Taras Kravchuk
Created November 24, 2016

Earthquake Tracker

Keep track of recent earthquakes with Earthquake Tracker.

Earthquake Tracker

Things used in this project


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AWS Lambda function that runs this python code.
Author: Taras Kravchuk
App: Earthquake Tracker
Description: An Alexa skill that uses the API at earthquake.usgs.gov to return
            info on recent earthquakes

from __future__ import print_function
import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# --------------- Helpers that build all of the responses ----------------------

def build_speechlet_response(title, output, reprompt_text, should_end_session):
    return {
        'outputSpeech': {
            'type': 'PlainText',
            'text': output
        'card': {
            'type': 'Simple',
            'title': title,
            'content': output
        'reprompt': {
            'outputSpeech': {
                'type': 'PlainText',
                'text': reprompt_text
        'shouldEndSession': should_end_session

def build_response(session_attributes, speechlet_response):
    return {
        'version': '1.0',
        'sessionAttributes': session_attributes,
        'response': speechlet_response

# --------------- Functions that control the skill's behavior ------------------

def get_welcome_response():
    """ If we wanted to initialize the session to have some attributes we could
    add those here

    session_attributes = {}
    card_title = "Welcome to Earthquake Tracker"
    speech_output = "Welcome to Earthquake Tracker. " \
                    "Earthquake Tracker can return earthquake information recorded in the last twenty days.  " \
                    "Try asking Earthquake Tracker for info on the most recent earthquake by saying, " \
                    "ask earthquake tracker about the most recent earthquake."
    # If the user either does not reply to the welcome message or says something
    # that is not understood, they will be prompted again with this text.
    reprompt_text = "Try asking Earthquake Tracker for info on the most recent earthquake by saying, " \
                    "ask earthquake tracker what was the most recent earthquake."
    should_end_session = False
    return build_response(session_attributes, build_speechlet_response(
        card_title, speech_output, reprompt_text, should_end_session))

def handle_session_end_request():
    card_title = "Session Ended"
    speech_output = "Thank you for trying Earthquake Tracker. " \
                    "Stay safe and have a nice day! "
    # Setting this to true ends the session and exits the skill.
    should_end_session = True
    return build_response({}, build_speechlet_response(
        card_title, speech_output, None, should_end_session))

def wrong_intent():
    session_attributes = {}
    title = "Intent Question Error"
    output = "I'm sorry, I did not understand that. " \
             "Try asking Earthquake Tracker for info on a recent large earthquake by saying, " \
             "ask earthquake tracker what was the largest earthquake in the last ten days. "
    reprompt = "Try asking Earthquake Tracker for info on the most recent earthquake by saying, " \
                "ask earthquake tracker what was the most recent earthquake."
    should_end_session = False
    return build_response(session_attributes, build_speechlet_response(
        title, output, reprompt, should_end_session))
def help_intent():
    session_attributes = {}
    title = "Earthquake Tracker Help"
    output = "Try asking Earthquake Tracker for info on a large earthquake by saying, " \
             "ask earthquake tracker about the largest earthquake in the last ten days."
    reprompt = "Try asking Earthquake Tracker for info on the most recent earthquake by saying, " \
                "ask earthquake tracker what was the most recent earthquake."
    should_end_session = False
    return build_response(session_attributes, build_speechlet_response(
        title, output, reprompt, should_end_session))

def get_day_range_warning():
    session_attributes = {}
    title = "Day Range Error"
    output = "Earthquake Tracker can only return earthquakes recorded in the last twenty days.  " \
             "Try asking Earthquake Tracker for info on a recent large earthquake by saying, " \
             "ask earthquake tracker what was the largest earthquake in the last ten days."
    reprompt = "Try asking Earthquake Tracker for info on the most recent earthquake by saying, " \
                "ask earthquake tracker what was the most recent earthquake."
    should_end_session = False
    return build_response(session_attributes, build_speechlet_response(
        title, output, reprompt, should_end_session))

def get_largest_index(eq_list):
    largest_index = 0
    largest_mag = eq_list[0]['properties']['mag']
    for i, item in enumerate(eq_list):
        if eq_list[i]['properties']['mag'] > largest_mag:
            largest_mag = eq_list[i]['properties']['mag']
            largest_index = i
    return largest_index

def get_recent_earthquake(intent, session, magnitude, day_range, largest):
    if not day_range:
        day_range = 2
    if day_range > 20:
        return get_day_range_warning()
    start_date = (datetime.today() - timedelta(int(day_range))).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    session_attributes = {}
    reprompt = None
    title = "Earthquake Tracker"
    end_sess = False
    if not magnitude:
        eq_magnitude = ''
        eq_magnitude = '&minmagnitude=%s'%magnitude
    url = "http://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query?format=geojson&eventtype=earthquake&starttime=%s%s"%(start_date, eq_magnitude)
    r = requests.get(url)
    earthquakes = json.loads(r.text)
        count = earthquakes['metadata']['count']
        if count <= 0:
            context = "There are no recent earthquakes to report"
            if largest:
                largest_index = get_largest_index(earthquakes['features'])
                context_fill = "largest earthquake in the last %s days"%day_range
                largest_index = 0
                context_fill = "most recent earthquake"
            mag = earthquakes['features'][largest_index]['properties']['mag']
            ts_date = earthquakes['features'][largest_index]['properties']['time']
            eq_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_date/1000.0).strftime("%B %d %Y at %I:%M %p GMT")
            tsunami = earthquakes['features'][largest_index]['properties']['tsunami']
            if tsunami == 0:
                tsunami = ""
                tsunami = "The earthquake may have triggered a tsunami which could affect the surrounding areas!"
            location = earthquakes['features'][largest_index]['properties']['place']
            loc_map = {"N":"North", "E":"East", "S":"South", "W":"West"}
            loc_list = location.split(' ')
            loc_string = ''
            for i in loc_list[1]:
                loc_string += loc_map[i]
            final_location = loc_list[0] + " " + loc_string + " " + " ".join(loc_list[2:])
            context = "The %s with a magnitude of %s, occured %s on %s. %s"%(context_fill, mag, final_location,eq_date, tsunami)
        if magnitude:
            context = "There are no recent earthquakes with a magnitude of %s and greater"%magnitude
            context = "There are no recent earthquakes to report"
    return build_response(session_attributes, build_speechlet_response(
        title, context, reprompt, end_sess))

# --------------- Events ------------------

def on_session_started(session_started_request, event, session):
    """ Called when the session starts """

    print("on_session_started requestId=" + session_started_request['requestId']
          + ", sessionId=" + session['sessionId'])

def on_launch(launch_request, session):
    """ Called when the user launches the skill without specifying what they

    print("on_launch requestId=" + launch_request['requestId'] +
          ", sessionId=" + session['sessionId'])
    # Dispatch to your skill's launch
    return get_welcome_response()

def on_intent(intent_request, session):
    """ Called when the user specifies an intent for this skill """

    print("on_intent Intent=" + intent_request['type'] +
          ", MORE INFO=" + str(intent_request['intent']))

    intent = intent_request['intent']
    intent_name = intent_request['intent']['name']
        magnitude = float(intent_request['intent']['slots']['Magnitude']['value'])
        magnitude = None
        day_range = int(intent_request['intent']['slots']['DayRange']['value'])
        day_range = None

        largest = intent['slots']['Largest']['value']
        largest = False
        if largest == "largest":
            largest = True

    if intent_name == "RecentEarthquakeTracker" and (magnitude or day_range or largest):
        return get_recent_earthquake(intent, session, magnitude, day_range, largest)
    elif intent_name == "AMAZON.HelpIntent":
        return help_intent()
    elif intent_name == "AMAZON.CancelIntent" or intent_name == "AMAZON.StopIntent":
        return handle_session_end_request()
        return wrong_intent()

def on_session_ended(session_ended_request, session):
    """ Called when the user ends the session.
    print("on_session_ended requestId=" + session_ended_request['requestId'] +
          ", sessionId=" + session['sessionId'])
    # add cleanup logic here
    return handle_session_end_request()

# --------------- Main handler ------------------

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    """ Route the incoming request based on type (LaunchRequest, IntentRequest,
    etc.) The JSON body of the request is provided in the event parameter.
    print("event.session.application.applicationId=" +

    if (event['session']['application']['applicationId'] != "amzn1.ask.skill.9583873c-bbfb-4822-abeb-ec841f3fc7eb"):
        raise ValueError("Invalid Application ID")

    if event['request']['type'] == "LaunchRequest":
        return on_launch(event['request'], event['session'])
    elif event['request']['type'] == "IntentRequest":
        return on_intent(event['request'], event['session'])
    elif event['request']['type'] == "SessionEndedRequest":
        return on_session_ended(event['request'], event['session'])


Taras Kravchuk

Taras Kravchuk

1 project • 0 followers
