEBUG) Serial.println(F("// ******** GO TO SLEEP NOW !!!! *******//"));
      sleepCounter = millis();
    sleepCounter = millis();

  // =======================================================================//
  // ! Adjust volume                                                        //
  // =======================================================================//

}// loop()
// ***********************************************************************//

// =======================================================================//
// ! MP3 Helper Functions                                                 //
// =======================================================================//
void stopPlayback() {

  if (DEBUG) Serial.println(F("stopping playback"));



void playNextTrack() {

  if ( (last_file + 1) <= MAX_NUM_FILES && filename[last_file] != "") {


void playPreviousTrack() {

  if ( (last_file - 1) >= 0 && filename[last_file - 2] != "") {


void playMp3File(byte fileNum) {

  // Play the filename associated with the index
  // (If a file is already playing, this command will fail
  //  with error #2).

  result = MP3player.playMP3(filename[fileNum - 1]);

  if (result == 0) last_file = fileNum;  // Save playing trigger

  if (DEBUG)
    if (result != 0)
      Serial.print(F("error "));
      Serial.print(F(" when trying to play track "));
      Serial.print(F("playing "));
    Serial.println(filename[fileNum - 1]);

void setTargetVolumeByRange(byte val) {
  target_vol = map(val, 0, 5, 0, 60);
  target_vol = constrain(target_vol, 0, 60);

  if (DEBUG) {
    Serial.print(F("Setting target volume to: "));


void adjustVolume() {

  if (volume < target_vol) {
    volume ++;
    //    if (DEBUG) {
    //      Serial.print(F("Volume = "));
    //      Serial.println(volume);
    //    }
  } else if (volume > target_vol) {
    volume --;
    //    if (DEBUG) {
    //      Serial.print(F("Volume = "));
    //      Serial.println(volume);
    //    }

  MP3player.setVolume(volume, volume);


// =======================================================================//
// ! Filesystem Helper Functions                                          //
// =======================================================================//
void readRootDirnames() {

  byte index;
  char tempdirname[13];

  // Now we'll access the SD card to look for directories
  if (DEBUG) Serial.println(F("reading root directory"));

  // Start at the first file in root and step through all of them:
  sd.chdir("/", true);

  while (file.openNext(sd.vwd(), O_READ))
    // get dirname

    // Does the filename start with char '1' through '5' and is a directory?
    if (tempdirname[0] >= '1' && tempdirname[0] <= '5' && file.isDir())
      // Yes! subtract char '1' to get an index of 0 through 4.
      index = tempdirname[0] - '1';

      // Copy the data to our dirname array.
      strcpy(dirname[index], tempdirname);

      if (DEBUG) // Print out file number and name
        Serial.print(F("found an entry with a leading "));
        Serial.print(index + 1);
        Serial.print(F(": "));
    else if (DEBUG)
      Serial.print(F("found an entry w/o a leading number: "));


  if (DEBUG)
    Serial.println(F("done reading root directory"));

  if (DEBUG) // List all the files we saved:
    for (byte x = 0; x <= 4; x++)
      Serial.print(F("trigger "));
      Serial.print(x + 1);
      Serial.print(F(": "));


void readFilenames(byte dirNum) {

  char tempfilename[13];
  byte index = 0;

  // delete previously stored filenames 

  // Now we'll access the SD card to look for directories
  if (DEBUG) {
    Serial.print(F("reading directory: "));
    Serial.println(dirname[dirNum - 1]);

  // Start at the first file in directory and step through all of them:
  sd.chdir("/", true);
  if (!sd.chdir(dirname[dirNum - 1], true)) {
    if (DEBUG) Serial.println(F("chdir failed for directory "));
  else {
    // directory exists, so read files
    while (file.openNext(sd.vwd(), O_READ))

      // get filename

      // Copy the data to our filename array is name doesn't start with "_"
      if (tempfilename[0] != 95) {
        strcpy(filename[index], tempfilename);
        if (DEBUG) // Print out file number and name
          Serial.print(F("found a file: "));



  if (DEBUG) {
    Serial.print(F("done reading directory "));
    Serial.println(dirname[dirNum - 1]);

    // List all the files we saved:
    for (byte x = 0; x < MAX_NUM_FILES; x++)
      Serial.print(F("file "));
      Serial.print(F(": "));

  // start playing first file
  last_file = 0;

// =======================================================================//
// ! Read Voltage Divider input                                           //
// =======================================================================//

int buttonPushed(byte pinNum) { //  Read voltage divider
  int val = 0;         // variable to store the read value
  pinMode(pinNum, INPUT);
  digitalWrite((pinNum), HIGH); // enable the 20k internal pullup
  val = analogRead(pinNum);   // read the input pin

//  if (DEBUG) {
//    Serial.print(F("pinNum: "));
//    Serial.print(pinNum);
//    Serial.print(F(", val: "));
//    Serial.println(val);
//  }

  // we don't use the upper position because that is the same as the
  // all-open switch value when the internal 20K ohm pullup is enabled.
  //  if( val >= 923 and val <= 1023 ){
  //    if (DEBUG) {
  //      Serial.println(F("switch 0 pressed/triggered"));
  //    }
  //    return 0;
  //  } else

  if ( val >= 780 and val <= 880 ) { // 830
    if (DEBUG) {
      Serial.println(F(": switch 1 pressed/triggered"));
    return 1;
  else if ( val >= (630 - ERROR_WINDOW) and val <= (630 + ERROR_WINDOW) ) { // 630
    if (DEBUG) {
      Serial.println(F(": switch 2 pressed/triggered"));
    return 2;
  else if ( val >= (430 - ERROR_WINDOW) and val <= (430 + ERROR_WINDOW) ) { // 430
    if (DEBUG) {
      Serial.println(F(": switch 3 pressed/triggered"));
    return 3;
  else if ( val >= (230 - ERROR_WINDOW) and val <= (230 + ERROR_WINDOW) ) { // 230
    if (DEBUG) {
      Serial.println(F(": switch 4 pressed/triggered"));
    return 4;
  else if ( val >= 0 and val <= (20 + ERROR_WINDOW) )  {
    if (DEBUG) {
      Serial.println(F(": switch 5 pressed/triggered"));
    return 5;
    return 0;  // no button found to have been pushed

// =======================================================================//
// ! Sleep Mode and Interrupt Helper Functions                            //
// =======================================================================//
void myAttachInterrupt() {
  cli();    // switch interrupts off while messing with their settings
  //PCIFR  |= 0x02; // clear any outstanding interrupt
  PCIFR  |= 0b00000110; // clear any outstanding interrupt
  //PCICR = 0x02;         // Enable PCINT1 interrupt
  PCICR |= 0b00000110;   // Enable port C & D (PCINT1_vect & PCINT2_vect) interrupts
  PCMSK1 |= 0b00110001;  // turn on pins A0, A4 & A5
  PCMSK2 |= 0b00000011;    // turn on pins D0 & D1

void myDetachInterrupt() {
  cli();    // switch interrupts off while messing with their settings
  PCIFR  |= 0; // clear any outstanding interrupt
  PCICR = 0;         // Disable PCINT1 interrupt
  PCMSK1 = 0;
  PCMSK2 = 0;

ISR(PCINT1_vect) {    // Interrupt service routine. Every single PCINT8..14 (=ADC0..5) change
  // will generate an interrupt: but this will always be the same interrupt routine

 // Nothing to be done here. We only wanted to wake up from sleep.

ISR(PCINT2_vect){}    // Port D, PCINT16 - PCINT23 (D0-...)

void sleepNow()         // here we put the arduino to sleep
    Serial.println("Sleep Now!");
  /* Now is the time to set the sleep mode. In the Atmega8 datasheet
   * http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc2486.pdf on page 35
   * there is a list of sleep modes which explains which clocks and
   * wake up sources are available in which sleep mode.
   * In the avr/sleep.h file, the call names of these sleep modes are to be found:
   * The 5 different modes are:
   *     SLEEP_MODE_IDLE         -the least power savings
   *     SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN     -the most power savings
   * For now, we want as much power savings as possible, so we
   * choose the according
   * sleep mode: SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN
  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);   // sleep mode is set here

  sleep_enable();          // enables the sleep bit in the mcucr register
  // so sleep is possible. just a safety pin

  /* Now it is time to enable an interrupt. We do it here so an
   * accidentally pushed interrupt button doesn't interrupt
   * our running program.

  sleep_mode();            // here the device is actually put to sleep!!

  sleep_disable();         // first thing after waking from sleep:
  // disable sleep...
  myDetachInterrupt();      // disables interrupt

    Serial.println("Woken up!");

Arduino Lilypad MP3Mat


Steffi N
1 project • 2 followers


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