This is my latest 'Work In Progress' project. It uses an ESP32 WROOM and an 8x32 WS2812b Matrix. The text is sent via a bluetooth phone app to the ESP32 and is displayed instantly, scrolling to the left. Up to 9 preset colours can also be selected using the app.
The Text length is probably unlimited although untested.
The codes sent by the phone app are 0-8 representing the preset colours and 9 indicates that text is being sent next.
When the ESP32 is powered up, it will send an ID of "BT_Text". Connect with the phone using bluetooth before opening the app. The new android update now specifically needs permission to communicate with Bluetooth and will not work otherwise. On first installation of the app an error will ask for permission. Give permission and re-open the app. If permission is not given and the app refuses to function, go into the app settings on the phone and grant permission from there.
A demonstration video -->