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Battery Powered TV Remote Control with 3D-Printed Case

Make your own TV remote!

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Battery Powered TV Remote Control with 3D-Printed Case

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
9V battery (generic)
9V battery (generic)
9V to Barrel Jack Connector
9V to Barrel Jack Connector
IR transmitter (generic)
Machine Screw, M3
Machine Screw, M3
Machine Screw, M2.5
Machine Screw, M2.5
M3 nut
M2.5 nut
Through Hole Resistor, 47 ohm
Through Hole Resistor, 47 ohm
Prototyping board, 2.54 mm
PCB push button
Male-Header 36 Position 1 Row- Long (0.1")
Male-Header 36 Position 1 Row- Long (0.1")

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free
PLA filament, diameter 1.75 mm


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Custom parts and enclosures





Breadboard view

Fritzing diagram



#include <IRremote.h>
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/power.h>
// Pin definition
// An IR LED must be connected to Arduino PWM pin 3
#define OnOff 1
#define Source 0
#define CH_plus 4
#define CH_minus 5
#define Vol_plus 6
#define Vol_minus 7
#define Interrupt_Pin 2 //Only pin 2 or 3 on Arduino Uno
// TV model definition
//#define LG_TV
//#define SAMSUNG_TV
#define SONY_TV
// Codes definition
#ifdef LG_TV
  unsigned long on_off_code = 551489775; // HEX 20DF10EF
  unsigned long vol_plus_code = 551502015; //HEX 20DF40BF
  unsigned long vol_minus_code = 551534655; //HEX 20DFC03F
  unsigned long ch_plus_code = 551485695; //HEX 20DF00FF
  unsigned long ch_minus_code = 551518335; //HEX 20DF807F
  unsigned long source_code = 551538735; //HEX 20DFD02F
  unsigned long on_off_code = 3772793023; // HEX E0E040BF
  unsigned long vol_plus_code = 3772833823; //HEX E0E0E01F
  unsigned long vol_minus_code = 3772829743; //HEX E0E0D02F
  unsigned long ch_plus_code = 3772795063; //HEX E0E048B7
  unsigned long ch_minus_code = 3772778743; //HEX E0E008F7
  unsigned long source_code = 3772809343; //HEX E0E0807F
#ifdef SONY_TV
  unsigned long on_off_code = 2704; //HEX A90
  unsigned long vol_plus_code = 1168; //HEX 490
  unsigned long vol_minus_code = 3216; //HEX C90
  unsigned long ch_plus_code = 144; //HEX 090
  unsigned long ch_minus_code = 2192; //HEX 890
  unsigned long source_code = 2640; //HEX A50
//Enable Debug
//#define DEBUG
IRsend irsend; //Create IR object
unsigned long debounce_time;
unsigned long last_time;

void setup() {
  analogWrite(13,0); //turn of builtin led
  //noInterrupts(); //disable interrupts
  //CLKPR = _BV(CLKPCE); //enable clock prescaler settings
  //CLKPR = _BV(CLKPS0); //set clock prescaler = 2 --> 8 MHz
  //power saving
  power_adc_disable(); //disable all ADCs
  power_spi_disable(); //disable SPI
  power_timer1_disable(); //disbale timer 1 (0 is for millis(), 2 is for irremote.h)
  power_usart0_disable(); //disable serial
  power_twi_disable(); //disable TWI
  #ifdef DEBUG

void loop() {
 //check OnOff
 if (!digitalRead(OnOff)) {
  debounce_time = millis();
  while (millis() - debounce_time < 40 ) {
  if (!digitalRead(OnOff)) {
    #ifdef LG_TV
      irsend.sendNEC(on_off_code, 32);
    #ifdef SAMSUNG_TV
      irsend.sendSAMSUNG(on_off_code, 32);
    #ifdef SONY_TV
      irsend.sendSony(on_off_code, 12);
    last_time = millis(); //last time a button was pressed
    #ifdef DEBUG
 //check Source
 if (!digitalRead(Source)) {
  debounce_time = millis();
  while (millis() - debounce_time < 40 ) {
  if (!digitalRead(Source)) {
    #ifdef LG_TV
      irsend.sendNEC(source_code, 32);
    #ifdef SAMSUNG_TV
      irsend.sendSAMSUNG(source_code, 32);
    #ifdef SONY_TV
      irsend.sendSony(source_code, 12);
    last_time = millis(); //last time a button was pressed
    #ifdef DEBUG
 //check CH_plus
 if (!digitalRead(CH_plus)) {
  debounce_time = millis();
  while (millis() - debounce_time < 40 ) {
  if (!digitalRead(CH_plus)) {
    #ifdef LG_TV
      irsend.sendNEC(ch_plus_code, 32);
    #ifdef SAMSUNG_TV
      irsend.sendSAMSUNG(ch_plus_code, 32);
    #ifdef SONY_TV
      irsend.sendSony(ch_plus_code, 12);
    last_time = millis(); //last time a button was pressed
    #ifdef DEBUG
 //check CH_minus
 if (!digitalRead(CH_minus)) {
  debounce_time = millis();
  while (millis() - debounce_time < 40 ) {
  if (!digitalRead(CH_minus)) {
    #ifdef LG_TV
      irsend.sendNEC(ch_minus_code, 32);
    #ifdef SAMSUNG_TV
      irsend.sendSAMSUNG(ch_minus_code, 32);
    #ifdef SONY_TV
      irsend.sendSony(ch_minus_code, 12);
    last_time = millis(); //last time a button was pressed
    #ifdef DEBUG
 //check Vol_plus
 if (!digitalRead(Vol_plus)) {
  debounce_time = millis();
  while (millis() - debounce_time < 40 ) {
  if (!digitalRead(Vol_plus)) {
    #ifdef LG_TV
      irsend.sendNEC(vol_plus_code, 32);
    #ifdef SAMSUNG_TV
      irsend.sendSAMSUNG(vol_plus_code, 32);
    #ifdef SONY_TV
      irsend.sendSony(vol_plus_code, 12);
    last_time = millis(); //last time a button was pressed
    #ifdef DEBUG
 //check Vol_minus
 if (!digitalRead(Vol_minus)) {
  debounce_time = millis();
  while (millis() - debounce_time < 40 ) {
  if (!digitalRead(Vol_minus)) {
    #ifdef LG_TV
      irsend.sendNEC(vol_minus_code, 32);
    #ifdef SAMSUNG_TV
      irsend.sendSAMSUNG(vol_minus_code, 32);
    #ifdef SONY_TV
      irsend.sendSony(vol_minus_code, 12);
    last_time = millis(); //last time a button was pressed
    #ifdef DEBUG
 if (millis()-last_time > 5000) { //a button has not been pressed for 10 s
  #ifdef DEBUG
      Serial.println("Going to sleep...");
  going_to_sleep(); //enter sleep mode
  #ifdef DEBUG
      Serial.println("Waking up...");

//Sleep Mode function
void going_to_sleep() {
  sleep_enable(); //enable sleep mode
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(Interrupt_Pin), wake_up, LOW); //interrupt for waking up --> configure Interrupt Pin as a WIRED NOR!!!
  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); //full sleep mode
  sleep_cpu(); //activate sleep mode

//Wake Up function
void wake_up() {
  sleep_disable(); //disable sleep mode
  detachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(Interrupt_Pin)); //remove the interrupt




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